The Sims 4 Mods The Sims 4 Guides

Play With Your Friends with The Sims 4 Multiplayer!

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Go on some wacky adventures with your friends with the Sims 4 Multiplayer Mod!

Sims 4 Multiplayer Mod Dr. Gluon and James Turner playing Dine Out Reloaded by Carl's Guides
James Turner and Dr. Gluon play Sims 4 Multiplayer while testing out Dine Out Reloaded by Carl’s Guides

There is always a debate when the topic of multiplayer in the Sims 4 comes up in conversation. While there are many Simmers that enjoy the single player world of The Sims 4, there are just as many that want to be able to tell stories with their friends. Luckily, with the Sims 4 Multiplayer Mod (S4MP), those Simmers are able to do just that. (As long as they play on PC/Mac)

There are many YouTube simmers that have been playing with S4MP. Check out their videos if you’re wondering how it works!

How does Sims 4 Multiplayer Work?


  • 2-12 Simmers each with their own computer
  • All computers require the same version installed
  • Same packs and kits installed (Can disable packs in launcher)
  • Same Custom Content and Mods installed

Preparation to Play Sims 4 Multiplayer

  • Start a new save or use an old save (On Host Computer)
  • After that, create or download the sims and move them onto a lot or residential lot
  • Pause the time. Save and exit.

Hosting a Sims 4 Multiplayer Game

  • Host needs to login to their S4MP launcher
  • Choose a save file and click Host
  • Room will be created and give room code to other Simmers

Joining a Sims 4 Multiplayer Mod Game

  • Login to the S4MP launcher
  • Enter the room code and choose Join Room
  • Game will synchronize between players
  • Start Game!
  • Lastly, load the save and enter the lot
  • If it was successful, each Simmer will receive a notification that the S4MP is working.
  • When everyone has joined, there will be a notification stating it.

Exiting the Game

  • It is recommended that the Host Saves then Exits. Then, everyone else exits.

For a video of how to start a Sims 4 Multiplayer game (From 2020).

Important Information

  • While playing the mod, it is only possible to play with Sims in the same household. Also, the both Sims being currently played need to travel together. Additional Sims can be left alone.
  • It is recommended that only the host saves the game.
  • LAN (Local Area Network) connections do not cost anything to the player meanwhile, anything through an Internet connection requires a subscription to the S4MP Patreon.
  • It is necessary that everyone playing the game has the same packs installed. To prevent issues, packs can be disabled from the S4MP launcher settings.
  • Mods and CC can be used with Sims 4 Multiplayer! Both Simmers need to have the same mods and cc installed otherwise there will be problems. Also, not all Script mods are compatible. Make sure to check or test before playing.
  • In fact, it is possible to communicate with other Simmers, type ctrl + shift+ c then type Chat [Your Message]. Only the other Simmers will be able to see the message.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many Simmers can play in a save at once?
Up to 12 players are able to connect at one time.

What version of The Sims 4 is required?
All players must have the same version. But, this version must be The Sims 4 version 1.54 or newer.

What are the requirements of using Sims 4 Multiplayer Mod?
Every Simmer needs to have their own computer. In addition, each Simmer needs to register for an account. Patrons get lifetime LAN support even after cancelling their Patreon membership.

What are the current limitations of S4MP?
There are two major limitations that Sims 4 Multiplayer has currently. Build mode does not always work as expected and adding new Sims or pets to the lot “has not been tested”. This includes additions e.g. adoptions, giving birth, etc.)

Common Problems

  • Unable to interact with objects or Sims? Try allowing Sims 4 Multiplayer through firewalls. Also, check all VPNs to make sure they are connecting properly. Finally, mod conflicts can cause problems with S4MP. Check to make sure all mods are compatible with Sims 4 Multiplayer. Therefore, we recommend doing a 50/50 if the culprit is not evident at first. Remember, missing mods can also cause problems similar to these so make sure everyone playing has identical mod folders.

Temporary Fixes

  • Currently, there is a problem with Simmers’ travel screens being black. As a result, S4MP recommends that the host use Save As instead of Save to prevent it from happening.
    • When traveling, Simmers should go from Home to Point A and then back home without travelling to another destination immediately. Subsequently, doing this will help prevent the black screen error.


(From S4MP’s website)

  1. The host must prepare a Sims 4 household with everyone’s sims to play with, meanwhile, everyone must enable Mods & Scripts➚, then save & exit their games.
  2. Download and extract S4MP from the zip file, then launch it. If it’s not opening, make sure to run it as admin and exclude it from your antivirus.
  3. Set the documents path in S4MP’s settings tab, by default:
    • Windows: C:\\Users\\USER\\Documents\\Electronic Arts\\The Sims 4
    • Mac: /Users/USER/Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4
  4. Set the game’s folder path in S4MP’s settings tab, by default:
    • Origin: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Origin Games\\The Sims 4
    • EA Desktop: C:\\Program Files\\EA Games\\The Sims 4
    • Steam: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\The Sims 4
    • Mac: /Users/USER/Applications
  5. Allow S4MP through the Firewall settings➚ to prevent connectivity issues.
  6. Click Play on LAN in S4MP, select your prepared save game to host, and share your VPN or IP address with others so that they can join the room.
  7. Once everyone’s in and save synced, press Everyone’s Connected and then Start Game. If the game isn’t starting, you can also start it manually.
  8. Let The Sims 4 load, select the same save game then load into the same household, a notification in-game should state that the multiplayer has loaded.

Need additional help with Sims 4 Multiplayer Mod? Visit their Discord Server for help!


Finally, we can play Sims 4 with our friends! Download today on CurseForge.

For additional information regarding Sims 4 Multiplayer, visit S4MP’s website.

Do you want to trying out Sims 4 Multiplayer Mod with your friends?

About the author


ThatSimsLady’s love of Sims is only rivaled by her love of grilled cheese. She is a mods addict, a friend to all ducks, and still tries to use The Sims 3 cheat codes in The Sims 4. When she is not playing Sims or writing about Sims, she can be found moderating and providing support on any number of Sims Discord Servers. You could say she eats, sleeps, and breathes Sims.