Unlock Skeletons and Spawn Collectibles with these Sims 4 Jungle Adventure Cheats!
Are you looking for faster ways to explore the jungle or just want to turn your entire household into skeletons? With some help from Zerbu we managed to extract cheats for The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure Game Pack. These cheats include Skeleton Cheats, Trait Cheats, Death Cheat and new Collectibe Cheats.
To ensure all these cheats work make sure you’ve entered the testingcheats true cheat before entering cheats listed below.
Jungle Adventure Skeleton Cheats
There are 2 different cheats that will turn your Sim into a skeleton.
- traits.equip_trait Trait_Hidden_Skeleton_ServiceSkeleton – turns your Sim into a Skeleton forever
- sims.add_buff Buff_Skeleton – gives your Sim a “Skeleton Buff” which lasts for 12 hours, after which your Sim will become normal again.
- sims.remove_buff Buff_Skeleton – turns your Sim into a normal Sim (only works for the buff cheat above)
Skill Cheats
Down below are cheats for the Archaeology Skill and the Selvadoradian Culture Skill. Fileds that are italic should contain a skill level number.
- stats.set_skill_level Major_Archaeology [level from 1 to 10]
- stats.set_skill_level Minor_LocalCulture [level from 1 to 5]
Death Cheats
There’s a new death in this Game Pack which, in case you don’t treat your Sim from poisonous attacks from bees, spiders and other mechanisms when exploring the temple will eventually make your Sim die from that poison.
The poison death cheat listed below will instantly turn your Sim into a ghost:
- traits.equip_trait Poison
Sims 4 Jungle Adventure – Spawn Collectibles Cheats
There are plenty of new collectibles in The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure Game Pack. Our member PeanutButterJellySim managed to extract ALL collectible objects, including the new Fossil Collectables, Fish Collectables, Crystal Collectables, Fossil Collection and Omiscan Treasure Collection. There are also other collectables needed for exploring the jungle as well as items for the archaeology table.
To spawn these collectibles enter the objects.gsi_create_obj and then paste the object IDs listed below next to each collectible name:
- Crocodile Jaw – 0x2BA64
- 3 Toed Footprint – 0x2BA66
- Mouseosaurus – 0x2BA69
- Simian – 0x2BA6B
- Llama Toe – 0x2BA6D
- Electric Eel – 0x2BA33
- Armored Catfish – 0x2BA35
- Tambaqui – 0x2BA37
- Merry Berry – 0x2BA70
- Gutsberries – 0x2BA71
- Vimberries – 0x2BA72
- Flutterberries – 0x2BA73
- Cereberries – 0x2BA74
- Museberries – 0x2BA75
- Razzleberries – 0x2BA76
- Avocado – 0x2BA78
- Black beans – 0x2BAA7
- Omiscan Gold Calendar – 0x2DA66
- Omiscan Gold and Turqiose – 0x2DC4B
- Cetlcitli Gold Calendar – 0x3DC4C
- Cetlcitli Gold and Emerald – 0x2DC4D
- Cetlcitli Jeweled Calendar – 0x2DC4E
- Striped Quartz Gold Perereca – 0x2BA1A
- Bullseye Amazonite Gold Perereca – 0x2BA1D
- Surfer Hematite Gold Perereca – 0x2BA1F
- Sunburst Jonquilyst Gold Perereca – 0x2BA20
- Skull Diamond Gold Perereca – 0x2BA22
- Disc Ruby Gold Perereca – 0x2BA23
- Sprout Sapphire Gold Perereca – 0x2BA24
- Jeweled Gold Perereca – 0x2BA26
- Alexandrite – 0x2BA2F
- Amazonite – 0x2BA30
- Alabaster – 0x2B8F3
- Alexandrite – 0x2BBF4
- Amazonite – 0x2BBF5
- Amethyst – 0x2B8F4
- Citrine – 0x2B8F5
- Crandestine – 0x2B8F6
- Diamond – 0x2B8F7
- Emerald – 0x2B8F8
- Fire Opal – 0x2B8F9
- Hematite – 0x2B8FA
- Jet – 0x2B8FB
- Jonquilyst – 0x2B8FC
- Nitelite – 0x2B8FD
- Orange Topaz – 0x2B8FE
- Peach – 0x2B8FF
- Plumbite – 0x2B900
- Quartz – 0x2B901
- Rainborz – 0x2B902
- Rose – 0x2B903
- Ruby – 0x2B904
- Sapphire – 0x2B906
- Shinolite – 0x2B908
- Simanite – 0x2B909
- Turquoise – 0x2B90A
- Plasma Bat Bait – 0x2BD08
- Guzmania Pollenis Flower – 0x2BD07
- Dr. Parker’s Spider Repellent – 0x2BD06
- Fire Foam Bottle – 0x2BCFD
- Waterfall in a Bottle – 0x2BCFE
- Liquid Rush – 0x2BCFF
- Faraday Fizz – 0x2BD00
- Grilled Cheese Ready To Eat – 0x2BD01
- Drake’s Fire Quencher – 0x2BD04
- Lightning Insulation Powder – 0x2BD05
- Bone Dust – 0x2BDA2
- Machete – 0x2BC9F
OMISCAN ARTIFACTS the items needs to be clean up in the archaeology table to appear in the collection and counterfeits doesn’t count as a collection.
- Counterfeit – 0x2B804
- Bronze – 0x2B805
- Amazonite – 0x2B807
- Gold – 0x2B809
- Counterfeit – 0x2B7F2
- Terracotta – 0x2B7F4
- Turquoise – 0x2B7F9
- Golden – 0x2B800
- Counterfeit – 0x2B990
- Terracotta – 0x2B991
- Stoneware – 0x2B993
- Decorative – 0x2B995
- Golden – 0x2B997
- Counterfeit – 0x2B99A
- Terracotta – 0x2B99B
- Painted – 0x2B99D
- Golden – 0x2B99F
- Counterfeit – 0x2DA5D
- Quartz – 0x2DA5E
- Smokey Quartz – 0x2DA5F
- Amazonite – 0x2DA60
I’d like to have a cheat to be immune to poison, or an outfit prevent insects from biting you actually I don’t want my sim to die anyway, can you still disable dying?
there is a dl’able trait God/Goddess that makes your sim immune to death and the end result of poisons and curses. I tried this (not a reaper, but Reaper trait works too) and pulled the spears til my spouse Sim and I where cursed was cursed for fun, the green cough was entertaining needless to say they all died and I collected the insurance money 😉 . Side note, for the adventure and exploring while there, I disabled need decay so I could grind away.
I still cannot seem to be able to get the surfer hematite gold omiscan treasure. What am I doing wrong??
I still cannot seem to be able to get the surfer hematite gold omiscan treasure. What am I doing wrong??
I’d like to have a cheat to be immune to poison, or an outfit prevent insects from biting you actually I don’t want my sim to die anyway, can you still disable dying?
there is a dl’able trait God/Goddess that makes your sim immune to death and the end result of poisons and curses. I tried this (not a reaper, but Reaper trait works too) and pulled the spears til my spouse Sim and I where cursed was cursed for fun, the green cough was entertaining needless to say they all died and I collected the insurance money 😉 . Side note, for the adventure and exploring while there, I disabled need decay so I could grind away.