News Sims Community

Announcing the Sims Community Discord Server!


Ever wanted to meet up with other Simmers, share your creations and stay up to date on all the latest? We’ve got you covered!

Announcing the Sims Community Discord Server – a place where you can do all that plus more! This Discord server is a collection of mutliple different channels that allow you to chat with all your fellow Simmers, share your creations, Mods, CC, Stories, Videos, Streams – basically ANYTHING Sims related.

For those who are out of the Discord loop – Discord is a social networking platform available on both desktops and smartphones that allows you to meet up with fellow gaming community members. The tools within the Discord platform have been specifically adjusted to suit any gamer so they can meet fellow gamers and share their passion for their favorite video game.

With the Sims Community Discord we’re inviting ALL kinds of Sims Players – no matter if you’re playing The Sims 4 or are still in The Sims 1 era (there are seperate channels for each Sims game).

Another thing about the Sims Community Discord – we’ll be closely watching for all your creation submissions as they might just get published on Sims Community and our social media!

So what are you waiting for? The Sims Community Discord is NOW OPEN! Click the button below to join us:

Sims Community Discord

Announcing the Sims Community Discord Server!

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
4 years ago


4 years ago

I’m already join. TODAY