EA.com has leaked the name and the description of the next Expansion Pack for The Sims 4 – Eco Lifestyle! Check out what the pack is about:
Ready for your Sims to impact their world? Move into a community of fellow collaborative makers in The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack!* Play to change and make a difference in the new world of Evergreen Harbor. Help your new neighbors decide on a Community Space Project, reduce your eco footprint, and watch your neighborhood transform. You’ll be surprised by what happens when your Sims start making the rules.
Stay tuned on Sims Community for all the latest updates on the pack!
I really appreciate you saying this
I’m really excited! I think there is a lot of potential for this pack and look forward to the trailer tomorrow!
ladders people ladders!!watch the trailer
besides youtubers like plumbella like it and think its cool dot like dont buy and get over it who knows maybe the upcoming gamepack will be farming
Bring out a farming one!! Where you can actually have cattle and own a ranch!!
Also bring back the cars
I love the sims I have played the sims 1-2-3-4 and sims freeplay and sims mobile and it seems lately the entire “Sims” team has really not put much effort into updates and game packs lately. Currently playIng Sims4, SFP, SM and ALL of them keep coming with this crappy outdoor stuff bushes, flowers and outdoor furniture then few months later same crap as before just different color and different name. So many possibilities and we get a carbon copy of the last game packs, Island living mixed with tiny living. Farming, Generations, Open Schools, outdoor Sports, Ski resort, infants that we can actually do something with the list goes on and on and we literally get dumpsters and garbage and CAS items that look that they got them from the dumpster….. Not wasting my money on literal garbage!!!!!!
can you guys pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee try abd get cc for the sims4 ps4 pleaseeeeeee
An eco themed expansion? That sounds very boring in my opinion
I mean, Country Livin’ sounds far more interesting, beside, having our sims live on a farm and only using off the grid stuff, even if the toilets ends up being those bushes from Get Together, it would still be eco friendly and way more fun
Famous Sim YouTubers have made farm houses already and we get a eco themed expansion?
Who else thinks that this got to have something to do with the pandemic going around or something?
A lot of the features were leaked two years ago. Remember this? https://simscommunity.info/2017/06/23/the-sims-4-eco-living-vote-for-gameplay-features/
Check the ideas on the whiteboard.
Still waiting on a farming pack
Well, I like it! And they actually DID listen to the community with this EP, cause we all voted on it way back.
And I for one was getting bored with the same formula repeated for every Sims game. They came up with something new and different this time. And I think it looks great and is likely to have some fun gameplay!!
I’m not terribly concerned about the gameplay aspects of this, but there seems to be a lot I can use for my comic.
Man I was really hoping for some sort of farming country situation
I want the haunted happenings or what ever it was that one sounded the best
Me too! More spookiness less about this conservation crap! More Mystery would save this sinking ship. Starting with Sulani, conservation…okay. Next small living also conservation oriented, and Now a whole pack? EA needs mystery adventure not this reduce carbon footprint stuff.
I mean this could be a nice idea for a gamplay pack – but for an expansion pack? I dont know.
Guess we’ll see what it will be like in the trailer tomorrow.
Greta in the Sims as well? That girl is literally everywhere
That’s cool.. maybe the country livin is the game pack coming out and this eco pack is the expansion and the knitting is the stuff pack
If that’s true I am disappointed to be honest.
Wait, what was all the Future Cube stuff about then?
Maybe that was about the upcoming Game Pack?
It sounds so boring
Honestly, EA! Enough with the carbon footprint stuff. That’s real life and this is a game. Besides as everyone has pointed out we have this stuff already. Conservationist Career?! I’m being honest here, my sims already have too many outfits so knitting? Really?! A rocking chair?! I still want a private island where no other sims can come to without an invite. With 4 lots only. A real Mystery to solve and more things to unlock an example would be a tomb raider style adventure with things to explore and great mysteries hidden. Farming would have been better! How about traveling to the park with your infant in a baby carrier on a baby blanket? I mean…so many other choices. I don’t mind not having cars I know that S4 is not set up road wise for cars, but you could easily do a subway system. Sorry if this sounds like a rant but I do love the sims despite all of this.
Are you kidding? This is just Island Living without the mermaids and that was the best part! SO disappointed, you could have given us anything but you went with a rehash of what we already have. Who said we wanted this? I also remember being promised something “unlike anything we have done”. Really?
That was the game pack. And I still feel that ea has a few tricks up it’s sleeve for the trailer. I THINK this one MIGHT include farming
While I really enjoy the SIMS 4, I’m not the kind of person who has to own every expansion or pack. This means if this ends up not interesting me I simply won’t purchase it. And you shouldn’t either. Buy & support content you enjoy, if EA isn’t making money off of things because the community is not interested then the developers will have to change their strategy to create content that is sellable. Because at the end of the day EA is a corporation & have a bottom line to meet.
I am excited to see what this pack holds although it is very annoying that THIS is the pack they’ve chosen to make. SO MANY people have voiced their opinion over MANY YEARS about what they want in a pack and very little of it has been worked on. If it were up to me, I would want WAY BETTER BABIES it seems illogical that our sims should have to worry about a carbon foot print and knit before we make and entire LIFE STAGE more fun to play. This is just my opinion although I’d love for someone on the sims team to take note of it since I know I’m not the only one who feels this way.
It would have been fun to get like a royalty pack
Lolol…seriously??? Omg….if this ends up being $40; I’ll pass. I realize they wont care, but in all honesty they should because this “expansion” thing is going from bad to much worse!!
Isn’t that exactly like Island Living gameplay? Very disappointed and I love the vast majority of packs. People voted in the 2018 poll for farms. Why not farms?
