Learn all about how milestones affect your Sims throughout their lives!
One of the most exciting new features of The Sims 4 Growing Together is milestones! Milestones are a lot like memories from past Sims games, except milestones continue to affect your Sim in the long term. Additionally, their overall implementation is a lot less cluttered and messy than previous memory systems, too.
Let’s jump right into how milestones work!
The Sims 4 Growing Together: Milestones 101

All Sims from the infant life stage to the elder life stage can gain milestones. You don’t need to do anything specific to acquire milestones; they will naturally acquire them as they go through life and experience different things. Depending on your Sim’s age, their milestones will be focused on different aspects of life. For infants, their milestones revolve around learning how to do things for the very first time. They won’t be able to sit up in a high chair to eat until they hit the milestone for learning how to sit up, for example. For older Sims, milestones revolve around things like careers, love, and starting a family.
Of course, not all milestones are positive! The Sims 4 Growing Together milestones mark important events in your Sim’s life, both good and bad. Things like fires, divorces, and losing your job are also milestones that Sims can experience.
Some milestones continue to affect Sims throughout their lives. This is most notable during the infant life stage, where hitting a new milestone allows the infant to do more things. Older Sims will still be affected by their milestones, though. For example, experiencing their first fire may cause them to be tense in the area where the fire started.
Understanding the Milestone Menu

The Sims 4 Growing Together milestones can be located in your Sim’s info panel. It’s the same tab that contains their traits and preferences. On this tab, you will often see greyed out milestones. These icons are like hints or suggestions for what may be next for your Sim based on milestones they’ve already acquired. Hover over these milestones for a hint about how to get it. You don’t necessarily have to acquire these milestones; they’re just suggestions, but they can help give you a sense of direction if you’re not sure what to do next with your Sim. They are especially helpful for infants, who need to hit specific milestones in order to be able to do new activities. You can check this panel to see what milestone you should aim to hit next.
Also, to keep things organized, you’ll only be able to see milestones for your Sim’s current age in the Sim Info panel. To see all of your Sim’s milestones throughout their whole life, open up the milestone menu in this tab. From this menu, you can click through your Sim’s previous ages to see what milestones they got at that age. Additionally, milestones are further separated into sub-categories for each stage of life to help you find relevant milestones easier.
For players, our best advice is to try and do many different things with your Sims at all stages of life. Obviously, the more your Sim experiences, the wider variety of milestones you’ll unlock for them.
The Sims 4 Growing Together Milestones List

Additionally, below you will find the full list of Sims 4 Growing Together milestones available for each life stage across all packs. Of course, players who do not own the pack related to the milestone will not have this milestone available in their game. Moreover, please keep in mind that these are all the milestones we found in the XML files. There are a LOT of milestones in the game and it’s possible we missed some but we will continue to update the list as more are discovered. The wording may also be different in-game than in the XML files.
Also, some milestones are general milestones that can be acquired in multiple ages. For the sake of simplicity, these are also listed under adult milestones.
Milestone list provided by ThatSimsLady
Infant Milestones

- Born
- Born at a Hospital
- Adopted
- Learned to Reach
- Learned to Grab
- Put Toe in Mouth
- Learned to Wave
- Learned to Clap
- Learned Pincer Grasp
- Lifted Head
- Rolled Over to Back
- Rolled Over to Tummy
- Learned to Creep
- Learned to Sit Up
- Pulled to Stand
- Learned to Dance
- Learned to Crawl
- First Smiled
- Learned to Coo
- Learned to Laugh
- Learned to Babble
- Learned to Blow Raspberry
- Said First Word
- Learned to Blow Kiss
- Learned Peek-a-Boo
- First Visitors
- First Bath
- First Bubble Bath
- First Baby Food
- First Finger Food
- Slept Through the Night
- First Diaper Blowout
- First Family Visit
- First Trip to Park
- First Vacation
- Peed on Caregiver
Toddler Milestones

- Art Appreciation
- Asked Why
- First Friend
- First Nightmare
- First Time Daycare
- Learned To Climb Stairs
- Learned To Dance
- Learned To Run
- Learned To Talk
- Learned To Walk
- Max Communication
- Max Imagination
- Max Movement
- Max Potty
- Max Thinking
- Played With Others
- Read First Book
- Studied Letters
- Studied Numbers
- Studied Shapes
- Threw Tantrum
Child Milestones

- Childhood Phase
- First Day of Grade School
- Learned to Ride a Bike
- Lost First Tooth
- Reached Top of After School Activity
Teen Milestones

- Began Puberty
- Dropped Out of High School
- Expelled from High School
- Graduated High School
- Prom Royalty
Adult/General Milestones

- Abducted By Aliens
- Adopted Pet
- Adopted Sim
- Beat Greg
- Became Mermaid
- Became Non Occult
- Became PlantSim
- Became Spellcaster
- Became Vampire
- Became Werewolf
- Best Friend
- Birthday
- Caught Cheating By Sim
- Caught Sim Cheating
- Defeated Mother Plant
- Died
- Earned Degree – Art History
- Earned Degree – Biology
- Earned Degree – Communications
- Earned Degree – Computer Science
- Earned Degree – Culinary Arts
- Earned Degree – Drama
- Earned Degree – Economics
- Earned Degree – Fine Art
- Earned Degree – History
- Earned Degree – Language Literature
- Earned Degree – Physics
- Earned Degree – Psychology
- Earned Degree – Villainy
- Eaten By Cowplant
- Ended Romantic Relationship
- Enemy
- Engaged
- Engagement Rejected
- Fell In Love
- First Bladder Fail
- First Energy Fail
- First Fight
- First Fire
- First Promotion
- First Time Burning Out
- First Time Possessed
- First Woohoo
- Forgotten Grotto
- Got Fired
- Got Job
- Got Laid Off
- Had Affair
- Had Sim
- Hermit
- Mid Life Crisis – Adventure
- Mid Life Crisis – Create
- Mid Life Crisis – Relationship
- Mid Life Crisis – Success
- Married
- Max Star Celebrity
- Mount Komorebi
- Omiscan Temple
- Quit Job
- Reached Top Of Career
- Reputation Atrocious
- Reputation Pristine
- Resurrected
- Resurrected By Sim
- Resurrected Sim
- Saved From Death
- Self Discovery
- Significant Other
- Sixam
- Smacked By Agnes
- Struck By Lightning
- Survived Haunted House
- Sylvan Glade
- Werewolf Pack Leader A
- Werewolf Pack Leader B
- Widowed
- Won Lottery
- Won Village Fair
Elder Milestones

- Retired
Also, looking for more info on Growing Together? Check out our full category!