Home Chef Hustle The Sims 4 Guides

The Sims 4 Home Chef Objects Review

sims 4 home chef hustle objects review

Design your kitchen with the latest in European function and design!

Sims 4 Home Chef objects galore! It’s been over two years since The Sims 4 saw its last stuff pack but it looks like they’ve risen from the grave with Home Chef Hustle! This stuff pack comes with objects and gameplay that will help your Sims make money from cooking and do it in style. The pack was inspired by contemporary European function and design and it shows in a lot of the visual elements of this pack. Especially when it comes to the new gameplay objects which are inspired by European cuisine, like Italian pizza and focaccia bread, as well as Norwegian waffles.

Let’s dive right into everything The Sims 4 Home Chef Hustle’s build/buy catalogue has to offer!

Sims 4 Home Chef Objects Overview

Among The Sims 4 Home Chef objects include 4 new gameplay objects. The stand mixer, waffle iron, and pizza oven are all functional objects with new gameplay and recipes attached to them. The market stand that comes with this stuff pack is also functional and offers a way for your Sims to sell their home cooked goods wherever you want.

Catalogue Overview

Here are the catalogue descriptions and prices for all of the Build/Buy objects that come with Home Chef Hustle.

Styled Room Catalogue Previews

In-Game Previews

Below, you’ll find in-game previews of every item that comes with The Sims 4 Home Chef Hustle. Many of the cabinets and shelving units are backlit, providing extra light for countertops. The decorative plates are also stackable, allowing you to customize the look of your kitchen better.

Styled Room In-Game Previews

The Sims 4 Home Chef Hustle stuff pack also comes with two styled rooms in three colour palettes each. Both rooms are obviously kitchens, given the theme of this pack. The EuroFusion Food Experience styled room is a small, more compact kitchen with bar stool island seating rather than a dining table in order to save space. The Danish Coffee Kitchen styled room is a larger kitchen with a dining table large enough to seat 4 Sims aged child and up as well as a toddler or infant.

EuroFusion Food Experience

Danish Coffee Kitchen

Sims 4 Home Chef Hustle Objects Review

Home Chef Hustle Objects Review

We’ll have a more detailed review of the gameplay objects that come with this pack in a later article but we do want to focus on the overall style and function of The Sims 4 Home Chef objects a little bit. There’s a lot of attention to small details in this Build/Buy catalogue that we want to draw attention to.

Like the backlit cabinets and shelves! Any avid builder knows how dark and dingy a kitchen can get the more cabinets you have. They cast deep shadows over the countertops, blocking a lot of the light from the ceilings. Players typically have to resort to hiding small lights behind the cabinets with build cheats to avoid this problem. Not anymore with these Sims 4 Home Chef objects! The backlit cabinets and shelves make building a bright, inviting kitchen easy!

Sims 4 Home Chef Hustle Review

Other details we really appreciate in this pack include the stackable decorative plates and the knife set. We noticed that many of the swatches have beautiful designs on the knife blades which is a nice little visual detail we weren’t expecting. The compact dishwasher is also a nice touch to this pack, allowing Simmers to save space which they’ll need given that we have so many new appliances to fit in our kitchens now.

When it comes to decorative clutter, however, our favourite Sims 4 Home Chef objects are the wall-mounted dish rack with a hanging cutting board and the open cookbook on a wooden stand. We might just be a little bit jealous at that kind of organization. Why can’t our real life kitchens look that put together?

Loved our Sims 4 Home Chef objects overview? Check out all the other details we noticed in the reveal!

About the author


A cranky old lady who prefers the company of cats and Sims over people. Occasionally peeks out from her lair long enough to chuck Sims articles at innocent bystanders.

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