Electronic Arts has announced today that they are stopping the sales of their video games in the territories of Russia and Belarus.
The decision has been made in support of Ukraine.
Stay alert about the situation in Ukraine. If you have the possibility and resources, here’s a thread on how you can support and donate:
Read their full statement below:
We continue to be shocked at the conflict that is unfolding in Ukraine, and join so many voices around the world in calling for peace and an end to the invasion. We stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine. Our primary concern is the ongoing safety of those in the region, particularly colleagues and partners, and we are seeking to understand how we might best help them further beyond our programs that are already in place.
We have made the decision to stop sales of our games and content, including virtual currency bundles, in Russia and Belarus while this conflict continues. As a result, our games and content will no longer be available for purchase in our Russian region storefront on Origin or the EA app, including through in-game stores. We are also working with our platform partners to remove our titles from their stores and stop the sale of new in-game content in the region.
As this deeply troubling situation evolves, we’re continually reviewing the steps we can take. In addition to changes to our EA SPORTS FIFA and NHL games, we are actively evaluating other areas of our games and operations, and will update with any further actions.
I’m shook.
So you’re punishing an entire country that has nothing to do with the war, in support of Ukrainians? Make it make sense.
I’m in support of Ukrainians. They’re fighting for their lives, but how is banning a game going to stop the war?
EA has not only The Sims, which is peaceful life-simulation game, but also war-oriented game like battlefield, Star Wars, etc. too. Not all of gamers are oriented to peace. And by this no-filtered method, They are expecting peace-supporting Russian gamers to make a move in their own country, too. That’s their plan, intentionally or not.
Notice how I said “a game” and not “The Sims”. Thanks strawman.
Are you speaking of Belarus being the country that has nothing to with the war? Because they do have something to do with the war. They are allowing Russia to use their country for stationing troops. The only way this stops is if ordinary people stand up against their governments.
…and why did they station troops? Why war in the first place? The facts or the history…always lost “in translation”…
Explain? Not sure what you are trying to say.
Im saying that although war always is terrible, it has a background story that very few knows anything about. Choosing sides in a conflict where propaganda is flooding the media from both sides, is not the wisest. The war has – in a way – been going on for 8 years, since pro-Russians in Donbas sided with Russia ( wanted to be Russian) after the Euromaidan- shootings in Ukraine. There is a lot to read about it, there has been a civil war between Ukraine and the pro-Russian regions. Russia stepped in recently (officially) to create some order out of chaos, and then it escalated into what we see know, namely more chaos. In essence, there has been killings and shootings for a long time there, but only recently media noticed because USA predicted a “world-war in Europe”, and now suddenly, the whole world got very emotional about this…
OMG. This russian creep spams swedish forums with her pro-russian filth aswell.
Im not Russian, Im a Swedish citizen. Im saying there is propaganda from both sides and you call it “filth”. I agree, propaganda is mostly “filth”, but so is historical revisionism. I can only say you seem to be afraid of a bigger picture, – i.e. that the conflict is older than the war, and very aggressive because of it. Not knowing whos side your on except you own, just telling you I dont choose a side.
Invasion of a free country and a general nuclear threat to the whole world do change everything in my book. There is no ”bigger picture” than this. Today Russia is the enemy of the free world and the have to pay the price. So you stay Emo-girl but never forget who makes it possible for you to speak your mind and be that emo-girl. It sure isnt Putin.
Same can be said about WWII. For many, history justs “starts” there. Or perhaps “today!”. Your entitled to your opinion and me to mine, Im not an emo-girl btw, but I did have some proper education.
You come across as very patronising and assume that others know nothing.
Others? I was talking to a “Carl” and you are not him, right?
I think you speak to everyone like this, with a condescending attitude. You’re a difficult person to engage with, because to think you know it all and claim to not take any sides, yet you repeat Russian disinformation. The world is complicated, and leaving comments in chats like this don’t get any of us anywhere. I’m done with responding to you.
You think I think I know it all. It is your perception of this conversation. Not to take any side is, for me, the ability to share any version of what is conceived as truth in the moment. Im sure you know all this, still “someone” might not bc things slip our awareness and memory clouds. And yes, I can be condescending. So can you. Relevans?
