The Sims 4 Guides Snowy Escape

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Complete Breakdown of 16 New Lifestyles


Presented by EA Game Changers

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape Expansion Pack comes with an exclusive new Lifestyle feature that reflect your Sims’ previous experiences. Unlike Traits that you give your Sims straight from Create A Sim or unlock through various different Skills and Careers, Lifestyles are given to your Sim exclusively through the way you play with your Sim.

As you do certain interactions that fit into the profile of a certain Lifestyle, Sims will slowly build progress through that Lifestyle. There’s a limit to how much progress in a lifestyle you can make, meaning that Lifestyles can be unlocked slowly in a matter of few days in the game.

To know which Lifestyles you have or which Lifestyles you’re progressing through, open the Sim Info Panel menu. In there you’ll see 3 different slots of Lifestyles (which, by the way, is the max amount of Lifestyles your Sim can have).

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Complete Breakdown of 16 New Lifestyles

In the Lifestyles Menu you can keep track of all the Lifestyles that there are as well as with which Lifestyles you’re making progress. There are some Lifestyles in the Menu that are randomly hidden. Certain Lifestyles get randomly hidden with each save game!

Screenshot 208

Lifestyles are much more powerful compared to traits as they give really strong buffs to your Sim – both positive and negative depending on if they’re following their Lifestyle correctly or not. There’s so much to talk about how these Lifestyles impact your everyday life and how Sims’ everyday activities get impacted by them.

We also have a video breakdown of all the new lifestyles coming with the pack that you can check out below!

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Complete Breakdown of 16 New LifestylesAdrenaline Seeker

Adrenaline Seeker is a Lifestyle for Sims who seek out danger, adventure, and sometimes even drama to ride the wave of an adrenaline rush! To acquire or maintain this Lifestyle, explore dangerous locales, get into fights, woohoo outside, work in a dangerous career, and seek out excitement in all its forms! Just be sure to avoid the mundane.

Lifestyle Effects:

  • Various benefits when thrill-seeking
  • Avoids boring conversations
  • Does not panic during fire and finds it exciting
  • Increased work performance in dangerous careers
  • Can “Talk about New Adventure” and “Enthuse about Thrill-Seeking” with other Sims
  • Can “Fight for the Rush!” after having gone too long without a thrill
  • Bored when performing mundane interactions and socials
  • Tense when going too long without excitement

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Complete Breakdown of 16 New LifestylesClose-Knit

Sims living a Close-Knit Lifestyle prefer to form deep connections with a small circle of friends. To acquire or maintain this Lifestyle, a Sim should keep their friend count between one and three Sims while seeking to deepen the relationships they do have.

Lifestyle Effects:

  • Keeps Good Friends longer but has a harder time staying friends with Sims at lower relationship levels
  • More likely to gain Long Term Sentiments with friends
  • Can “Ask to Be Confidant” and gains unique flavor socials with Confidant
  • Tense when without friends or when friend group grows to four or more

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Complete Breakdown of 16 New LifestylesCoffee Fanatic

Sims who live a Coffee Fanatic Lifestyle want nothing more than another cup of java in order to reap its benefits. To acquire or maintain this Lifestyle, drink a lot of coffee.

Lifestyle Effects:

  • Various benefits after drinking coffee
  • Will make and drink more coffee than other Sims
  • Brewed Coffee is always Outstanding Quality
  • Increased Skill gain in all Skills after drinking coffee
  • Can “Talk about Benefits of Coffee” or “Lament the Detriments of Coffee” depending on caffeinated status
  • Can “Work Caffeinated Shift” while at work
  • Increased work performance after drinking coffee
  • Uncomfortable after going too long without drinking coffee

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Complete Breakdown of 16 New LifestylesEnergetic

Sims who live an Energetic Lifestyle love to stay active and keep moving! To acquire or maintain this Lifestyle, seek out athletic and sporty activities or join a high-energy career.

Lifestyle Effects:

  • Various benefits when performing high-energy activities
  • Prefers to perform high-energy activities
  • Increased work performance in high-energy careers
  • Decreased work performance in low-energy careers
  • Dislikes low-energy activities and becomes tense when going without activity for too long

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Complete Breakdown of 16 New LifestylesFrequent Traveler

Frequent Travelers make a habit of visiting new and exciting places and want to experience everything these locales have to offer! To acquire or maintain this Lifestyle, travel for vacations, visit exotic hidden destinations, and seek out new experiences while traveling.

