Growing Together

The Sims 4 Growing Together: SimGuru Q&A


SimGurus have shared plenty of new information and screens for The Sims 4 Growing Together!

Since the release of The Sims 4 Growing Together Gameplay trailer, the SimGurus have been sharing some additional information about the upcoming pack. From small bits of information and sneak peeks, Simmers are starting to get a real feel for the upcoming pack!

Views of San Sequoia

SimGuruNova has been sharing a few images of the upcoming world from Growing Together. Up until now, we hadn’t seen much about what to expect but, this small glimpse does make you excited to find out more!

San Sequoia - Ocean View

This snapshot of the new world definitely leaves players wondering what the world will look like overall.

San Sequoia Lot Numbers

Now, through a retweet of SimGuruNova’s original tweet, SimGuruMorgan shared some further details about San Sequoia. The world will in fact include twelve new lots. This breaks down to four lots per neighbourhood in the Growing Together expansion.

As well as some information regarding new lots in the world. SimGuruMorgan additionally shared more images of the new world.

The Sims 4 Growing Together San Sequoia

Even within the replies to both SimGurus’ posts, you can see them responding to further comments from players about the upcoming world!

New Pie Menu?

While there are still few details about this, SimGuruNinja has teased about the pie menu receiving a bit of re-organization. However, not much more is known about this or how it will look.

Child Skills Revamp

Likewise with the reorganization of the pie menu, SimGuruMorgan has also hinted that the child Sims skills have been revamped in the Base Game ahead of The Sims 4 Growing Together coming out. Again, not much more is known about this at this time.

More Growing Together Screenshots

SimGuruConor has also been sharing a few screenshots and GIFs of the upcoming expansion pack. It’s a small insight into Kyle’s adventures.

As well as these two screenshots, there are a selection of GIFs showcasing Kyle in various places within San Sequoia.

Be sure to check out the full Twitter thread for more GIFs of Kyle’s adventures!

Finally, amongst the screenshots being shared by the other SimGurus, SimGuruNinja managed to sneak an interesting GIF into the mix. The GIF in question features a Servo from Discover University carrying an Infant Sim around!

With the release of the gameplay trailer and additional information from The SimGurus, the community definitely is excited for this next release. The Sims 4 Growing Together is taking shape, and we can’t wait to see more soon!

We also know that even more information will be shared during the upcoming livestream event.

As always, stay tuned to Sims Community for all the latest news and information about The Sims 4 Growing Together!

About the author


Hey, I'm Krista! Long time Simmer and Sims Community Staff.