The XML code for the latest patch reveals new career chance cards for the “Responsible” and “Irresponsible” traits included in Parenthood. The cards appear to be available for all careers, including those introduced in packs.
Card 1:
- {0.SimFirstName} breaks out of the work space to break into a quick sweat and relishes in the rewards of a lunch break well spent. The workout also relieved some of {0.SimFirstName}’s stress, and {M0.he’ll}{F0.she’ll} perform {M0.his}{F0.her} job even better.
- {0.SimFirstName} browses for good career advice and finds a few key insights from top consultants to improve work performance.
- {0.SimFirstName} browses for good career advice, and finds some interesting articles, but {M0.he}{F0.she} is a little bummed that {M0.he}{F0.she} didn’t get to enjoy some free time.
Card 2:
- {0.SimFirstName} takes advantage of the offered training and brushes up on necessary work skills.
- {0.SimFirstName} feels confident in {M0.his}{F0.her} skills, and recommends a coworker goes in {M0.his}{F0.her} place. The boss is appreciative that {0.SimFirstName} is looking out for {M0.his}{F0.her} team and sees {0.SimFirstName} as a leader.
- {0.SimFirstName} declines the training, feeling confident in {M0.his}{F0.her} skills, but also knowing {M0.his}{F0.her} need to focus on {M0.his}{F0.her} current task. {M0.His}{F0.Her} coworker gets to take the training instead.
Card 3:
- {0.SimFirstName} eagerly agrees to help {M0.his}{F0.her} co-worker. The two of them not only improve their relationship, but the task is completed much to the satisfaction of their mutual boss. Win/win!
- {0.SimFirstName} spends a few minutes tutoring {M0.his}{F0.her} co-worker. The co-worker ends up doing an adequate job, but probably would have done better if {0.SimFirstName} had spent a little more time with them.
- {0.SimFirstName} talks to various members of the team, and they all agree to help the co-worker. Everyone takes turns assisting and the whole team feels more bonded afterward.
- {0.SimFirstName} tries to get the rest of the team to help out, but only a few people volunteer. The co-worker is still able to finish the task on time, but it would have been a great team-building opportunity.
Card 4:
- A brief glimpse of aesthetic beauty inspires {0.SimFirstName} to incorporate these elements into {M0.his}{F0.her} day-to-day tasks. Everyone immediately notices the change and praises {0.SimFirstName} for {M0.his}{F0.her} “outside the box” thinking.
- {0.SimFirstName} finds some interesting artwork, and orders it to decorate the office. Everyone appreciates the mood boost the art gives the office!
- {0.SimFirstName} browses for a good song and hits “Repeat” when {M0.he}{F0.she} comes across one with a good beat. What started as a quick distraction is an energizing rush that leads to one of {M0.his}{F0.her} most productive work days in months!
- {0.SimFirstName} starts listening to music and without thinking about it starts singing aloud. {M0.His}{F0.Her} co-workers join in and they all have a great bonding experience.
Card 5:
- {0.SimFirstName} darts to a nearby closet with a laptop and knocks out the work lickety-split. With time to spare, {0.SimFirstName} struts out, victorious, and ready for the next task.
- {0.SimFirstName} asks for assistance from a favorite co-worker, who gladly jumps into help as they know {0.SimFirstName} is so responsible. With the assist, the work gets done, and both come out looking rosy.
- {0.SimFirstName} asks around for help, but all {M0.his}{F0.her} co-workers are behind on their work. {0.SimFirstName} brings the issue to {M0.his}{F0.her} boss, who appreciates the heads-up and pushes back the schedule.
Card 6:
- With the intern on coffee duty, {0.SimFirstName} is able to focus on {M0.his}{F0.her} most challenging tasks full of caffeine and with well-rested feet. It’s a banner day as a manager!
- {0.SimFirstName} believes in throwing fresh meat into the deep end and the intern proves they know how to swim. Between {0.SimFirstName} and the Intern, they almost triple their typical work output and garner praise from the boss!
- {0.SimFirstName} tries to throw the intern into the deep end, but they aren’t really up to the task. {0.SimFirstName} ends up spending a lot of time training the intern, but the boss is impressed with {M0.his}{F0.her} ability to train the newbie.
Card 7:
- {0.SimFirstName} knows {M0.his}{F0.her} boss loves to eat at fancy restaurants, so {M0.he}{F0.she} quickly orders a gift certificate to {M0.his}{F0.her} favorite seafood café, the Tuna Tortuga. Without wasting time, {0.SimFirstName} solves the birthday conundrum and finishes {M0.his}{F0.her} work on time.
- {0.SimFirstName} takes a guess at what {M0.his}{F0.her} boss wants and completely whiffs. {M0.His}{F0.Her} boss was pretty nice about it though. It’s the thought that counts!
- {0.SimFirstName} is a savant at crafting meaningful gifts from a combination of paper clips, rubber bands, and copier paper. {M0.His}{F0.Her} boss is really impressed with {M0.his}{F0.her} skill and ingenuity!
