The Sims 4 Guides Cottage Living

Henford-on-Bagley Playlist: Evermore Edition


Our last playlist received some great feedback so we’re back with another one! This time, let’s take a trip down cottagecore lane with the people of Henford-on-Bagley. There is a lot of drama stirring behind the quaint village façade and what better way to air it all out than arguably the most popular cottagecore album released just before this year; Taylor Swift’s evermore!

Here are seven songs from evermore inspired by just a few of Henford-on-Bagley’s residents with the juiciest secrets.

Kim Goldbloom, “tolerate it”

Kim Goldbloom is the cheerful grocery stall owner in Finchwick who seems to love everyone but one particular man in town has truly captured her affections; the elusive Creature Keeper, Michael Bell. Unfortunately, Michael doesn’t share her feelings and poor Kim is left trying to impress someone who simply just tolerates her.

Cecilia Kang, “closure”

Another lady of Henford-on-Bagley who’s involved with Michael Bell is Cecilia Kang but she wasn’t left with quite the same warm fuzzy feelings that Kim harbours for him. In fact, they went on a pretty terrible date that Cecilia would just like to move on from and forget. Michael, however, must have thought the date went well because he’s still smitten with her. Maybe he should take a hint and just leave well enough alone. Not everything requires closure, as Taylor sings about in this song.

Rahmi Watson, “ivy”

Rahmi is married to Thomas Watson but things have been rough since he somewhat reluctantly inherited his parents’ farm. He isn’t adjusting to the change in lifestyle and his grouchiness has pushed Rahmi away… into the arms of Lavina Chopra, Henford-on-Bagley’s mayor. Rahmi seemed to really care for Lavina but Lavina broke things off with her out of guilt and now poor Rahmi is dealing with a broken heart on top of a broken marriage to someone she doesn’t love. This song captures the pain of Rahmi’s affair and crumbling marriage in perfect clarity.

Lavina Chopra, “evermore”

Evermore is a song about being paralysed with guilt and feelings of regret, playing the same moment of when things went wrong over and over again instead of moving forward but it ends on a note of hope. Lavina Chopra was secretly having an affair with a married woman, Rahmi Watson, but guilt eventually led Lavina to break things off with Rahmi. Lavina’s sentiments suggest she’s still struggling to come to terms with that guilt but in time, she may come to see that she has other things in her life she can be proud of, like her son and her job as mayor.

Thomas Watson, “it’s time to go”

After taking over his parents’ farm, Thomas’ marriage started going downhill. He later discovered that his wife, Rahmi, had been cheating on him with the mayor of all people! They’ve been trying to keep things together and move past it for the sake of their three children but Thomas can’t let go of his hurt feelings and Rahmi is more heartbroken over losing Lavina than she is about jeopardizing her marriage. Maybe it’s time for Thomas to recognise when it’s time to go.

Ian Moody & Derek McMillan, “cowboy like me”

Ian and Derek have lived the fast-paced city life and thought it was going to be all hustle and bustle and office jobs forever… until they found each other. Much like the character in this song, it only took the right person to come along for these two to put their pasts behind them and run away to live a quiet, peaceful life together. It must be working for them because they’re old and grey and still very much in love. Considering how dysfunctional most of the other relationships in this town are, Ian and Derek being a couple of retired “cowboys” together is sweet and refreshing.

Agnes Crumplebottom, “right where you left me”

Agnes Crumplebottom’s history is a sad one. She was once in love and married the love of her life but he died in a tragic accident while on their honeymoon. So many of her dreams died before they ever got the chance to be, like her hopes of having children. Rather than move on with someone new, Agnes’ grief stayed stagnant and emotionally, she became frozen in time at the moment her heart was broken just like the woman in this song. Even though the song talks about a breakup and Agnes was separated from her love through death, the fallout of losing the person they love is sadly the same.

Let us know if you liked this Sims-themed playlist here in the comments or come chat with us about it on social media!

About the author


A cranky old lady who prefers the company of cats and Sims over people. Occasionally peeks out from her lair long enough to chuck Sims articles at innocent bystanders.

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Amy Villanueva
Amy Villanueva
3 years ago

I’m not a Taylor Swift fan so I can’t relate to the playlist. If they were Joanna Newsom songs I could see it though.

3 years ago