Laundry Day

The Sims 4 Eco Living: Laundry Wins the Gameplay Community Vote!

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SimGuruGraham has just announced on the forums that Laundry gameplay theme has won the community vote for The Sims 4 Eco Living Stuff Pack!

Before we dive into the results, here are all the features that were listed for Laundry:

An optional gameplay system that’s only used by the active household when laundry objects are placed on the Sim’s home lot. Moodlets and modifiers to the decay rate of certain needs serve as some of the benefits and pushback of this system. Some gameplay feature ideas include:

– Washing Machine – Sims can use the washing machine to clean dirty clothes that are collected from a hamper, or from piles of clothes on the ground. Object could break, be upgraded, and potentially have a fun interaction or a funny failure.
– Dryer – Sims can take clothes that have just been cleaned in the Washing Machine or the Wash Tub and have them dried. Object could break, as well as being upgraded.
Hamper – When a Sim in the active household changes their outfit on their home lot, laundry is added to the hamper as long as it exists anywhere on the lot. Over time, the hamper gradually fills up. If there is no hamper, or the hamper is full, then a clothes pile appears on the ground.
– Clothes Line – Sims who prefer to be eco conscious can choose to use a clothesline as an alternative to the dryer. Using a clothes line does not require power and offers savings on the weekly bill, but clothes take longer to dry.
– Wash Tub – Sims who prefer to be eco conscious can choose to use a wash tub as an alternative to a washing machine. Using a wash tub does not require power or water, and offers savings on the weekly bill, but the Sim must remain at the object to wash their clothes by hand. can choose to use a wash tub as an alternative to a washing machine. Using a wash tub does not require power or water, and offers savings on the weekly bill, but the Sim must remain at the object to wash their clothes by hand.

Here are the official results posted by SimGuruGraham:

Hello Simmers! Let’s get right to it…

Laundry is the winning group of gameplay features that we’ll create for this upcoming Stuff Pack, after capturing the most votes from this community! In fact, when we examined the outcome across the different regions that voted, the results were almost entirely aligned. Nearly everyone voted for the options in the following order…

  1. Laundry
  2. Off the Grid
  3. Food Preserves
  4. Carbon Conscious

The only exception to this result came from players in Russia, where Food Preserves swapped places with Off the Grid by a slim margin.

With these results in hand, we have a clear path forward for this pack. In the coming weeks our Stuff Pack designer will get to work writing full designs for Washers, Dryers, Clotheslines, Wash Tubs, and Ironing Boards. I’m looking forward to sharing those full designs with you, so that we can collaborate on the little details which are so important to creating a fun – and full – Sims experience.

You also have two more votes to look forward to, now with concrete dates on when they will occur. The Pack Icon Vote will start on September 6th, followed by the Pack Title Vote starting September 13th, where we will select the final name for this Stuff Pack.

In the meantime, watch for more in-depth looks into game development right here on this forum. In the coming weeks I’ll be sharing more art, showing off the hairstyles that will come with this pack, discussing the process we follow internally to get from the initial brainstorm to the feature groups you voted on, and more!

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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re evans
re evans
4 years ago

Yess i missed laundry from ts3 now my stay at home mom sims actually have something to do 😀

4 years ago

While every pack in The Sims 4 comes with a guaranteed disappointment in this case laundry only being active for the active household also meaning more then likely we will not get a laundromat like we did with The Sims 3 where NPC’s even did their laundry I will look forward to this pack when it’s released and I decided to return to The Sims 4 from The Sims 2 of course!

4 years ago

By the way most of the objects are related to Laundry theme so why did they make us choose the featured items If there was already some clutter items for laundry?

Anna HayDay
Anna HayDay
4 years ago

it is sad

Gamenster ‍
Gamenster ‍
4 years ago

I personally think people didn’t even think . They just saw : Laundry and clicked on it without even reading.. What is wrong with ppl? (I chose Of the Grid)

4 years ago

I knew laundry was going to win so I didn’t vote. Just like I knew Eco Living was going to win the theme and name. I love this community but it’s so predictable. Having a washer and dryer could have been added years ago with an update. I better get some good washers and dryers in 2018.