The Sims 4

The Sims 4 – Hair Movement

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Source: SimsVIP

The Official Magazine of The Sims 3 Spain, has posted 10 bullet point facts for The Sims 4 in their latest magazine issue. Included in the facts posted, The Sims 3 Spain confirms that Facial and Head Hair will grow gradually over time. They also confirm that “wind” will allow hair and clothing to sway, which I believe would give it a more realistic touch.

Rincon Del Simmerwho found this new info, was kind enough to properly translate the article for us. Check out all the tid bits below!

1- There will be right-handed Sims… ¡but there will also be left-handed Sims!

2- The Sims 4 will work better in low-end machines than The Sims 3.

3- With the passage of time, hair and beard will grow.

4- The wind will make the Sims’ hair and clothing move.

5- With the Create a Sim feature, you will be able to change the feet size.

6- Pregnant Sims will have unique emotions that no one else will experience.

7- There will be three voice types for men and women.

8- There won’t be Wishes, but little goals for Sims to accomplish and gain awesome rewards.

9- Every life cycle will have a special emotion only for Sims in it.

10- Sims won’t die randomly anymore, like by a meteor strike or a lightning. They will die only by things done by the player.

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