Purchasing a Restaurant
Your Restaurant experience begins by purchasing a Restaurant from the Retail Menu on the bottom right corner. Click on the ‘Select an Option’ > ‘Buy a Restaurant’.
You’ll be taken to the World Menu where you get to pick which Restaurant you’d like to purchase. You can own more than one Restaurant, but for the sake of this article, I’m only going to focus on one Restaurant called L’Attente Bistro which is a pre-made Restaurant found in The Library under the Maxis content tag.
After you purchase your desired Restaurant, you’ll immediately be taken to the Restaurant lot where you’ll have to transfer some of your Household Funds to Restaurant Funds. This means that whenever you earn money or lose money from your Restaurant Business, your Household Funds will remain untouched.
You can transfer Funds back and forth whenever you want by pressing the button indicated below.
If you want to build a Restaurant from scratch, here are the following items you’ll need in order for your Restaurant to function properly:
- Sink
- Toilet
- Chef Station
- At least 4 Dining Spots (Tables with at least 1 Chair)
- Waiter Station
- Host Station
Any ideas if playable sims in a household that owns a restaurant can work at there as something other than a manager?
They said they can work as barmen if you have a bar.
Great article! Thanks for the tips
Quick question. When you hire your staff, is it pulling from all Sims living in that town? I have a few already made characters that I want to work there.
Can you have multiple sims run and own a restaurant because I have these two sims who are best friends and I really want them to own a restaurant together.
How do you train them? I can’t find it
My employees are all crap, and I have no idea how to make them better
I can’t seem to find the option to ‘buy a restaurant’ only ‘buy a retail store’. Anyone know why this is so?
I have jusg bought dine out on sims4 ps4 and i built my restraunt. When i got to buy it, it says its already occupied! No other families own it. Someone please help! Its so fustrating
How do you train them? I can’t find it
My employees are all crap, and I have no idea how to make them better
I have jusg bought dine out on sims4 ps4 and i built my restraunt. When i got to buy it, it says its already occupied! No other families own it. Someone please help! Its so fustrating
I can’t seem to find the option to ‘buy a restaurant’ only ‘buy a retail store’. Anyone know why this is so?