Lifestyle Effects:

  • Various benefits when traveling to another world or when taking a vacation
  • Increased Skill gain in all Skills while on vacation specifically
  • Increased work performance and other benefits after returning from a vacation
  • Can “Ask about Home Region” on locals to gather destination suggestions while traveling
  • Can “Share Travel Stories” after a vacation
  • Bored after having gone too long without travel

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Complete Breakdown of 16 New LifestylesHealth Food Nut

Sims who live a Health Food Nut Lifestyle are devoted to eating nutrient-filled foods! To acquire or maintain this Lifestyle, eat healthy foods and harvestables while avoiding Quick Meals, desserts, or anything that may seem unhealthy!

Lifestyle Effects:

  • Various benefits when eating healthy food
  • Prefers to cook and eat healthy food
  • Can “Cook Healthy Meal” to make alternative healthy recipe options
  • Increased Weight Loss and Fitness Gain while working out after eating a meal made by “Cook Healthy Meal”
  • Can “Evangelize Benefits of Health Food” to other Sims
  • Displeased by eating junk food and tense when going too long without eating healthy food

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Complete Breakdown of 16 New LifestylesHungry for Love

Sims living a Hungry for Love Lifestyle have a strong desire to be in a relationship and struggle to deal with life without one. To acquire or maintain this Lifestyle, engage with romantic media or attempt to romance other Sims.

Lifestyle Effects:

  • Various benefits when in a romantic relationship
  • Prefers romantic behavior and is more likely to succeed when being romantic
  • Acquires romantic Sentiments more easily
  • Enjoys romantic media
  • Increased Work Performance when in a romantic relationship
  • Tense when not in a romantic relationship

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Complete Breakdown of 16 New LifestylesIndoorsy

Sims living an Indoorsy Lifestyle prefer to be within the confines of an indoor space. To acquire or maintain this Lifestyle, prioritize doing activities indoors rather than outdoors.

Lifestyle Effects:

  • Various benefits when doing indoor activities
  • Prefers to be indoors
  • Decreased work performance in outdoor careers
  • Tense when spending too much time outside rather than inside

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Complete Breakdown of 16 New LifestylesJunk Food Fiend

Sims who live a Junk Food Fiend Lifestyle crave snacks and sweets and are enthusiasts of spicing food up with sugar and bacon! To acquire or maintain this Lifestyle, eat Quick Meals, desserts, or anything that may seem unhealthy as a rule. Just be sure to avoid eating healthy!

Lifestyle Effects:

  • Various benefits when eating junk food
  • Prefers to eat junk food
  • Can “Add Sugar” or “Add Bacon” to food, turning it into junk food
  • Can “Evangelize Benefits of Junk Food” to other Sims
  • Displeased by eating healthy and tense when going too long without eating junk food

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Complete Breakdown of 16 New LifestylesPeople Person

Sims living a People Person Lifestyle have an easier time building and maintaining a large friend group, sometimes at the cost of connecting with those friends. To acquire or maintain this Lifestyle, a Sim should have four or more friends.

Lifestyle Effects:

  • Keeps lower relationship level Friends easier but struggles to keep Good Friends or higher
  • Various benefits when interacting with three or more friends at a time or when making a new friend
  • Less likely to gain Long Term Sentiments with friends
  • Greater need to be social
  • Tense when friend group contains fewer than four Sims

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Complete Breakdown of 16 New LifestylesSingle and Lovin’ It

Sims living a Single and Lovin’ It Lifestyle happily enjoy the ‘single life’ and savor their independence. To acquire or maintain this Lifestyle, avoid being in a committed romantic relationship and romantic media.

Lifestyle Effects:

  • Various benefits when single
  • Increased Skill gain in all Skills when single
  • Less likely to acquire romantic Sentiments
  • Finds romantic media somewhat unrealistic
  • Increased Work Performance when single
  • Tense when in a new committed romantic relationship

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Complete Breakdown of 16 New LifestylesOutdoorsy

Sims living an Outdoorsy Lifestyle prefer to be outside, taking in the fresh air. To acquire or maintain this Lifestyle, prioritize doing activities outdoors rather than indoors.

Lifestyle Effects:

  • Various benefits when doing outdoor activities
  • Prefers to be outdoors
  • Increased work performance in outdoor careers
  • Tense when spending too much time inside rather than outside

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Complete Breakdown of 16 New LifestylesSedentary

Sims who live a Sedentary Lifestyle favor relaxing and lounging in all its forms, and prefer to avoid exerting themselves. To acquire or maintain this Lifestyle, pursue low-energy activities that allow a Sim to relax, sit, and lounge around or join a low-energy career.

Lifestyle Effects:

  • Various benefits when performing low-energy activities
  • Prefers to perform low-energy activities
  • Increased work performance in low-energy careers
  • Decreased work performance in high-energy careers
  • Tense when performing high-energy activities or when going too long without doing relaxing activities

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Complete Breakdown of 16 New LifestylesTechie

Live a life immersed in technology! To acquire or maintain this Lifestyle, interact regularly with electronics and technology or join a tech-related career.

