The Sims 3 Store

Roaring Heights Blog: The Clasically Cool Fixer-Upper Car!

Hey Simmers! With The Sims 3 Roaring Heights release right around the corner, next Thursday December 12, 2013, Designer Alan Copeland is here to tell you about one of exciting new features, The Classically Cool Fixer-Upper Car!
Read on below to learn about the things you can do with The Classically Cool Fixer-Upper Car! Click here to learn more about The Sims 3 Roaring Heights! 
Have you seen all of the buzz about the new world, Roaring Heights?  The world has some amazing sights to see, so it only seems fitting that you should cruise around in style!
So I present to you the Classically Cool Fixer-Upper Car!


OK, so it doesn’t look like much now, but just imagine it when your Sim has put in a little hard work.  Tinker with the engine and eventually you’ll get it Roaring like a Lion!  You can always check your progress by hopping in and revving the engine.


Put some elbow grease into that body and you’ll really start to seem some progress.  You’ll probably want to get the radio working first so your Sim can listen to some tunes while they are getting this little lady in pristine condition (*Gender of your vehicle may vary.)



And wow… when you get it all finished, she’s a beaut!  Drop the top and invite friends over for a dance party or just to hang out in style!



This is a fantastic way to build your Sims Handiness skill!  Normally you have to upgrade items or wait for them to break but with the Classically Cool Fixer-Upper Car even after you’re finished you can build your skill by tinkering with the engine or waxing the body.


Drive over to see that special dame and maybe find your own lookout point.   Kiss, make out and even Woohoo with a variety of different romantic socials.

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Finally, take a drive down to the Boardwalk, with the top down and the radio up.  It’s a great day to be in Roaring Heights!


About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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