It’s definitely been a while since Electronic Arts has done an in-real-life Marketing Campaign to promote The Sims 4. The last marketing campaign that we had was “You Rule” all the way back in 2014 which…only lasted for a few months before the promotional videos got taken down from The Sims’ official YouTube channel for unknown reasons. Thankfully the progress of this marketing campaign and some of the examples are still up and you can check them out here!
Just a few days ago The Sims official website has listed a new page called “Live The Sims Life”. Inside of this page are 4 different promotional “Live The Sims Life” videos that compare some of The Sims moments to real life. Most of the situations can be done and performed in The Sims 4 however I’m not too sure about the last video where the character jumps into her bedroom pool straight from bed. Huh, maybe it’s just a metaphor.
Anyways, you can check out all the 4 different promotional videos down below!
Tip: AlalaSims
The last one kind of can. You have to have the move objects cheat on and get the bed all the way to edge of pool and when they get up they will auto change clothes and hop in to swim. The one by possible is the sim bushing teeth and eating while in a bathtub. Not possible to in game at all.
Maybe, just maybe that is a hint to a future update
…. We talking about the same EA right? The same one who’s breaking up past packs into more smaller ones technically? And took how long to give us even basic things like toddlers? And always has issues after every update?
Breaking up LN to give us better vampires & breaking up generations into a bunch of more in depth packs. The only real bad thing pack wise is that Seasons is still a pack of its own instead of being a BG update and giving us 4 packs with a world and theme to the season. Every video game that gets live updates gets issues after every one, stop being an entitled karen please
TY for sharing .. that was GREAT!
part of me thinks that there is an offchance this is hinting to a few updates to sims 4 and potentionally on that sp whose listing leaked a few months back
what do you think is the hint to the next sp?
This looks odd. None of these (maybe the 4th one) are possible in The Sims 4. If it wasn’t for “The Sims 4 is required” text in the description of these videos I would’ve thought this was a Sims 5 leak.
I doubt they’d ever make entire ads just to hint at a free update. Most likely this is to get people to buy the sims as a Christmas gift, or trying to get people to buy the sims 4 before sims 5 comes out and 4 becomes worthless.
The lighting in these scenes are better than anything I’ve ever seen in my game but gotta say, really enjoyed them!
I use reshade and haven’t looked back. I loaded my game once without it and the poor lighting just was too much for me to handle with an alternative available.
I would totally use a reshade only I’m on console so…. Obviously the best thing would be if the sims just improved the lighting. And I can only wish I had the money to buy a PC that was good enough to run the sims well.
what is reshade? please explain im very interested!
I’ve already seen two of these while watching a show on Hulu and I was kinda confused cause I was like “great now I’m getting commercials for The Sims.” But they’re actually pretty damn good.