
The Sims 4 Tutorial: Splitting And Merging Households

TS4 2014 09 13 21 13 55 58

You may have noticed that you cannot move out Sims using the phone like you could do in The Sims 3.

In The Sims 4, the Manage Households option includes everything you need to Customize already moved in Sims or Sims that are not moved in any World.

To open the Manage Households menu, open the Map View Mode and find the Manage Households icon on the top right. You can find all your households in that panel, whether they are Sims you played before or Sims you’ve never played.

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Click on a Household you want to edit. An Information panel about that Household will pop up and you’ll get 4 options on the bottom right corner: Edit Household in CAS, Move Household into a Lot, Transfer Sims between Households and Delete Households. You’ll need the Transfer Sims between Households option (icon with 2 opposite arrows).

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From that option panel, you can move out Sims from that Household or move in Sims from other Households. You can also start brand new Households by clicking on a Sim on the left side and selecting ”Create New Household” (icon with a Sim standing by a plus).

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There’s also an option to move out an entire Household and Merge it with another Household. After you move all Sims from the left side to the right side, you’ll get an option asking you if you want to sell the furniture from the left side’s Household and transfer it to the merged Household.

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About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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5 years ago

i accidentally merged my sims in the wrong way and i’ve lost my own sims, help please

5 years ago
Reply to  chloe

Lol nice

4 years ago

So I have one house with three roommates and I want to move one out but I want him to keep his stuff. How can I do that?

4 years ago
Reply to  Caden

Put the stuff in his inventory

4 years ago

am i allowed to merge more than 8 sims

4 years ago

When i wont to move my sims to a house that i downloaded from the gallery, it says that i dont have enough money to live in the house. How can i solve it?