Get Together

The Sims 4 Get Together: Producer Event Q&A Info Tidbits



We’ll update this post as new info surface from The Sims 4 Get Together Producer Event at Gamescom!

Via! (translated via Google)

  • Windenburg is modeled on European cities and should be in contrast to the otherwise so American style of the game

  • The group activity is one of the main features. The question of whether the Add On brings other innovations, was not answered us concretely.

  • There is a new icon in the interface, which contains a menu for the group settings.

  • Group members can be seen from the group icons in their Plumbbobs. In addition, a crown denotes the group leader.

  • For groups there are different settings, so you can for example specify the dress code, adjust rules ( behavior towards other groups), decide where the group like depends on what they like or what they dislike. You can adjust for example, that a “chess-group” members only receives, which also owns corresponding logic skills.

  • Groups may consist of 2 to 8 Sims and Sim each may be a maximum of a member of three groups

  • Group members always do everything together (eg dancing together, sit and walk)

  • There is an espresso bar, which the Sim can produce different drinks, thus influencing his emotions.

  • In the new closet your Sims can change their outfits and the group members ask what they think. In addition, the closet for children to play and WooHoo is available.

  • There are several new locations in Get Together to celebrate or to which depend on the Sims.

  • In the presentation we were told by the places a plot shown, which is a type illuminated ruin represents where the Sims can dance the DJ booth.

  • Two new skills: the ability to dance and DJ ability. All the better the skills, the better the Sims can dance or make music.

  • new Lot Size: 64 x 64

  • The group system is also available for children and teenagers

  • A new style pool, which can be just like a normal pool decorated (it resembles a lake)

  • There will be new romance Inter cations.

  • NPC also form their own groups.

  • New Woohoo object: Bush

  • Most likely no new creatures, because “is mainly focused on the group activities” now.

  • New Party objects which can also be transported in the inventory.


About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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