We’re a week into 2018 and The Sims Team already has some big plans for The Sims Franchise. We got a first look into The Sims 4’s first quarter for this year and EA is hopeful to release The Sims Mobile this Spring with The Sims 4 Console expanding it’s catalogue of Expansion Packs, Game Packs and Stuff Packs.
Here’s everything that’s coming out for The Sims this year so far:
The Sims 4 Laundry Day Stuff Pack
This is going to be the first pack released for The Sims 4 on PC in 2018. Although we’ve been in the loop about this pack since April 2017, The Sims Team has made it official a few days ago that this Stuff Pack will be available this Winter (from January to March). Because they also have a Game Pack planned for this Winter as well we can expect the release of Laundry Day Stuff Pack some time in January / February.
We already have plenty of information about The Sims 4 Laundry Day that you can catch up HERE!
The Sims 4 Game Pack 6
The Sims 4 is getting its sixth Game Pack this Winter. Although we don’t know much about it, we did get a special preview in the latest quarterly teaser, hinting that the Game Pack could revolve around adventure-themed gameplay.
Considering that Game Packs are usually announced 2-3 weeks before their release, The Sims 4 Game Pack 6 could come out some time in February / March.
The Sims 4 Console Packs
The Sims Team and the folks at Blind Squirrel are hard at porting all the packs from The Sims 4 for PC to The Sims 4 for Xbox One and PS4. With some of the packs already available on The Sims 4 Console we can expect The Sims 4’s entire catalogue ported over to The Sims 4 Console this year.
The Sims 4 Dine Out Game Pack is the next pack coming to Xbox One and PS4 – with the release date set to January 9th.
The Sims Mobile
The Sims Mobile still hasn’t received it’s full, worldwide release ever since its soft launch in May 2017. The game is currently available in Brazil, Spain, Ireland and Australia.
This mobile game received plenty of changes in the last few months. However, it’s starting to feel like the game is close to completion. The development of mobile apps is very different from PC game development which is one of the main reasons why we found out about it so early.
EA is feeling confident to release The Sims Mobile worldwide this Spring.
What are you hoping to see for The Sims this year? Let us know in the comments!
It would be cool to see a Seasons Expansion Pack.
I’m excited for the laundry stuff pack and the new game pack. I am hoping we get seasons this year.
SEASONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like please… We have waited…..
I’m actually not excited for any of these releases at all. I feel like the Sims-team is doing the best they can to make their game as enjoyable as possible, but EA kind off fucks everything up over and over again. Besides that, Sims Mobile is stuffed up with micro-transactions, up to a point that the game is nearly unplayable. Kind of a shame 🙁
You know how we have thd vampire pack they shouldnt have named it vampire pack they should of made it with all supernatural that would of been cool but yeah I kinda hoping adding werewolves pack
It was a game pack there wasn’t enough resources available to make it an expansion for supernaturals since GP get less resources compared to EPs. It would’ve been a disaster. There were werewolve coding found a longtime ago but nothing concrete to suggest when that’s coming. I prefer the format they’re going for since GPs are well done and thought out.
Console players would really love to get cats and dogs and get a job packs pls know that
I am very excited for both of these packs, and the Sims Mobile. Also I am hopping as well for seasons, and maybe another supernatural release. Like werewolves or witches.
I know I’m going pretty old school here but my 2 all time favourite packs were The Sims Superstar and Making Magic (this goes back to the sims 2). Please bring them back soon, I have been waiting a really long time for them!
FAIRIES PLEASE!!!!! a whole pack for fairies would be amazing but people would also love a fairy/witch expansion so that there can be magic 🙂
the Future was my favorite expansion so I hope they incorporate that too.
I want one with wizards and witches
Seasons Please!!
University life
This is all good for pc but hey what about PS4 when will we get like anything come on guys we’ve waited long enough don’t you think
Håper vi noen gang får gårds dyr med hest,sau, gris, geit og ku. håper det går an og drive et ridesenter. eller laget et selv. Hadde vært så gøy i sims 4 å ri, kjøre vogn, dra på stevner, drive med travløp, dressur, sprang, kjøring, volting.
Håper det virkelig kommer en dag, tror folk hadde vært kjempe glad. er så glad for at The sims 4 de fire årstider kommer i dag klokken 00:00. Håper på flere gøye pakker. Dere er best