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The Sims Video Spotlight: #1



Welcome to the first week of a new Sims video spotlight, featuring some great content from our wonderful community!

I’ll be bringing you some of the best Let’s Plays, Challenge videos and more – whether they’re a little older or brand new. Our community is full of amazingly creative people who work so hard to keep us entertained doing what they love, so these posts will be a great way to spread the word and even bring new YouTube simmers into the light!

Let’s Play: The Sims 2

By RoseSimmer

Let’s begin with possibly one of the most entertaining Sim series’ I’ve seen. Natalie (RoseSimmer) keeps everything lively by just being so funny and easy to listen to. This Let’s Play follows sim Brooklyn Foster through her life in The Sims 2, which is wonderfully nostalgic to watch. As this is a general Let’s Play, it includes a whole lot of different events and experiences, for example being in University, and is definitely deserving of some more views. There aren’t that many Sims 2 Let’s Plays out there anymore, so this is a great find for those who miss it!

The Legacy Challenge (Damico Legacy)

By KatieGalaxyPlays

If you’re looking for a new Sims 4 Let’s Play to watch, this one is worth the shot. Katie recently held a super generous giveaway for hitting 100 subscribers, and I think she deserves continuous support as her videos are rather entertaining. This is her Legacy Challenge with sim, Jane Damico. She may even feature your sims, households or lots if you upload them to the Gallery with the tag #DamicoLegacy.

For those of you who may not know what the legacy challenge is, it’s a challenge that has the player try to play through 10 generations with a family, starting with one adult sim. In every generation there is supposed to be an heir to keep the legacy going.

This Let’s Play has been a joy to watch and follow along with so far, and I sincerely hope this runs for a while. If challenges are your thing, definitely consider watching this one!

 The Sims 4: Hidden Child Challenge

By LFSimmer

The next Let’s Play/Challenge video featured this week is the Hidden Child Challenge. This involves having a family unit with existing children, and making the mother have an affair resulting in pregnancy. The mother has the father believe it is his child, and later tells him she had a miscarriage or something to that effect. I’m not sure why, but it’s interesting nonetheless!

The child produced from the affair is then not to be seen by the husband at all, and can not communicate with the other children. If either of these things happen, the challenge is lost. This a great one to watch or get involved in if you like to mess with your sims and stir things up a bit. LFSimmer releases these episodes every Friday, so if you want a few laughs or something a bit different, check it out!

 100 Baby Challenge: Final Hope

By Sims3Symbiote

And last but not least, this last little gem is a tweaked version of The 100 Baby Challenge, Sims3Symbiote and xSimSugar’s incredible backstory gives this Let’s Play a rather different, darker tone. It’s very well thought out and such an interesting take on the challenge. Here are a few brief notes from the story:

  • In 2021 an aggressive virus, Influenza S, nearly wiped out all of Sim kind in 43 hours.
  • Of the few remaining Sims, a temporary governing body was formed along with the sub-committee “Final Hope”
  • This was designed to plan to re-populate the world, with certain criteria. All chosen sims were moved to special compounds, and any sim who wasn’t chosen was sterilized and released into lawless, suburban regions.
  • Women who produced the healthiest, most fertile and most adaptable children received the best care and resources.

Sims3Symbiote definitely explains this fantastic story in more detail, and I highly recommend you check this Sims 3 Let’s Play out – it’s an impressive 3 seasons long too, and still going!

That’s all for this weeks spotlight. To all you wonderful Simmers out there, thank you for your creativity and please keep on sharing! I hope this post brought you something new to enjoy and maybe introduced you to some new Simmers, have a great day!

About the author


Hey! My name is Kelly, I'm an 18 year old, long-time simmer from England. Feel free to follow me on Twitter to see posts about my CC and other sims related things!

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