After over a decade of playing the Sims, it’s come to my attention that the Pets expansion has remained one of the most memorable packs. It all started out with The Sims: Unleashed, which was released all the way back in 2002! Back then, our control over the pets and their diversity was limited. Fast forward to The Sims 3: Pets, in which we could customize not only cats and dogs, but horses as well! We’ve gotten some recent clues that a new Pets pack is in the works, and I couldn’t help but wonder what this new expansion might hold for us. While we wait for the Pets to be officially announced in the (hopefully) near future, here are 5 features we’d love to see revamped in this pack.
1) Exotic Pets
Dogs and cats remain the classic pets, but smaller animals have always been a key feature in the Pets expansion. Rodents, turtles, fish, snakes, lizards and parrots! Each of these animals brought a diversity of interactions to the Sims’ lives. It would be amazing to see our Sims build certain skills with their exotic pets, for instance practicing comedy/charisma with parrots, or developing wellness while gazing into a fish tank.
2) Adopt a Pet
While it is still unclear whether or not building our own pet shops will be an option, I believe that adopting a pet remains one of the more realistic traits to be retained from past expansions. Picking up a pet who needs a forever home can prove to be a more rewarding challenge than creating your own!
3) Pet Careers
This feature first came out in The Sims 2: Pets. Sims could choose one of three careers for their pets: Security, Service or Show Biz. These careers would encourage a good relationship between the Sim and their pet, as they need to learn tricks in order to be promoted. Considering the Get To Work expansion made it possible for us to accompany our Sim to their workplace, I think it would be interesting to do the same with the pet.
4) Developing Traits
I loved this trait in The Sims 3: Pets, as it also thoughtfully reflected real life. Your Sim could affect how their pet’s personality developed. This way, pets’ behaviors mirrored their owner’s personalities, and gameplay was more interesting. The pets could acquire traits such as piggy, destructive, quiet or loyal. Of course, we could also manage what traits they gained by controlling them directly, but it was still a nice touch and deepened the pets’ personalities.
5) El Bandito
Remember that little raccoon? Always looking to sift through your trash bin and make a huge mess, that one! Your pets could even get into scuffles with him before he scampered off into the night time. El Bandito was a cute feature in the first edition of the Sims. Generally, I would love to see the return of wild animals within the new Pets expansion. This would bring the Sims and their environment even closer together! It would also be interesting for certain wild animals to only be found in specific neighborhoods, or in Granite Falls.
What do you want to see in a new Pets game pack? Let us know in the comments below!
Adopting or catching animals would be neat
As for me, I’d like to see exclusive pets, when the supernatural EP will be in the game, for example witches’ cats in TS2 🙂
I would love if you added more fishies! A Silver Arowana would be AMAZING.
Love the ideas so far. I would personally love to see an option to sell puppies/kittens etc to other sims, just like in real life. Instead of having to put them up for adoption, have Sims call you and knock at your door etc. Being able to put an ad in the newspaper or online or something to arouse interest.
I would love Horses!
It makes me so happy reading through old news where people went crazy over leaks and things found in code, and here we are 😀 With Cats and Dogs coming out in November, and raccoons and foxes being added, I can’t wait 🙂 Hopefully El Bandito will return! XD
give me a cat and dog. I’ll be happy.
Farm animals. Horses dairy cows beef cows pigs. Milking parlor horse trainer veterinarian career that you can go to with your sim. Cats dogs wild animals. Maybe they could do a farming expansion where you can actually plant fields ect.
i would like the farm life too like cow and sheep horses too chiken rabitts you can have like the milk or the whool or their meat XD
I reay want the farm life like their is no technology having your own farm and where everything is like manual their is only traditional town and interactions also they can return the phone and the newspaper and the phone in the house maybe writting letters too
I’d also like to have dog agility and the ability to have small horses that children can learn to ride on such as shetlands. They would be so cute and fluffy. Maybe the ability to lead a small horse while riding a big one. Pets should be a lot more interactive too especially with puppies and kittens. I would love to have the ability to house train them to add realism and have more sizes and breeds of dog. HAND BAG DOGS!!!!!! I would love to have a dog in a handbag in sims. I would love to be able to have more animals too (maybe not a set amount so I can be the crazy cat lady and have 50 cats) :-). Be able to look for homes for offspring of a pet rather than sending them for adoption but invite people to have a pet. Be able to have riding lessons on a horse and go to a ranch and actually have a visible lesson with an instructor. Maybe have stunt riding too. Visible competitions would be nice.
I would really love the inclusion of zoos, farms and horse stables, where my sim can work as a zoo keeper, farmer or groom. I think some more exotic pets such as micro pigs and donkeys. I would also love to see small animals like rabbits, hamsters and guinea pigs to be more accessible and have outdoor pens and cages that they can be moved to from inside cages. Pet shops, dog salons etc would be amazing. I would love to own my own pet shop and have the ability to sell puppies and kittens and also have an interactive rescue centre where I can go to choose a pet. Just a wider variety of animals and jobs for the animals like working with their master as a police dog. Lots of buildings and things that work with them too. Just having the cats, dogs and horses would be a little boring and if they are going to do a pets, it should be a lot bigger and better than sims 3.
I WANT A FARM! I love chickens so much, Goats seem nice too or a few cows. Farm animals you can play!
