Learn all about the new aspirations in Horse Ranch!
The Sims 4 Horse Ranch comes with two brand-new and exciting Aspirations! Of course, like with any The Sims 4 Aspiration, we’ve got you covered with everything you need to know!
As we previously mentioned, the new expansion adds two exciting aspirations to choose from. The first is the Expert Nectar Maker and the second Sims 4 aspiration is the Championship Rider.
Now, as with any aspiration within the game, each comes with multiple goals your Sim will need to complete in order to master the aspiration. You’ll also be able special Reward Traits upon completion.

Table of Contents
Let’s take a closer look at the new The Sims 4 Aspirations from the Horse Ranch expansion pack.
Championship Rider
This Sim wants to be one of the world’s premiere Horse Riders and will prove it by participating in Horse Competitions.

The new Championship Rider aspiration can be located under the Athletic section of Sims 4 Aspirations. It only has one Milestone level however has four sub-milestones for Sims to complete. At first glance, it does look like this could be a somewhat challenging Aspiration to undertake however, we aren’t going to be wasting our time horsing around!
The milestones your Sim would need to complete for the Championship Rider aspiration are as followed:
- Achieve Level 10 Horse Riding Skill
- Compete in 15 Horse Competitions
- Win Gold in 5 Master Horse Competitions
- Place at the Ultimate Horse Championship

Let’s take a more in-depth look at what each of these milestones entails for this new The Sims 4 Aspiration.
Achieving Level 10 Horse Riding Skill
This milestone is probably the easiest out of the four at first glance. Much like building any other skill within The Sims 4, this is exactly the same. It’s also a great way of building a relationship with your horses!
Compete in 15 Competitions
Simply travel to New Appaloosa and head over to the Hay Now! Equestrian Centre. Once you have arrived, click on the building and select Enter Competition.
Win Gold in 5 Master Horse Competitions
Similarly to the previous milestone, simply head over to the Equestrian Centre once again. However, this time around you’ll need to select a Master Level Competition. You’ll then be able to choose from either Barrel Racing, Show Jumping or Western Pleasure Competitions to take part in. You just need to ensure you win the Gold in these to count towards the milestone!
Place at the Ultimate Horse Championship
For this milestone, you’ll need to place in the top three to complete this milestone. To enter, either head to the Hay Now! Equestrian Centre or the Community Board and select Enter Competition where you will be able to partake in the event. Just keep in mind that you can only take part in the Ultimate Horse Championship on a Saturday!
Completion Reward
Now that you’ve completed everything for the Championship Rider Sims 4 Aspiration, your Sim will be awarded the Grand Champ Trainer Reward Trait.
- Grand Champ Trainer: These Sims train Horse Skills faster, sell Horses for higher prices, inspire confidence in themselves and their Horse when riding and training, and will very rarely have a bad time riding a Horse. In fact, they are so good with Horses that Horses have even more fun when being ridden by them. They can also Give Competition Advice. to aspiring Horse Riders.

Are you ready to take a look at what it takes to be an Expert Nectar Maker? Let’s check out the second new Sims 4 Aspiration in the Horse Ranch expansion.
Expert Nectar Maker
This Sim wants to master the art of Nectar Making, honing their abilities to consistently craft only the best Nectars. They also want to make an absurd amount of Simoleons doing it.

The new Expert Nectar Maker aspiration can be located under the Food section of the Sims 4 Aspirations screen. Much like the Championship Rider aspiration It only has one Milestone level. Similarly, it has several sub-milestones for Sims to complete. This will be a fun aspiration to complete if your Sims are looking to master a new skill and turn it into a profitable venture.
The three milestones your Sim needs to complete are as followed:
- Achieve Level 5 Nectar Making Skill
- Make 50 Excellent Bottles of Nectar
- Make $100,000 Selling Nectar

Now, let’s take a more in-depth look at each of the milestones your Sim needs to complete to become an Expert Nectar Maker!
Achieve Level 5 Nectar Making Skill
Another easy and straightforward milestone to complete. Simply have your Sim obtain Level 5 of the Nectar Making Skill.
Make 50 Excellent Bottles of Nectar
To create excellent bottles of Nectar, you’ll need to consider the ingredient quality, your current skill level as well as the skill level required for making particular Nectar variants.
Make $100,000 Selling Nectar
You can sell bottles of Nectar directly from your inventory, at the General Store or by selling them to the Mysterious Rancher who appears from time to time in Chestnut Ridge. There are various factors that can impact the price Nectar sells for. As an example, the overall quality of the Nectar will determine how much it sells for as well as if it has been aged or not!

Completion Reward
Now that you’ve completed everything for the Expert Nectar Maker Sims 4 Aspiration, your Sim will be awarded the Nectar Know-It-All Reward Trait.
- Nectar Know-It-All: These Sims can craft pre-aged Nectar, have an iron bladder when it comes to drinking Nectar, and their negative emotions have less influence on their current mood.

Does your Sim have what it takes to become an Expert Nectar Maker?
That’s everything you need to know about the new Sims 4 Aspirations from the Horse Ranch expansion! If you are looking for more guides and articles about the expansion, why not head over to our dedicated section for The Sims 4 Horse Ranch?