Challenges The Sims 4

The Sims 4 Challenge: Gorgeous Garden Haven Community Challenge

ts4 challenge garden

Calling all Green Thumbed Sims and Book Lovers!

With the recent release of the new The Sims 4 Greenhouse Haven Kit, it’s time for a brand new Sims Community Challenge!

This challenge has not only been inspired by this new Kit release, but also the changing of seasons, flowers blooming, a new-found love of reading and all things cosy! Of course, putting these all together and incorporating them into The Sims 4 to create the ultimate cosy garden reading nook!

The Sims 4 Gorgeous Garden Haven Challenge
Create the ultimate space for green thumbed & reading loving Sims

Table of Contents

What does this The Sims 4 Challenge involve?

For this challenge, we are doing things slightly differently. Firstly, there is no giveaway for this challenge. Secondly, we want to give you more ways to make your challenge inspired build unique.

The Task

Your task will be to create a lot that is not only cosy, but also caters to Sims who love gardening and reading!

We want you to be as creative as possible with this challenge. Really think about how you can incorporate the cosy theme into gardening and reading for your Sims. You can keep it simple, make it modern, what ever theme or idea inspires you, go for it!

A cosy reading and painting nook in The Sims 4
A cosy reading and painting nook

The following are compulsory aspects for this build

  • The Build must be on a 20×15 Lot
  • A 6×4 Greenhouse Building. This must be a one-story building and can’t have a basement
  • Use of the water tool – This can be as a pond or stream, for example
  • There is an overall budget of $27,000

Other than the four compulsory points mentioned above, how you create your cosy gardening and reading lot is up to you!

The Sims 4 Challenge Rules

  • Must be suitable for Sims who love reading and gardening
  • You can use any Packs or Kits that you own (you do not need to own the new Greenhouse Haven Kit for this challenge)
  • One entry per person
  • Does not have to be functional
  • Debug items and Move Objects On can be used
  • Red Shelf and T.O.O.L Mod can be used in the build
  • No Custom Content
  • For players across all platforms

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Greenhouse Building can be placed anywhere on the lot
  • How the greenhouse looks is up to you, as long as it is a 6×4 shape and only one floor
  • The use of the water tool can be anywhere on the lot
  • There is no shell to download for this challenge
  • You can upload your finished build to the Gallery if you wish. This does not count as an entry for the showcase

Have you got a question that isn’t covered in this post? Pop down to the comments and we will reply to any additional questions you may have!

The Sims 4 Greenhouse Haven inspired Greenhouse
A space perfect for every plant loving Sim!

How do I Enter the Showcase?

Once you have completed both of these steps, you can submit your Sims 4 challenge entries in one of the two following ways.

Twitter – Upload your image to Twitter using the hashtag #SCCosyVibes! Feel free to tag Sims Community in your posts too!

Discord – Head over to our Discord server and head to the SC Challenge Channel. You can find this under the Announcements & News category. Make sure to upload your image with the caption #SCCosyVibes! Any images without the hashtag will not be considered for the showcase post.

Click the button below to join The Sims Community Discord

Closing date for showcase entries

 The closing date for this challenge is Saturday 20th May 2023 at 10am PST/6pm BST/ 7PM CET. A spotlight post will be released shortly after entries have closed.

I missed the cut-off, can I still take part?

Of course! For any of our Sims Community Challenges, you can still take part even if the closing date has passed. Feel free to share your creations on social media using the same hashtag mentioned above, tagging Sims Community or over on our Discord Server!

We are excited to see your challenge creations for this new challenge for The Sims 4!

Make sure you stay up to date with all the latest news and information from The Sims Franchise right here on Sims Community! Additionally, if you are looking for more The Sims 4 Challenges, we’ve got you covered in our dedicated Challenge area!

About the author


Hey, I'm Krista! Long time Simmer and Sims Community Staff.