Finally, aspirations fit for a teen!
During the High School Years Livestream, SimGuruGeorge and SimGuruJessica showed everyone the new teen-specific aspirations that are part of the new High School Years Expansion Pack. These will be the first aspirations specifically for teens in The Sims 4.

The teen-specific aspirations are all part of the new teen aspiration category, with Relatable being the bonus trait for the category. The Relatable trait’s description reads as follows: “Relatable Sims build friendly relationships with fellow teens faster.”

The four aspirations include the Live Fast, Admired Icon, Goal Oriented, and Drama Llama. Each aspiration has a unique reward trait that will follow the Sim into adulthood. Although they did not mention what each unique reward trait would be, they stated that it would, “help you through the rest of your teen life as well as your adult life.”

The first aspiration is the Live Fast aspiration. The description for the aspiration is: “The Sim aims to get the most out of life by living care-free and rules-free.” Then, there’s the Admired Icon aspiration. The game describes the aspiration as: “This Sim wants to be a trend setter, popular, and influential, A true icon.” In comparison, the aspiration of Goal Oriented, is described as, “This Sim wants to be the best: Grades? check. Sports? Check. Money? Check! The road to success is being paved.” The final aspiration is the Drama Llama aspiration. The description reads as: “The Sim wants all the drama all the time.”
The following information is from LuniverSims and translated by MelinSimsLand. Note, the actual wording will be slightly different due to the translation. For each aspiration, there are three milestones that the teen needs to complete before Young Adulthood. These are some of the requirements for each milestone.
Drama Llama – Requirements for this aspiration include: Gossip 5 times, spread a rumor, kiss in the love ride, and have an enemy rival
Goal Oriented – To finish this aspiration, you need to: Start an after-school activity, do your homework 5 times, earn 500 simoleons, reach level 3 in an after-school activity, get and keep an A average, go to an orientation day, and reach level 3 of a part-time job.
Live Fast – To finish the Live Fast Aspiration, your sim needs to: Do 3 pranks, get in trouble, sneak out to go to a party, ask a sim for a date 5 times, provoke a fight, summon an urban legend 2 times, and pull a prank a sim.
Admired Icon – Requirements for Admired Icon include: Participate in the T-Pose challenge, have 10 teen friends, pose on Social Bunny 5 times, sell 5 outfits on Trendi, win gold at a party, and have 250 followers on Social Bunny.