Learn how to use and enable Cheats on The Sims 4 Console!
Cheats on The Sims 4 for Xbox One and PS4 are almost exactly the same as the ones on PC. However, the way you use them is a little bit different.
You open up the cheat console by pressing L1 + L2 + R1 + R1 (PS4) / LT + LB + RT + RB (Xbox One).
NOTE: What’s different with cheats for The Sims 4 Console is that almost all of them require the testingcheats true enabled cheat before entering other ones. You will have to enter this cheat or otherwise other cheats won’t function.
After entering that cheat the game will let you know that it’ll disable trophies on your current save game because cheats and achievements don’t go along together.
Enabling Cheats on Sims 4 for PS4

After you hit OK you are free to enter any type of cheat that’s currently available in The Sims 4 for PC. Yes, motherlode is available.
However, one of the great things about this is that the game lets you use Debug cheats as well – meaning that you can promote your Sims’ careers using the following cheat:
Careers.promote [Career Name]

Also – spawn cheats are working as well! I managed to spawn a fish right next to my Sim.

However – not all cheats revolve around entering text in the cheat console. Enabling the testingcheats true cheat will also unlock some object-specified and Sim-specified cheats. For example you can fill the motives of your entire household or add a Sim to the family (just some of the examples) by holding O + pressing X (PS4) / holding A + pressing B (Xbox One).

It’s L1 L2 R1 R2
I have been told that Ro level up a skill you need a word in front of the skill. Appenently it’s on this website but I can’t find the word you have to put in front of the writing skill
Can you add mods to ps4 and XBOX? Please we all want this!
Mods are unfortunally not available on PS4 or XBOX
How do we unlock the carear items on ps4 the chat box isnt large enough for the cheat thats on pc so how does it work on ps4.
If you idek cheats in one household, does it disable trophies for all households? Even new ones?
How do we get the mc command on Xbox?
Unfortunally, Mods are not possible to download on PS4 or XBOX, I can’t say anything for sure as I don’t have a PS4 or an XBOX, but I think it’s because it’s not possible to make folders on console, again, I can’t say anything for sure as I don’t have a PS4 or an XBOX, it’s just what I find logical