Pet careers always felt exploitative to me. But I do want pet stores back! Like in Sims 2, when you would click on the display thing with an animal already inside. I just always loved that, the thrill of going down to the store and adopting your new friend! (And using it to build more of an animal shelter / SPCA thing would be so much fun!) Owning a store where you sell animals and animal items would also be just heaven. The pet store in Sims 3 was okay, and it had a lot of very attractive features, but it felt so sterile without the animals themselves. Every pet store I’ve ever seen sell at least fish and small animals like hamsters.
Speaking of which: more realistic animal interaction! Have the strays running around, yes please; but also have sims walking their dogs (with an actual leash!) pass your house as well as the joggers and the strollers, and have your sim greet both the sim and the dog by giving it their hand to smell, like you would in real life. Have the dogs stay confined to your property, especially in the suburban towns that the Sims 4 team seem so obsessed with. Have mischievous dogs trying to dig under the fence, then getting loose and refusing to come back to your sim — and have a new NPC, the dogcatcher, who might be giving you a call if you can’t retrieve your dog fast enough! Have the dogcatcher picking up stray dogs. Have an actual colony of feral cats, not just one or two running around every so often then leaving, never to be seen again; but an actual colony. Have them keeping your sim up at night with their meowing and screeching, and your sim have to go outside with pots and pans to quiet them down, like they sometimes have to knock on their neighbor’s apartment in San Myshuno.
And yes to wildlife! Our towns feel so barren without squirrels scurrying around, or raccoons knocking over our trashcans! They tried to fill that gap in with the pigeons spawned around San Myshuno and the small critters/birds around Granite Falls, and it helps a lot; but there’s wildlife in urban areas, as well, and I’d love to see things like that happen. The smaller ones can even be spawners, I don’t mind! But also deer and raccoons, and bring back the bunnies menacing my garden!
I would LOVE to have the horses froms TS3 back.
I loved that xpack.
gonna be next quarter, we just found some animations and whenever we find animations its released the following quarter.
Id love pet foxes, horses, and ravens ♡♡♡
Farm animals. Job like farmers, stables with will be awesome..and of course forest animals, deers, friendly bears, birds etc.
I’m really hoping for horses and ponies, but just don’t think it’s likely to happen without there being another world created for them.The beauty of the horses in TS3 was the ability to create 64 x 64 equestrian lots, edit worlds for the horses and for the IRL horse people, download the vast amount of horsey cc created by other real life riders etc.I cannot stand the very limited maps and loading screens in TS4 as it is(I loved the continuous map in TS3) so can’t imagine how they’d make horses/farm animals etc possible without a world specifically for the larger animals.
For people who don’t ride in real life/know anything about horses it may be enough fun in game to stick a horse in a tiny stable, let it randomly wander around town and have their sims just ride for fun on top of other game content like career/hobbies/skills/collections (As is intended by EA, I’m not hating xD) but those of us who do mod, cc and really ‘play horse’ on the sims 3 by making the equines, their tack, objects, world and lots realistic, we would probably be very disappointed with whatever they may provide in sims 4.The modded horse community for TS3 is multicultural, worldwide and *enormous* and there is so much gorgeous cc out there for it so if EA intend to encourage that with TS4 they’ll have to really pull it out of the bag, or people may just go back to sims 3 to play with pets, as I have already done.I now only play TS4 for the flawless cc and Get To Work as to me it just still hasn’t beat TS3 regardless of graphics capabilities and add ons.
I know EA don’t design specific packs to suit the niche communities alone, but it would be a let down :/ Again, regular players who aren’t really horsey may still LOVE to see them come to sims 4 and I’m sure it would still be super fun for the vast majority, but I’m not hopeful in terms of them producing something to satisfy the enormous horsey sims community who spend 95% of their game play training, showing, breeding and using cc.
Otherwise for dogs, cats, small mammals and exotics I would be super excited to see what can be brought to TS4!
I would like to see exotic pets like tiger, lions, bears, jaguars things that are really exotic.
I’d like to have adoption animals not show their traits, it would be more realistic and more of a gamble.
I also think it would be cool to have exotic animals most people haven’t heard of and have to study books about them or experiment to care for them properly.
I would and have always loved the idea of a homestead expansion. I want cows, chickens, and horses. I want my sims to learn to bottle and preserve too. Seeing deer would be cool, but I totally would like the farm more.
Hedgehogs Ferrets all sorts of Parrots not just Macaws and Cockatoos. Ringnecks as well and Parakeets, Conures. I hope they keep Pitbulls too. Also the option to have a raccoon as a pet. I had to download a raccoon looking cat for TS3 it was cute! I also had a fox looking dog. We also NEED farm animals like goats and bunnies. But the bigger animals like goats and horses/pigs can be maybe playable?
And the ability for your cat or dog to just randomly run away like ts3. I lost my damn cat for like a week in sims time
Looks Nice
Ferrets. I would LOVE to have ferrets.
Yes please
I would like to be able to run a pet adoption center, pet hospital, and pet salon. All should be possible using the Get To Work game mechanics.
yes<3333×10000 I WANT PETS & SEASONS & CARS
I would love for there to be more furried exotic pets!, such as Foxes, Ferrets, and Even Squirrles owo. And if not in the first expansion why not make it a stuff pack to the pets ones :), like Sims 4 Exotic Pets Stuff Pack :D, and the normal one would obviously be The Sims 4 Pets XD.