Please note that this article is opinionated and does not reflect thoughts and opinions of other Sims Community staff members.
This isn’t an article about recognition from EA (they’re not really allowed to promote third-party content) but recognition from the simming community instead!
I was spending my Saturday afternoon watching The Sims 4 Let’s Plays on YouTube when I came across a particular video where Youtuber added a WeTransfer link to all the Custom Content pieces she used in her video. Now, I thought this was going to be a link to a list of download links or something like that, but it turned out to be a 1GB .zip file of all downloaded content. I’m sure this Youtuber had no bad intentions considering she put a link to The Sims Resource where she got all her content from, but the issue of redistributing other people’s custom content still persists.
I was notified of a certain Youtuber who dedicated a few of her YouTube videos to downloading, zipping and uploading other people’s content to Mediafire just because. It wasn’t one of those cases where Youtubers are asked to provide content they’ve been using in their Let’s Plays – this was a series of YouTube videos with a clear intention.
Now, this isn’t just a common issue on YouTube – there are many websites out there that hotlink other people’s creations and instead of directing them to the creator’s website, it only offers a download from their own website:
This is an issue that many Custom Content creators and Modders have noticed and try to get through with each creation they put out. I know that many Simmers that download content regularly get tired of links and other types of advertisements that they encounter when trying to download a custom creation for The Sims 4 but honestly that’s the only thing that keeps them away from free content that a creator has been working on for a long period of time.
Creators often have their own “Terms of Usage” on their websites where they usually state that you shouldn’t redistribute their content and should give credits to their creations. There isn’t any legal law that forces you to follow their TOS, however you should try and do so out of respect for their work.
I’m not a Custom Content / Mod creator myself but I post about CC / Mods on a regular basis on this website and it breaks my heart when I see that the original creators and their creations don’t get credited appropriately.
Just like you avoid pirating The Sims games out of respect for creators of your favorite game, you should avoid redistributing and downloading redistributed Custom Content and Mods out of respect for CC / Mod creators.