The Werewolves CAS catalogue is HUGE! Check out all 149 new CAS pieces!
The Sims 4 Werewolves comes with 79 CAS assets for adults, 11 CAS assets for children, and 3 CAS assets for toddlers for a total of 93 new CAS assets for humans in total.
In addition to the 93 new CAS assets for humans, werewolves have 56 new presets and accessories available to them to make a total of 149 new CAS assets across both humans and werewolves. This makes Werewolves one of the largest CAS catalogues out of any game pack released to date.
The Werewolves CAS selection is comprised mostly of worn, frayed, and tattered clothing with a pretty fair balance between a grungy aesthetic and a more polished aesthetic to suit the style of both werewolf packs that come with this game pack.
There is a small selection of feminine-specific CAS pieces and no male-specific CAS pieces; rather, the vast majority of the CAS catalogue is unisex. Almost everything can be worn by both frames by default but players can of course customize the clothing preference tags to have either frame wear anything in the catalogue.
Human CAS
Below are all the human-specific CAS pieces in a selection of three of our favourite swatches wherever applicable; however, almost all the items pictured have more swatches than what is pictured here.
Adult Feminine
Hair (5)

Tops (2)

Bottoms (3)

Full-Body Outfits (4)

Accessories (3)

Styled Looks (4)

Adult Unisex
Hair (3)

Tops (10)

Bottoms (4)

Full-Body Outfits (2)

Shoes (3)

Accessories (11)

Tattoos (2)

Face Scars (14)

Body Scars (13)

Styled Looks (2)

Child Feminine
Hair (4)

Child Unisex
Hair (3)

Tops (2)

Bottoms (1)

Hats (1)

Styled Looks (1)

Toddler Unisex
Full-Body Outfits (2)

Styled Looks (1)

Werewolf CAS
Below are previews of all the werewolf-specific presets available; however, the colours and patterns of all the fur can be customized with a colour wheel, stamps, various brush sizes and shapes, and different stencil patterns the same way cats and dogs can be customized. Werewolves can also wear any of the clothes in the human CAS categories, except for some specific items, like hats, shoes, and some accessories.
Like the human CAS category, we will be showing off all the presets in our three favourite swatches wherever applicable.
Adult Unisex
Fur Colours/Patterns (12)

Ear Presets (10)

Nose Presets (5)

Cheek Tufts (8)