What would a life simulation game be without a milestone as important as marriage?
At level 7, you’ll unlock the ability to get married. You’ll also get a quest to get married shortly after reaching level 7. Getting married in The Sims Mobile isn’t hard, but just like in other Sims games and in real life, you’ll need to spend some time building a meaningful relationship with another Sim.
Don’t worry if you’ve already started a non-romantic relationship story with the Sim you want to marry, you can still marry that Sim as long as you spend enough time doing romantic social interactions with that Sim.
After spending enough time being romantic with the Sim you want to marry, you’ll have the option to start a Proposal event in the Flirty interaction menu. The proposal event works the same way as any other relationship event. Perform event socials to fill the performance bar. Just like other events, your Sim will finish the event on their own, but you can help them finish faster.
When the Propose event is finished, your Sims will become engaged and you can get married under a wedding arch, but before getting married, you’ll need to complete the wedding collection in the Buy menu. The wedding collection consists of three items; Windowed Rose Lattice, Floral Pillar, and the Wedding Arch. You’ll need one of each to get married.
Once your Sims are engaged and you have the wedding decor set up, it’s time for the big event. If you’ve spent enough time playing with your Sims, you’ll have the ability to throw a wedding party, but don’t worry if the wedding party isn’t available to you, yet. The wedding party is optional; your Sims can still tie the knot without one.
After the vows have been said and the rings exchanged, your Sim’s new spouse will move in with your Sim if they don’t already live with your Sim.
Congratulations on your new marriage! We hope your Sims will be very happy together for the rest of their lives!
Why can’t I ask my Fiancé to move in. I’m at relationship level 10, but it says “No more room in the household”. I have 5 rooms and 2 beds.. where’s the problem?
I think it’s because you don’t have an open Sim spots, but I’m not entirely sure. You could try buying a new one and see if it let’s you
You can only have two Sims living in your household unless you purchase two more household slots with SimCash. If you already have another Sim living with your Sim in the house, you will not be able to move any other Sims into the household.
I have the same issue
Hey I am at the Fiance status , level 10 relationship, story – The fixer Upper . But there is no proposal option. What to do?
If you have the fiance relationship status with another Sim, you’ve already done the Proposal event. Purchase the Wedding collection in the Buy catalog in order to marry them via the wedding arch.
I got my Sims engaged and then married them and then later when I went into the game, they weren’t married! I’m not sure if it has to do with the fact that their relationship is lvl 8 and not 10 or if maybe it’s because I have both my open Sim spots full, but I’d really like to know why I can’t keep them married
I’ve had the same problem twice, they weren’t even engaged anymore after that. It could also be a bug in the game since some other progress also disappeared when I played yesterday, but I’m not sure.
Exactly the same thing with me!! I have a “roommate” and she was able to maintain her marriage status but for my other sim, the relationship status always reverts back to the level that they’re on with their love interest
Same issue here, has happened 3 times. I’m guessing it’s because I don’t have empty room in my house and already have two sims maybe.
Check your network connection. A weak network connection can contribute to lost game progress. The Sims Mobile saves automatically every few minutes or so, but if your Internet signal is weak, it may not save properly. This has happened to me while playing through a party event. Make sure you’re connected to a strong network to avoid losing progress.
Hi, my sim is at soulmate level 10 with another sim but the propose mission doesn’t pop up. Do you know why that might happen?
Try selecting Other Options at the bottom of the social menu when talking to that Sim, then select the Flirty category. The game will show you the most relevant socials by default, but it’s not very smart at knowing which socials are the best to use, especially if you have a friendship story with the Sim you want to marry and not a romance story.
I wanna ask the Sim of my friend in real life to move into my house. Does that mean he will lose his Sim character? What will happen to my career and his career?
I have not experienced this situation myself. My Sim married the second Sim I created when the game prompted me to make a roommate for her, but reports from other players seem to suggest that if you try to move a Sim played by another player into your house, the other player will need to approve the request. If the other player approves the request, their Sim will move into your house but the other player will lose that Sim.
Your Sim’s career should stay intact, but I’m not certain if the other player’s Sim will retain their career if they move in with your Sim.
Hi, is there any way to divorce? My sim married another players sim and that player seems to have stopped playing…I’m stuck with a husband I can’t get to move in! 🙁
Yes, once married, a Divorce event should be available in the Mean category. If it doesn’t show up for you, tap Other Options and select the Mean category. If it is not there, spend some time doing mean interactions with your spouse and it should pop up. I had a married couple in the Tainted Love story and they fought constantly. Divorce was an event option for me.
I’d love to see an answer to this too. My sim married another’s sim, they had a kid and she’s basically raising her kid as a single mom because she can’t her husband to move in. The other player hasn’t ok’d the move in, I guess…
How do i get it to stop saying fiance on one sim when i married another sim
This is just an educated guess, but perhaps mean socials will deteriorate the relationship enough to do this.
Playing Sims Mobile. My SIM married an NPC. They have a level 10 relationship. I’ve asked him to move in, but he hasn’t.
I wasn’t able to play the Sims for a while and I missed the wedding quest. There’s no option to re-propose. What should I do if that happens.
Okay so idk if this is new from the dec 2020 update but a npc sim who my sim was dating literally called and said “I found a ring in my girlfriends bag. I think she’s going to propose. What should I do.” I clicked “Say yes.” And next thing I knew they were engaged. Its never happened to me before while playing the game.