Some of you probably noticed that the ModifyRelationship cheat doesn’t function properly ever since the latest big update for The Sims 4.
SimGuruNick posted a tweet about this saying that the cheat still works – it was just renamed and needs a LTR_ prefix to the “Friendship_Main / Romance_Main” part of the cheat.
FOR SIMS: If you want to add a relationship between Sims, use the following code:
FRIENDSHIP: modifyrelationship <yoursimFirst> <yoursimLast> <TargetsimFirst> <TargetsimLast> <+amount> LTR_Friendship_Main
ROMANCE: modifyrelationship <yoursimFirst> <yoursimLast> <TargetsimFirst> <TargetsimLast> <+amount> LTR_Romance_Main
FOR SIMS + PETS: If you want to add a relationship between Sims and Pets use the following code:
FRIENDSHIP: modifyrelationship <yoursimFirst> <yoursimLast> <TargetPetFirst> <TargetPetLast> <+amount> LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_Main
For more cheats visit our The Sims 4 Cheats Page!
Regarding the modifyrelationship cheat being broken on PC/Mac: it actually does work, you just have to type more than "Friendship_Main" now. It's "LTR_Friendship_Main" and "LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_Main". It won't work on pets with no last name from what I've seen.
— SimGuruNick (@SimGuruNick) November 20, 2017
After the last upgrade on 4-22-2019 the modifyrelationship cheat doesn’t work.
nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! , whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
it does work
It’s not working anymore. idk what the F happened
Regarding the modifyrelationship cheat being broken on PC/Mac: it actually does work, you just have to type more than “Friendship_Main” now. It’s “LTR_Friendship_Main” and “LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_Main”. It won’t work on pets with no last name from what I’ve seen.
That’s not working either
Okay I figured it out… you have to type “testingcheats true” (note that this is different than “cheatsenabled true”). Then you type the relationship cheat: modifyrelationship YourSimFirstName YourSimLastName OtherSimFirstName OtherSimLastName 100 LTR_Friendship_Main
No need for any symbols or anything, just single spaces.
it still doesnt work ?? idk what im doing wrong 🙁
It’s not working anymore. idk what the F happened
Regarding the modifyrelationship cheat being broken on PC/Mac: it actually does work, you just have to type more than “Friendship_Main” now. It’s “LTR_Friendship_Main” and “LTR_SimToPet_Friendship_Main”. It won’t work on pets with no last name from what I’ve seen.
That’s not working either
After the last upgrade on 4-22-2019 the modifyrelationship cheat doesn’t work.
nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! , whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
it does work
Okay I figured it out… you have to type “testingcheats true” (note that this is different than “cheatsenabled true”). Then you type the relationship cheat: modifyrelationship YourSimFirstName YourSimLastName OtherSimFirstName OtherSimLastName 100 LTR_Friendship_Main
No need for any symbols or anything, just single spaces.
it still doesnt work ?? idk what im doing wrong 🙁