- {0.SimFirstName} tries to craft something with items on {M0.his}{F0.her} desk, but grows flustered. {M0.His}{F0.Her} boss walks up, inquires, and is delighted by the gesture. {0.SimFirstName} is able to step away with the good feeling of effort direct from the birthday boss.
Card 8:
- {0.SimFirstName} starts working through {M0.his}{F0.her} breaks to really get things done and the results are obvious. {M0.His}{F0.Her} boss makes a point to stop by and hint that a promotion isn’t long around the corner, which makes everything worth it.
- {0.SimFirstName} really pushes {M0.himself}{F0.herself}, but this just leads to fatigue and overall sloppy work. {M0.He}{F0.She} gets in a little extra work, but it doesn’t really impress the boss.
- {0.SimFirstName} takes the initiative to complete an oft-overlooked side task that nobody else would take. Everyone is surprised to see the task finally completed. Most of all, {0.SimFirstName}’s boss who is quite impressed to the tune of a near promotion perhaps…
Card 9:
- {0.SimFirstName} approached {M0.his}{F0.her} coworker and gave them very honest feedback. {M0.He}{F0.She} also worked with {M0.his}{F0.her} coworker to create a plan to correct the problem. {M0.His}{F0.Her} boss praised {0.SimFirstName} for working well with {M0.his}{F0.her} teammates.
- {0.SimFirstName} gives {M0.his}{F0.her} co-worker some kind words about {M0.his}{F0.her} good work, but then provides stern feedback on {M0.his}{F0.her} recent behavior. The note is taken well and both grow stronger as a result.
- {0.SimFirstName} praises their co-worker, but then sandwiches this with some harsh feedback. Their co-worker is caught off guard and is a bit upset. {0.SimFirstName} learns a good lesson about tactful feedback.
Card 10:
- {0.SimFirstName} hates waiting for others to give {M0.him}{F0.her} ideas, so {M0.he}{F0.she} presents {M0.his}{F0.her} boss with suggestions for how {M0.he}{F0.she} can be challenged. {0.SimFirstName}’s boss appreciates the gumption and praises {M0.him}{F0.her}.
- {0.SimFirstName} steps into the boss’ office, slams {M0.his}{F0.her} fist on the table, and demand a challenge. {M0.His}{F0.Her} boss is taken aback, but loves the chutzpah and immediately gives {M0.his}{F0.her} a new task to pursue.
- {0.SimFirstName} demands a new challenge from {M0.his}{F0.her} boss who is not in the mood for snippy employees. {M0.His}{F0.Her} boss recognizes {M0.his}{F0.her} initiative, but next time {M0.he}{F0.she} needs to show more tact.
Card 1:
- {0.SimFirstName} quickly logs into an online gaming site and carries the team to victory. Turns out it was a tournament day and {0.SimFirstName}’s team took the grand prize!
- {0.SimFirstName} quickly logs in to play some games and starts mouse clicking like crazy. Unfortunately, just as {M0.he’s}{F0.she’s} about to win, the boss catches {M0.him}{F0.her} slacking off!
- {0.SimFirstName} quickly crammed a few bites into {M0.his}{F0.her} mouth. The boss came around just as {M0.he}{F0.she} wiped the crumbs off {M0.his}{F0.her} face. Luckily, {M0.he}{F0.she} didn’t get caught!
- {0.SimFirstName} is starving and starts to raid the communal fridge. {M0.He}{F0.She} finds a tasty looking sandwich and chows down. Just as {M0.he}{F0.she} takes the last bite, the boss wanders into the kitchen. Turns out it was the boss’ sandwich. Uh oh, {0.SimFirstName} is in big trouble!
Card 2:
- {0.SimFirstName} flits in and out of the kitchen most of the afternoon stealing bites of food when no one is looking! {M0.He}{F0.She} doesn’t get a lot of work done, but at least {M0.he’s}{F0.she’s} not hungry.
- {0.SimFirstName} gets caught elbows deep in the fridge with Bob’s pastrami sandwich in {M0.his}{F0.her}
mouth and Elsa’s french fries tucked under {M0.his}{F0.her}
neck. Uh oh. {M0.His}{F0.Her} coworkers are really angry and report {M0.him}{F0.her} to the boss! - {0.SimFirstName} goes hungry, which makes {M0.him}{F0.her} grumpy, lethargic, and {M0.he}{F0.she} ends up spending the afternoon browsing food blogs, which eliminates all productivity for the day.
Card 3:
- {0.SimFirstName} points a big foam fingered hand at {M0.his}{F0.her} nearest co-worker, who is caught off guard by the accusation. The boss calls the co-worker into their office, giving {0.SimFirstName} enough time to hastily finish {M0.his}{F0.her} work.
- {0.SimFirstName} lights a fire in {M0.his}{F0.her} cube-mate’s trash can, which sets off the fire alarm and scatters everyone outside. Nobody remembers that {0.SimFirstName} missed the deadline!