I’m aware of the conflict in Donbas before the invasion started, and the bullshit pretense that Putin and his cronies put forth of being “peacekeepers”. They are not peace keepers, they are murderers. Also, the Maidan Uprising was to do with Ukrainians being angry that their corrupt government had walked away from signing the European Union-Ukraine Association Agreement. Maybe you should wise up and stop listeing to Putin and is propaganda machine that spreads lies and disinformation.
Good, you´re aware then. But why are you rude to me?
…besides… EU is not yet interested in accepting Ukraine into the Union. Perhaps it is them them who needs to “wise up”?
How is an entire country responsible for the actions of a Government official?
nicely done. punishing entire countries for the mistakes of their leaders.
excuse me, how exactly is this "in support" of Ukrainia? can anyone explain please?
apparently to people press the goverment due the lack of products
But we know Russia is plenty of hackers than can bypass t hose restrictions
Let us remember that Ukraine is not in the EU or NATO, so people from all over the world want to show support for them in this way, because they cannot send troops to help Ukraine because it would unleash the Third World War. Sanctions or restrictions for many Russians are to trigger the so-called civil war so that Russia can lead to Putin’s fall and the withdrawal of troops from Ukraine.
I just wanted to say the same thing!
i get that, but russians and the russian government aren't the same. don't you think the people in russia is suffering as well? it's not like they asked for a war. no one likes wars. in wars, there are no winners, only degrees of desperation. so how exactly is punishing people by banning a game gonna do anything to the russian government? does EA think the russian government play EA games or something enough to boycot the war? xD i mean, be serious (not you, i mean that to EA) -- EA is a corporation. it has money. lots of money. if they want to support Ukrania, they should send them relief efforts, not ban games sold to those trapped in a country that is suddenly at war at their leaders' whims.
The Russian government collects tax on those games. That’s how. It’s all academic regardless, with Visa, Mastercard, and AmEx all banning Russia from using their services, Russians soon won’t be able to buy any games from any publisher that isn’t in Russia selling games on a Russian platform.
Yes it’s sad innocent Russians can’t buy games but innocent Ukrainians are dying. Even innocent Russians are probably dying for speaking out.
Their leaders are there because the people either elect them or they are enabled by the citizens of that nation. When countries are sanctioned it has the intent of waking up those citizens to the actions of their government. Whether Putin is elected fairly or not, he is their leader. They need to hold him responsible. I feel for the Russian people who are against this war, but really not being able to buy The Sims game is nothing compared to what Ukrainians are now faced with. It’s bewildering to me how people don’t understand this.
I don’t think you realise that the sanctions can go one of two different ways: It can 1) rouse the people of Russia to revolt against Putin or 2) Create an extremely negative attitude against the West bc you’ve isolated them and would only serve to empower Putin and his govt. These sanctions are only pushing the people to one of two different extremes, none of them are pretty.
I realise that, I’m sure that European leaders are aware of that. But what else is the alternative? We allow Russian people to be oblivious to what is really happening and let them live their lives as though their government is not killing innocent people in Ukraine? I think not. Putin has hardcore supporters who already have a negative attitude regarding the West. They listen to his propaganda and do not think for themselves. There are already people standing up and protesting against the war there at great risk to themselves, this hopefully motivates them more and may educate those who are brainwashed by Putin. War is not pretty. Putin and his followers can live in a pariah state if that is how they wish to proceed. At least they still have their homes to go to and loved ones.
No know how
or yes… being kindergarten minded
“to make their people press their goverment”
Then Jovan should no publish about The Sims until EA revert it
All that community outcry to successfully reverse their decision not to release Wedding pack, only for Corporate to end up banning all EA products later anyway…
I support companies standing with Ukraine by sanctioning Russia and Belarus. Really, people… you want to be upset over people in Russia and Belarus not being able to buy games? It’s mind boggling. Ukrainians are dying, their country is being invaded by a mad man.
I no share your support
Why no did same when USA invade countries?
The old “what about”-ism argument… We’re discussing Russia and it’s illegal invasion of Ukraine, not the numerous mistakes the USA has made. Fact remains, I support sanctioning Russia and Belarus until they stop this insane attack on the innocent people of Ukraine.
Punishing the Russian and Belarus people for the crimes of their government is not supporting the Ukrainian people. It’s an empty show of empathy for Ukraine. If EA really wanted to make an impact, they could release a statement donating 25% of all profits from games purchased this year to the Ukraine so the people and government there can purchase more weapons, food, and clothing for those suffering during this senseless war.
It’s time for “regime-change” in Russia!