Dear community, there’s a huge mod being released for The Sims 4 next week and we want you to know all about it because it’s something you’ve been wanting for a long time in the game.
The Sims 4 Modder SACRIFICAL (also known as Dramatic-Gamer on Mod The Sims) created all sorts of mods for the game which were a bit…violent, but still really big, interactive and detailed. This time he’s putting all his talent and effort to bring a feature that you’ve been wanting for a long time in The Sims 4 and that’s Fame.
The Mod is currently available on his Patreon with a $5 monthly pledge. A complete, worldwide release has been scheduled for September 22nd.
You can check out his walkthrough of this mod down below:
The Road To Fame Mod promises big new features, starting with Simstagram. In the video HERE you can see some of the interactions available with the Simstagram skill (the skill was first called Instagram but was eventually renamed to match with The Sims 4’s own universe of apps and tech).
But that’s not all! The mod also includes these features:
- Paparazzi
- Giving Fans a Hug
- Signing Autographs
- Answering Questions from the Paparazzi
- Giving your Fans a Kiss
- Fame Levels, which you can gain by posting on Simstagram and interacting with your fans and paparazzi. Being rude to fans and paparazzi will decrease your fame status.
- Meet & Greet Events
This is gonna ROCK!
I’m gonna enjoy this mod so much yet I DO NOT lose hope fame will come one day as game pack we need sth more than rabbit hole concerts and festivals where nothing happens it should have been added to City Living but creators skipped it because of Sims3 players that do nothing but complain about EVERYTHING about Sims4
So glad to see that Dramatic Gamer is getting the recognition he deserves, I’ve attended several of his streams and he’s always been incredibly nice and humble about his incredible talent. <3
This Mod looks amazing!!!
Too bad about those stiff, robotic poses.
Doesn’t the game already have “take photo” animations?
He made many options for the photo, he made it like you take photos with custom poses in your game, or just take it automatically by the animation.
Lets just help this potential mod grow.
I’m not saying “shut it down, it’s terrible,” I’m saying there’s room for improvement.
If that’s not letting a mod grow I don’t know what is.
At begin I believed it was like TS3 Showtime
But is being famoust at Instagram
He is now making modeling career, he is planning on making singing, dancing, photography and simtube.
Lets just help to grow this potential awesome mod.
I can’t wait to get this mod
Is there any chance of this going public for everyone for free?
Isn’t this available today?
Is this still coming out today? I don’t have the money for patreon 🙁
I’m using a MacBook . The mod seems to be downloaded correctly but it’s not working in the game. What am I doing wrong?
I’m using a MacBook . The mod is downloaded correctly but it’s not working in the game. What am I doing wrong?
I dont know why… buy my meet and greet doesn’t work….
Link is broken.
This is gonna ROCK!
This Mod looks amazing!!!
So glad to see that Dramatic Gamer is getting the recognition he deserves, I’ve attended several of his streams and he’s always been incredibly nice and humble about his incredible talent. <3
Too bad about those stiff, robotic poses.
Doesn’t the game already have “take photo” animations?
He made many options for the photo, he made it like you take photos with custom poses in your game, or just take it automatically by the animation.
Lets just help this potential mod grow.
I’m not saying “shut it down, it’s terrible,” I’m saying there’s room for improvement.
If that’s not letting a mod grow I don’t know what is.
At begin I believed it was like TS3 Showtime
But is being famoust at Instagram
He is now making modeling career, he is planning on making singing, dancing, photography and simtube.
Lets just help to grow this potential awesome mod.
Is this still coming out today? I don’t have the money for patreon 🙁
I’m using a MacBook . The mod is downloaded correctly but it’s not working in the game. What am I doing wrong?
I dont know why… buy my meet and greet doesn’t work….
I’m using a MacBook . The mod seems to be downloaded correctly but it’s not working in the game. What am I doing wrong?
Link is broken.
Is there any chance of this going public for everyone for free?
Isn’t this available today?
I can’t wait to get this mod
I’m gonna enjoy this mod so much yet I DO NOT lose hope fame will come one day as game pack we need sth more than rabbit hole concerts and festivals where nothing happens it should have been added to City Living but creators skipped it because of Sims3 players that do nothing but complain about EVERYTHING about Sims4