Lifestyle Effects:

  • Various benefits when interacting with technologyPrefers to use technology over non-electronic objects
  • Increased Skill gain in Programming and Rocket Science
  • Can apply the Overclocked Upgrade to computers and then “Enthuse about Processing Power” with other Sims
  • Improved success when repairing and upgrading electronics
  • Increased work performance in tech-related careers
  • Tense when on a lot without Power or when going without technology for too long

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Complete Breakdown of 16 New LifestylesTechnophobe

A Lifestyle dedicated to the avoidance of technology! To acquire or maintain this Lifestyle, a Sim should pursue a livelihood without Power or technology, even going so far as to sabotage or break electronics from time to time.

Lifestyle Effects:

  • Various benefits relating to broken electronics, when on a lot without Power, or when on a lot using the Off-the-Grid Lot Trait
  • Prefers to avoid using technology
  • Can intentionally “Sabotage” electronics
  • Decreased work performance in tech-related careers
  • Tense when using technology

The Sims 4 Snowy Escape: Complete Breakdown of 16 New LifestylesWorkaholic

Sims living a Workaholic Lifestyle tend to fixate on their careers by working extra hard and rarely taking breaks. To acquire or maintain this Lifestyle, pursue promotions, Work Hard while at work, complete Daily Tasks, and abstain from taking days off.

Lifestyle Effects:

  • Needs decay slower while at work
  • Increased work performance gain
  • Difficulty in keeping long term relationships
  • Can “Go to Work on Off Hours” and “Demand Promotion from Boss”
  • Receives extra work-related benefits when in the Corporate Worker career
  • Tense when neglecting work duties or without a job

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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Two Minutes of Hate
Two Minutes of Hate
4 years ago

The technophobe trait is going likely have happy buffs when living on an off the Grid Lot. Likely when related to chores that requires elbow grease as well as not minding a tepid shower believing that clean is clean

Jemima Stilwell
Jemima Stilwell
4 years ago


4 years ago

I really hope these are not all there is. There better be lifestyles dedicated to other expansions like Discover University, Eco Lifestyle or Cats and Dogs. Otherwise, this whole feature will just be so limited.

4 years ago
Reply to  TheGladex

Why would there be lifestyles dedicated to other packs? It’s coming in the Snowy Escape pack, not the base game. It’s for this pack only.

4 years ago
Reply to  AquaGamer1212

Reason number 1: it adds value to the system by incorporating more content into it. Having a feature affect the whole game is more powerful than having it affect 1/10 of it.

Reason number 2: It’s an expansion costing 40 pounds, it better not half arse it’s core features.

Reason number 3: Cross pack integration has always been a big part of the Sims. When Discover University came out it didn’t just support features from base game. It had classes and career boosts for a bunch of expansions. When packs come out they tend to add new features to Get Together clubs.

If you want to know how stupid not adding these for expansions would be, just launch the game right now and try playing with Sentiments. Most actions in the game come from expansions and will not generate sentiments making the whole feature entirely useless for most people.

Eymi Susanne
Eymi Susanne
4 years ago

So the lifestyles are just an extension of the current traits… No original ideas and nothing that relates directly to any of the packs (eg. pets, realm of magic, island living, laundry, eco, tiny homes etc etc) and each lifestyle does exactly the same thing which is raising stills, career performance and relationships…. BORING!

4 years ago

This is definitely a step forward… but I wish it would be something a little bit more in depth. I hope the mechanism of attaining certain lifestyles through the way your sim behaves during their lifespan is better taken advantage of, because this is very similar to some traits that already existed in The Sims 3. Not that I am against that at all, but I wish we could see something truly new in addition to this. Also, the way in which these lifestyles work quenches a certain need when it comes to the household you’re playing with, but when you play through generations and have loads of different households, lifestyles don’t make that much difference in setting out a personality for sims you don’t usually play with but are sort of still a part of your general gameplay. I think it’s important to learn from different installments of the game – there have been zodiac signs, favourite colours, favourite food, favourite music… all that really makes players feel like they’re creating a distinct sim, who is different from the other sims not just in their appearance and job. Now, even though I would love to have those features in The Sims 4, I don’t think that they are the answer in and of themselves – there could be some other totally new feature that works in the same way. Lifestyles sort of does it, but not completely, which kind of brought up that feeling of missing something more palpable that is natural once you’ve played the game for almost 4000 hours.

4 years ago

It’s irritating that there isn’t a creative lifestyle…. I wish they had been more specific. When they noticed a sim doing many activities in the same realm, they’d get that lifestyle… Are you a cook? An artist? A gardener? They really could’ve taken this so much deeper. *rolls eyes*