I. Am. Not. Impressed. We legit got Off the grid with island living and if it wasn’t in depth enough do a fix on the pack don’t make me pay £40 for another pack to get what we got in island living. I’m also really mad at the person who made the whole Country living fake thing because it seriously got my hopes up ACTUALLY being able to make myself and live how I live (on a farm and taking care of horses and other farm animals) . The sims advertises themselves with many reasons to play one of which being “Live your life” but I can’t do that without having one of the MAIN points in my life! I would much rather spend £40 on a pack I want and would use than £40 on a pack that was included in another £40 pack.
I think maybe stay open to it, they don’t go into much detail here and it may still have some sort of farming vibe to it “fingers and toes crossed!” I also really really want a farming pack for the same reason you do
.-. I want cute goats
I am not unhappy about this. I don’t know if you’re aware, but you don’t HAVE to buy any of the packs.
Well Amber, I’m not sure if you’re aware, but saying “yOu DoNt HavE to Buy thE PAcK” contributes NOTHING to the conversaion and is a weak ass rebuttal to valid opinions and criticisms of the game. WE *KNOW* that we don’t have to buy the pack. I’m assuming most people here are probably not going to buy it to begin with. You stating so literally changes NOTHING about the decision people already made. That doesn’t mean people can’t voice their opinion that they are disappointed. Just say you have no valid rebuttals and go.
Trust, I understand. For people saying you don’t have to buy it, why are you bothered by someone who wants to voice their opinion on something they’re hoping to support? Complaints mean they wanted to get it and it falls short. Which it does.
I’ll end up buying it because I love the sims, the only thing I couldn get behind is that pets stuff pack. There still isn’t much known so hopefully there will be features that will make up for this at least in my eyes.
I’m interested to learn more about it, but tbh it doesn’t even sound remotely fun so far. “Watch your neighborhood transform” – if this is the same thing as when you transform the neighborhood in Sulani or whatever its name is, then it’s not really a thing to be proud of. That one was really underwhelming.
But, let’s not be negative until we see and learn more about it.
Good thing I didn’t anticipate this pack to be anything remarkable. A full-on expansion pack? No. This series is just rapidly going downhill. And with another pointless stuff pack dedicated to “knitting” I really don’t know why I even bother keeping up-to-date with The Sims 4 anymore. Paralives is starting to look even better right now.
You know that has not been done in any game play and as a knitter I am excited. Plus later when they do make better babies I can make blankets for them. I didn’t complain about the tiny house b.s. so lay off fiber art at least we get to sell crafts in a new way.
For the eco life style pack it says it will come out June 5th at 6 but it’s still not here
I’m really disappointed, I expected cows, goats, pigs … horses to come! I was looking forward to farming, because it was missing in ep cats and dogs, it froze me a lot, so I hoped that you would come later with farm animals, but as I see it, it will be a useless ep again, which will really make me sad. Maybe you should perceive the player more and I doubt very much that someone wanted eco something … generations and country livin is a lot wnated and asked …lucky that the game paralives comes out… there will be at least have more options.
I’m more of a builder and creator so I mostly care about build and CAS items lol. I’ve also never played sims 1, 2, or 3 so I have nothing to compare the current game to, I just personally wish there was a stronger fantasy element to it. I know most people prefer realistic gameplay but give me a sims version of Game of Thrones and I’d be all set! I want dragons and castles and fantasy outfits!! I understand this would probably be more of a game pack.
So for me, the idea of a farming pack wasn’t the most exciting idea but I figured I’d be able to incorporate it into a medieval/fantasy setting. Plus the horses would be perfect for my Beauxbatons build I’m working on for Harry Potter lol. I do like sci-fi as well so perhaps I can incorporate this pack into a futuristic, post apocalyptic style! I am interested to find out what they have come up with and I know they can’t please everyone. I guess for me, I am big into eating clean and recycling but I don’t want a game about it – its like making a game about toilets – I use toilets but I don’t want to spend my time playing with one lol.
We shall see! I am just happy to get some new items and features to play with so whether I’m geeked about the pack or not, I’m still getting it! ha
The Sims 3 had a world called Dragon Valley which was Medieval, but I don’t think a concept like that would transfer over to the sims 4 as nicely because you can visit all the worlds at any given time so they would need to at least be in the same time period. Maybe if we got a time traveling pack we could go into the past, but I feel like it’s easier to create the future rather than the past.
There is a Sims Medieval game, you know. That’s a completely separate game.
There’s is a sims medieval expansion
They do have sims medieval if your interested in that.
This is comparable to that of receiving socks on Christmas after constantly saying how much we wanted a shiny new toy.
I think that this ep could be a lot of fun. I’m also really happy it’s not just going to be farming because if I wanted to farm in a video game, I would just play Farming Simulator.
I’m trying to stay open-minded but this sounds like it could potentially be the worst expansion pack ever. Tomorrow’s trailer should be interesting!
Wow… That’s not interesting but we’ll see what happens.
That’s “funny” how people like complaining. A looot. Who says eco-living isn’t compatible with farm life style. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Sims team merged both ideas in order to make a more interesting and up-to-date pack.
But you forget… this is EA we’re talking about.
Framing is definitely incompatible with eco-lifestyle because animal husbandry produces huge carbon footprints. And I most definitely WOULD BE VERY SURPRISED if EA put those two things together (comprehensive packs for TS4 don’t seem to be their thing).
Definitely. It doesn’t sound like something they would do haha
Actually it’s the big production and the supply chain of meat production that is bad for the environment. Having your own animals isn’t actually that bad for the environment…
People are complaining because we technically already have this in island living. What’s the use of creating an expansion on something we technically already have.