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The Sims 4 Gallery Spotlight: 16/09/14

TS4 2014 09 16 16 20 10 48

There is so much going on in the Gallery, it’s hard to keep up with you all! However after browsing for a while I found some beauties to share with you. Enjoy. 🙂

TS4 2014-09-16 16-56-28-95

Mr Bean created by Mattdoido

Aspiration: Knowledge.
Traits: Clumsy, Good and Goofball.

I just had to tell everyone about this Sim. If you know who Mr Bean is then I am your friend forever! If not then let me tell you, he is from a classic TV show called Mr Bean (go figure :P) and it’s one of the best comedies in British television history, guaranteed to make you laugh!
This Sim is spot on, he’s already in my game.

TS4 2014-09-16 17-04-57-10

Leisha Lovalette created by BabyCarrotz

Aspiration: Knowledge
Traits: Creative, Foodie and Geek.

I adore this Sim, she is so cute. I am loving the style too!

TS4 2014-09-16 16-20-10-48

Bel Aire Mansion created by ruthless_kk

Value: §220,116
Size: 50 x 50
Type: Residential

This stunning house also has 6 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms. It’s very spacious and just beautiful to look at.

The creator has also put a description about their house:
#study #artstudio #gym #nursery #playground #garden #mansion #celebrity #rich #ruthless #noCC more pix at

TS4 2014-09-16 17-23-37-70

Roofing Rocks created by Djeranotjuh

Value: §85,962
Size: 30 x 30
Type: Residential

This fun little house also has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. It’s a unique house that fits perfectly in which ever world you decide you want it in. Great work!

The creator has also put a description about their house:

Roofing Rocks is a modern house mixed with some 60s architecture. It has 2 bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms, a big livingroom with dining, a nice kitchen & a lot of green on the outside. #OasisSprings #Modern


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Melissa C.
Melissa C.
10 years ago

I find the Mr Bean Sim too funny (and realistic as well) :giggle:
Excellent job on those houses as well :inlove:

Ryan A.
Ryan A.
10 years ago

That Mr. Bean Sim is actually mine (TheRyanAkers) You posted the WRONG creator. No hard feelings though, just wanted you to know.