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The Sims Video Spotlight: #2



Welcome back to another Sims video spotlight, featuring some great content from our community! This week we have a couple of Let’s Plays and Builds either released or updated this week.


Let’s Play: The Sims 3 Seasons

By MattGiordanoGames

Starting us off today is this Sims 3 Let’s Play focused around the Seasons expansion pack. With the seasons changing right now in real life I thought it only fitting to remember one of mine and many other’s all time favourite expansions. The cinematic intro is about 5 minutes long so be prepared, it has 21 episodes so far and was updated recently. Yay! I’m having fun watching and catching up and I really recommend this for a slightly nostalgic, non-challenge based Let’s Play.

Let’s Play: Runaway Teen Challenge

By Kawaii

I’m sure we’re all aware of this challenge by now, and it’s one of my favourites to play to get me out of my typical rut. However if you don’t know what it is, Kawaii posts a link to the rules in the description of the video but I will also include them briefly here for you.

  • You cannot build any kind of shelter for yourself until you have earned the simoleons to do so.
  • You cannot have any electronics or appliances or cell phone access (put it on silent) until you have a home.
  • You can’t have a part time job and you can’t have a full time job until you are a young adult and have a home.
  • You cannot cook/shower/etc. on other peoples lots or interact with adults until you are a young adult – you’re a runaway, they’ll report you. But you can interact with children or other teens.
  • You can shower and use the bathroom at any public place – like the gym.
  • You can fish, garden and dig all you want and sell them.
  • You can not go to school.
  • Each time you travel, subtract $10 simoleons from your funds using the money cheat.

Kawaii recently started this on her channel this week, and I’m rather excited to watch it unfold!

The Sims 4 | House Build: Traditional Mansion

By Steph0Sims

This is the first build video featured in our spotlight, and it’s beautiful. It’s a classic on the outside and modern on the inside, with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, it’s perfect for families. Steph0Sims has so many gorgeous builds on the gallery, and this is one of her latest. Truly worth watching if you love builds!

The Sims 4 | House Build: Opytrime 277

By Chrillsims3

To finish this week, here is an outstanding speed build by Chrillsims3. As part of the Block Party Challenge, this is the tallest building he has created yet, with inspiration from Fluffy – the three headed dog/guardian in the Harry Potter series. It’s definitely one of my personal favourites as it’s mesmerizing to watch. It reminds me of something that the Wolff family would upgrade to from The Sims 3!

That’s it for this week, thank you for reading! I’m excited to see any new releases for this next week, if you have a preference on the types you would like to see please feel free to let us know in the comments and thank you to all the creators, your work is an asset to our community!

About the author


Hey! My name is Kelly, I'm an 18 year old, long-time simmer from England. Feel free to follow me on Twitter to see posts about my CC and other sims related things!

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