The Sims 4 Guides Dine Out

The Sims 4 Dine Out: Decorating Your Restaurant’s Exterior

06 10 16 12 19 29 PM

Hello everyone!

I will be giving you Restaurant Building tips for the Sims 4 in today’s Article!

Making the shape to your restaurant:

First thing to try when building a restaurant is to find the shape that you are most comfortable with. There are all types of shapes that you can make for your restaurant exterior. Symmetry can be important to a build if that is the look that you are going for. Different shapes can give a build dimension and show off your creative skills. Creativity is important to every build so make sure to use yours!

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Decide the Style you want to go with:

After that figure out what type of build it’s going to be, are you more comfortable with a Suburban style, Modern, Contemporary, etc. This step is important because this is what’s going to give your build character! Don’t be shy to explore your options with the different styles for your build. Multiple wall sizes (or using half-walls to achieve this look) will give your build the character that you want! using half-walls will give a beautiful dimension to your build!

Adding in the décor:

Décor is very important to a restaurant because it’s what make your restaurant stand out! Add in the main features to the build. Add in things like windows, plants, flooring, columns, and other things that give your build even more character! You want as much detail in your build so that your sims can get many new costumers! don’t go too overboard with the detail though, you could ruin a build with too much décor.

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Adding in wallpaper:

Now’s the time that you get to put the wallpaper on your build, be careful to what you choose and make sure that it all ties into the look that you are trying to achieve! The colors should match and go together nicely to insure that you get the perfect look for your restaurant! You should try the new wallpaper that comes with the new game pack, Dine Out to show off your build! Add in anything else that you might have forgotten or think that would go nice with the build.

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Now you have a beautiful exterior to your very own restaurant!

About the author


Hello! My name is Sara and I love to build houses in the Sims 4! Sims is my main hobby and wish to continue my journey in the Sims 4 Community!

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