The Sims 3 Articles

The Sims Through the Years: 26th July

the sims 3 town life stuff dlc pdp 3840x2160 en WW

The Sims 3: Town Life Stuff released on this day 6 years ago, the pack was intended to give new life to existing worlds as well as adding some new objects and clothing. The theme had a very modern theme to it, the lots were available for players to place wherever they like.

The pack got mixed reviews, but I believe it added something new to the game and made playing in the same worlds feel different.

About the author


Hello, I'm Mike and I'm a Sims addict. I've been playing The Sims since I was 5 years old, most of my early memories of the game revolve around building the perfect houses and burning it down. Since those good days I've played every iteration and most of the spin-offs and have loved every single moment, hope you enjoy my articles!

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