The Sims 4 Mods The Sims 4

Best Mods For Your The Sims 4 High School Experience!


Some modders have fixed broken features. And some have improved them!

Now that the major bugs in High School Years have been fixed, time for some mods to add to the High School Experience! We’ve collected a list of our favorite mods to both enhance and fix your gameplay! High School Years is required for all these mods.

Gameplay Mods

Fashion Authority by Lot51

Best Mods For Your The Sims 4 High School Experience!

“Been burned too many times by townie fashion? Take control of the threads around your hoods by instituting uniforms! Assign outfits based on Body Frame (Adult/Child), and Fashion Preference (Masculine/Feminine) then restrict by Situation Jobs or Careers, and limit to specific Regions.

Once a Sim has a uniform assigned, anytime they spawn to be assigned to a job (bartender, walkby, student, etc) or a career during work hours, they’ll automatically have their outfit overwritten by your uniform!”

Choose High School Classmates by Rex

Best Mods For Your The Sims 4 High School Experience!

“Tired of everchanging classmates? Use this mod to prevent that!”

Two Prom Royalty Mod by simsmodelsimmer

“I love the prom feature for High School Years, but instead of crowing a Jester, I wanted both winners to be crowned Prom Royalty. This simple mod replaces the Jester with second Prom Royalty. Also, added tweaks to make having high charisma or being part of cheer or football gives higher chance of being crowned prom royalty.”

Clothing Rack- “Just Browsing” Mod by Nando

Best Mods For Your The Sims 4 High School Experience!

“This is a small tuning mod that allows for your Sims to actually browse at the new thrift store clothing racks that came with The Sims 4 High School Years.”

Dress Normal at Thrift Store by NateTheL0ser

“Walk up in the club like what-up, I got badly randomized CC.

No more. Sims now do not have uniforms for their “roles” at the thrift shop. They dress like normal people and not like clowns.”

Form Groups at School by MissyHissy

“I’m enjoying High School Years so far – the pack theme is right up my street and I’m HERE for it. However one thing that bugged me a little was that I couldn’t add Sims to groups in school.

I use the ‘Add To Group’ feature all the time in my gameplay, to encourage groups of friends to sit together at University, to guiding families to the same location at the beach. So to not be able to sit my teen friendship groups together at lunchtime was a bit of a pain.

So I made this little mod to enable the Add To Group interaction while Sims are in school.”

Expanded Trendi Outfit Selection Mod by simodelsimmer

“In The Sims 4 High School Years, the new Trendi Fashion feature was introduced, but only a limited number of CAS pieces can be used when creating a fashion look. This mod expands Trendi to generate a list of all CAS items you own (based on the packs you have installed). IMPORTANT NOTE: The list generates at 6am each day, so after installing the mod you must wait until after 6am either the current or next day for the list to generate with all items. The mod does not yet include CC items (still investigating how to make this work).”

Fixes and Cheats

High School Spawn Fix by Zerbu

“Fixes an issue that prevented player-made teens from spawning at the active high school, and makes it so that the game is equally likely to spawn teens who are assigned to class 1 and class 2. Please note that those two issues are directly related, so it’s not possible (or at least not easy) to fix only one.”

Stop T-Posing Please! by Makarra

“So, with the release of High School Years, I realized I was not a big fan of the T-Pose challenge..thing.

Also, I am support on Sims After Dark, a sims discord server that offers troubleshooting. I saw a lot of people getting this confused with a legit animation error, and I’ve always wanted to try modding, so I figured I could start here!

It should stop all T-posing from NPC’s as that is all I touched in terms of autonomy. However, If you see something out of the ordinary, please come by Sims After Dark and let me know!”

Bug Fix: HSY Hanging Clothes by IlexSims

“While working on a related mod I realized that the High School Years hanging clothes, while marked as dressers, are missing the tuning that would make them actually function. So you click on them and nothing happens.

Best Mods For Your The Sims 4 High School Experience!
Bug Fix: HSY Hanging Clothes by IlexSims

So I figured, hey that’s an easy fix that I can put out! Hopefully this is only a temporary fix until it gets patched but it should do the job for now. And when a real fix comes through I’ll just discontinue this mod.

Requires High School Years of course because if you don’t have it you don’t need to fix the objects that come with it!”

Re-Roll Wants by Lumpinou

“Just a tiny mod to re-roll wants via:

  • a cheat interaction (shift + click your sim with cheats enabled and you’ll see it).
    Pinned wants will not change.

The game re-rolls wants when your Sim wakes up, so, that’s cool, but if you don’t want to wait until then, you can use this interaction.”

Phone Mods

Best Mods For Your The Sims 4 High School Experience!

Phone Animation For Teens Only by MissyHissy

“This mod disables the animation for all age groups other than teens; with this installed, only the teens will use the phone animations when walking.”

Stop Change Phone Color Obsession by LittleMsSam

“This Mod stops Sims from changing their Phone Color each time they travel or a Household gets loaded unless they do indeed have the default Phone Color. I also removed the camera focus code.”

Please Stop Texting While You Walk by dezjii

“Are you tired of your sims texting their friends while they walk? Do you want your sim to be focused on getting from Point A to Point B? Do you hate phones in general?
Well, if you answer yes to any of the questions above then boy do I have the mod for you.

This mod stops your sims from live tweeting, texting, video calling, etc. while they walk. Multitasking is in the past. One track mind is the future.”

Stop the Phone Addiction by camo04

“Are you tired of your sims texting their friends while they walk? Do you want your sim to be focused on getting from Point A to Point B? Do you hate phones in general?
Well, if you answer yes to any of the questions above then boy do I have the mod for you.

This mod stops your sims from live tweeting, texting, video calling, etc. while they walk. Multitasking is in the past. One track mind is the future.”

No Constant Phone by lazarusinashes

“I swore I would mod out the constant phone use the second I saw it on the livestream. Here it is! No Constant Phone disables phone use when routing, chatting, and watching. In other words, it prevents Sims from using their phone when doing the following actions:

Walking, running, anything like that
Chatting with Sims
Watching TV, movies, and the like”

Are there any mods we missed? Tell us in the comments below!

Credit: Screenshots taken in “Copperdale High School” by asislavender on the gallery

About the author


ThatSimsLady’s love of Sims is only rivaled by her love of grilled cheese. She is a mods addict, a friend to all ducks, and still tries to use The Sims 3 cheat codes in The Sims 4. When she is not playing Sims or writing about Sims, she can be found moderating and providing support on any number of Sims Discord Servers. You could say she eats, sleeps, and breathes Sims.