@cyberqueen13 Yup, the disc version will also unlock a copy of the game in your Origin account.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) July 20, 2014
@daneyplays @SimGuruRusskii @SimGuruGrant Blog on the fiction of some of the families coming soon; watch out for it!
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) July 20, 2014
@HowlRosh94 Your Sims need to have enough simoleons in order to place it and live in it. There’s no real world money involved.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) July 20, 2014
@Libra_Style When you visit another lot there is a loading screen. You can go anywhere in the public space around the lots with no load.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) July 20, 2014
@_LaurenHalley_ Think of them like the Lifetime Happiness points from Sims 3. You build them up to unlock rewards for your Sims.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) July 20, 2014
@benenstein Fire can go up/down most foundation heights, but it won’t jump a full level from the 1st to 2nd floor.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) July 20, 2014
@MrSomeWho A bubbly bright blue UI felt a bit outdated in 2014. It was time for a change to something a bit sleeker and modern.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) July 20, 2014
@theBloomie Party gets used for Nightclubs, Lounges, in addition to most parties. Formal is for things like weddings and dinner parties.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) July 20, 2014
@Nightvyxn It mostly means that in the time since E3 we’ve been focused solely on polishing the game to get it ready for September 2nd 🙂
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) July 20, 2014
@benenstein It depends entirely on the length of the moodlet and if it remains the strongest one on the Sim. 5 mins, 5 hours, 5 days, etc.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) July 21, 2014
@Layara1980 They’re optional. You can place any chimney you want above a fireplace and smoke will come out of it when the fire is lit.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) July 21, 2014
@simsloverxx Children are part of the families that have a chance of being generated when new neighbors move into empty homes.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) July 23, 2014
@SporeBySteve White = Fine. It’s a neutral emotion when Sims don’t have any moodlets on them.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) July 23, 2014
@The_Sims4_Fan We’re trying to get info on the system requirements out soon; I’ll make some noise on twitter when they’re released.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) July 23, 2014
@TaylorAGalante Yup. There are a variety of aging options for your current household, for other households you’ve played, and for NPC Sims.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) July 23, 2014
@JohnBigOz If you get another Sim in the neighborhood pregnant, they’ll give birth eventually without you having to play as them.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) July 23, 2014
@SporeBySteve Yellow represents the Embarrassed emotion.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) July 23, 2014
@kikinekosenpai It changes color according to the Sim’s needs, not their current emotion.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) July 23, 2014
@IoanLewis1 Downloading things like homes/rooms from the Gallery costs your Sim’s their simoleons; not real world money.
— Graham Nardone (@SimGuruGraham) July 23, 2014
@kortlontje I believe those will be released soon.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) July 21, 2014
@Sims4web @TheSims @SimGuruGraham @SimGuruSarah @SimGuruJill There are not. Still, Vampires make for great jokes.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) July 21, 2014
@Chelle_Sims24 @Simvibesss That water is from watering the plant. There is no weather in The Sims 4.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) July 21, 2014
@theBloomie @SimGuruGraham Graham answered it, but also, we let you define it as well. You can pick any outfit for any category.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) July 21, 2014
@xchromaggiasims Pay the bills? All is good again. Don’t pay the bills? Well, it’s difficult to live.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) July 21, 2014
@TrineLiseGunder There are different lot sizes. We also have need bars.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) July 21, 2014
@BagasN7 @SimGuruGraham @SimGuruLyndsay Traveling between neighborhoods is a loading screen, so no animation.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) July 23, 2014
@djeranotjuh @SimGuruGraham In your current neighborhood, yes.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) July 23, 2014
The story I’m telling right now is of 3 tech entrepreneurs. They designed a rather spartan compound. But soon! Riches! Or…failure?
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) July 23, 2014
@GabrielFoss The public lots are auto-cleaned.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) July 23, 2014
@_Alethia Sims have Babies, who grow into children, teens, young adults, adults, and elders.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) July 23, 2014
@AquaThe_simmer Right now, without toddlers, that doesn’t exist. Babies age to children. Children can walk.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) July 23, 2014
Tech Compound is going well. Harry finished his rocket and is about to do some exploration. Gina completed her first Aspiration.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) July 24, 2014
And for some reason, Nikolai is really into crafting furniture now.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) July 24, 2014
@SimnationBlog No, there will not be ice cream vans or food stands.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) July 24, 2014
@SimnationBlog It ties into Handiness.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) July 24, 2014
@smagazineofcl You can see 1 world map at a time, but you can seamlessly move map to map with a button for each world (no load between maps)
— Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 23, 2014
@Mattrio23 We do have a collection of MySims statues you can to find and collect in The Sims 4, so be on the look out for familiar friends!
— Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 23, 2014
@smagazineofcl You can only have one lot loaded at a time, but you can play your household Sims on more than one lot and switch between them
— Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 23, 2014
@smagazineofcl No, you can only have one home lot for your active household. But you can have Sims visiting NPCs or saved on a venue.
— Sarah Holding (@SimGuruSarah) July 23, 2014