With some help from Zerbu we managed to extract cheat codes for The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs Expansion Pack which were hidden deep into the game code.
These cheats give you Vet Clinic perks and the ability to kill your Pet from old age. We’re still collecting a few more cheats – including the new Feather Collection object IDs.
Please note that the testingcheats true cheat is required for these cheats to function.
Vet Clinic Perks
The cheat is bucks.unlock_perk [code] true. Down below you can see the Perks and their codes that you should input in the place where the brackets are (brackets are not required).
- Additional Vet #1 – AdditionalVet_1
- Unlock Vet Supply Quality – SupplyQuality
- Vet Rush – MoreCustomers
- Patient Patients – LengthenImpatienceTimeout
- Additional Vet #2 – AdditionalVet_2
- Inspirational Speech – InspirationalSpeechSocial
- Lower Employee Training Costs – LowerEmployeeTrainingCost
- Well Managed – LowerChanceBadEvents
- Reduce Pet Stress – ReducePetStress
- The Vet Coat – UnlockCASItem
Down below you can find the 2 new Skills and their cheats. Instead of “[level]” add a skill number.
- Pet Training – stats.set_skill_level Skill_DogTraining [level]
- Vet Skill – stats.set_skill_level Major_Veterinarian [level]
Pet Death
You can kill a pet by using the following cheats.
First you need to get the ID of your pet. You can do so by entering the following cheat:
sims.get_sim_id_by_name [PlayedPetFirstName] [PlayedPetLastName]
In the brackets above you add your Pet names instead of the brackets.
Then, you enter this cheat with a Pet ID that was given to you:
traits.equip_trait Ghost_OldAge [Pet ID]
New Collectibles + More
We updated all of our spawn collectibles table on The Sims 4 Cheats Page with new collectibles that came with this pack. CHECK IT OUT!
There is a huge, horrible bug happening for many people right now, me included. When you delete a sim/household from the manage households tab, the game informs you, that it can’t load the save game the next time you want to load a household. This happens to people with and without cc or mods (I for example don’t have any) and the only way for you to still be able to play the game is recovering an earlier save game. Repairing the game doesn’t do anything, also reinstalling doesn’t, as other people at ea help and the simsforum stated. I was lucky it happend to me pretty soon after deleting sims, so i only lost about 2 hours of progress. The SimGurus are currently working on it, but maybe you should warn the community as you did with the previous big bug, because it is really scary (I would have lost about 1380 hours of gameplay) and annyoying if it happens.
The game tells you:
“The game could not be loaded.
error code: 102 (really long number)
We recommend you relaunch the game.”
maybe i’m missing them but i checked the spawn items and i don’t see any from this pack?
How long does it take for dogs to learn to go potty by themselves?
Since the new updated patch. I have been unable to use the friendship cheat. testingcheats true
modifyrelationship Dan Joe Jane Doe 100 friendship_main..
Any body else??
Yes! That is an issue that has been going around and the gurus have been informed. I am unsure how long it is going to take for it to be fixed. It seems this new expansion pack came with just as many glitches as it did new items!
I cannot get the Well Managed perk cheat to work… Does anyone know what I could try? All the other perk cheats worked.
Don’t work can’t get my cats I’d tried over 50times
Is there a cheat to keep your pet ALIVE?
I cannot get the Well Managed perk cheat to work… Does anyone know what I could try? All the other perk cheats worked.
maybe i’m missing them but i checked the spawn items and i don’t see any from this pack?
Don’t work can’t get my cats I’d tried over 50times
Is there a cheat to keep your pet ALIVE?
How long does it take for dogs to learn to go potty by themselves?
There is a huge, horrible bug happening for many people right now, me included. When you delete a sim/household from the manage households tab, the game informs you, that it can’t load the save game the next time you want to load a household. This happens to people with and without cc or mods (I for example don’t have any) and the only way for you to still be able to play the game is recovering an earlier save game. Repairing the game doesn’t do anything, also reinstalling doesn’t, as other people at ea help and the simsforum stated. I was lucky it happend to me pretty soon after deleting sims, so i only lost about 2 hours of progress. The SimGurus are currently working on it, but maybe you should warn the community as you did with the previous big bug, because it is really scary (I would have lost about 1380 hours of gameplay) and annyoying if it happens.
The game tells you:
“The game could not be loaded.
error code: 102 (really long number)
We recommend you relaunch the game.”
Since the new updated patch. I have been unable to use the friendship cheat. testingcheats true
modifyrelationship Dan Joe Jane Doe 100 friendship_main..
Any body else??
Yes! That is an issue that has been going around and the gurus have been informed. I am unsure how long it is going to take for it to be fixed. It seems this new expansion pack came with just as many glitches as it did new items!