- {0.SimFirstName} starts to light a fire, but is caught by the co-worker who owns the trash can. Now, {0.SimFirstName} has to explain both the missed deadline and the mild arson!
Card 4:
- {0.SimFirstName} can’t resist the opportunity and slaps {M0.his}{F0.her} boss with a “kick me” sign on the back. The boss, good-natured as always, laughs at the gesture but admonishes {0.SimFirstName} for distracting the office.
- {0.SimFirstName} slaps a “kick me” sign on the back of {M0.his}{F0.her} boss and as a result, a co-worker swiftly kicks the boss. The paper trail leads to {0.SimFirstName} and the disciplinary action is swift.
- {0.SimFirstName} doesn’t pull the prank, but feels awful for missing such a choice opportunity to pull a fast one on {M0.his}{F0.her} boss. {0.SimFirstName} spends the rest of the work day sulking in despair.
Card 5:
- The demands of the denizens of social media are too much and {0.SimFirstName} comes strong with not one, not two, but three hot takes. {0.SimFirstName}’s followers are through the roof and {M0.he}{F0.she} earned a bunch of ad revenue!
- {0.SimFirstName} was in the middle of writing a real hot take when the boss sneaks up on {M0.him}{F0.her} and is really upset that {0.SimFirstName} is neglecting {M0.his}{F0.her} work.
- {0.SimFirstName} decides to chill on the hot takes. {M0.His}{F0.Her} fans can’t get enough and keep pinging {0.SimFirstName} throughout the day which distracts {M0.him}{F0.her} from {M0.his}{F0.her} work.
- {0.SimFirstName} decides to stop ranting and begins losing followers immediately. Without a social platform upon which to share {M0.his}{F0.her} views, {0.SimFirstName} feels out of place and without focus.
Card 6:
- {0.SimFirstName} sneaks off to the bathroom stall to play mobile games. {M0.He}{F0.She} enjoys some uninterrupted alone time and a new high score.
- {0.SimFirstName} sneaks off to the bathroom stall to play mobile games. Unfortunately, the person next to {M0.him}{F0.her} in the stall has a volcanic experience and it spoils the mobile game for {0.SimFirstName} forever.
- {0.SimFirstName} sneaks off to a supply closet to tap all of {M0.his}{F0.her} gardens and collect coins. The closet is perfectly humid, with the stale sweet smell of cleaning supplies. {0.SimFirstName} spends a pleasant afternoon in its tiny comforts.
- {0.SimFirstName} hides in the supply closet to play games. Unfortunately, the janitor also hangs out there. Like, all the time. The situation quickly becomes awkward and {0.SimFirstName} slinks out in disgrace.
Card 7:
- {0.SimFirstName} tries to “borrow” food from a co-worker, but things quickly go awry when three different co-workers catch {0.SimFirstName} with {M0.his}{F0.her} hand literally in the cookie jar. It’s going to be really awkward for {0.SimFirstName} to work with the team now.
- {0.SimFirstName} stops stealing lunch. Instead, {M0.he}{F0.she} sits next to the person with the best lunch and give sad eyes, leading to instant empathy and a full tummy from a loaned sandwich.
- {0.SimFirstName} stops stealing lunch, but it turns out {M0.he}{F0.she} wasn’t the only one stealing lunch. To make matters worse, {0.SimFirstName} is blamed for the theft AND is still hungry!
Card 8:
- {0.SimFirstName} invests in some fantastic headphones. Not only do they keep the noise away from co-workers, but {0.SimFirstName} now has a plausible excuse to ignore their boss!
- No music, no glory! {0.SimFirstName} cranks up the sound and dares {M0.his}{F0.her} co-workers to complain. None do, and in fact, everyone gathers around {0.SimFirstName} and has an impromptu dance party.
- {0.SimFirstName} cranks up the music and throws the horns, but a mob of co-workers quickly show up with the boss in tow to discipline {0.SimFirstName} and shut off the music. Doesn’t hurt to try!
- {0.SimFirstName} has received several noise complaints from co-workers for playing loud music during work hours. {0.SimFirstName} loves music…but needs to not get in trouble. What should {M0.he}{F0.she} do?
Card 9:
- {0.SimFirstName} is trying to get the boss off {M0.his}{F0.her} back by looking busier. So {0.SimFirstName} begins to constantly ruffle papers, walk to and from meeting rooms, and generally looks busier. The boss seems satisfied by {0.SimFirstName}’s performance.
- {0.SimFirstName} tries to look busier, but all {M0.he}{F0.she} ends up doing is constantly bumping into people and annoying co-workers with the sound of paper rustling. The ruse is rather transparent and the boss isn’t happy.
- {0.SimFirstName} applies a generous coating to some otherwise unfavorable work statistics to improve {M0.his}{F0.her} quarterly performance review. The boss sees it and accepts it as fact!