The Sims 4 Guides Cats & Dogs My First Pet Stuff

The Sims 4 My First Pet Stuff has content that actually belongs to Cats & Dogs Expansion


The Sims 4 My First Pet Stuff Pack is getting a lot of attention and for all the bad reasons. However, the negative community feedback and bad reviews aren’t the only thing that make the My First Pet Stuff Pack one of the worst in the series.

Simmer Andrew Arcade pointed out the fact that My First Pet Stuff Pack seems to build on and add items that are exactly the same style as the items in The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs Expansion Pack. For example, you have an image down below showcasing some of the items that you get in My First Pet Stuff Pack and the items that you get in Cats & Dogs Expansion Pack.

They’re literally of the same style and have the same swatches.

The Sims 4 My First Pet Stuff has content that actually belongs to Cats & Dogs Expansion

This could be the first case in The Sims Franchise where another pack finishes a set of items from a previous pack.

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Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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6 years ago

its such a shame for ea to do something like that…..

6 years ago

I thought when the twitch showcase came out,Graham kinda said it was a companion to Sims 4 Cats and Dogs? I thought that was what it would be, finishing up the game pack because they couldn’t put all that stuff in a game pack. Still a lousy thing to do, but i think they sort of halfheartedly admitted it.

6 years ago

I made conclusions about The Sims 4 … I stop buying any packs and wait for Witches and Seasons)

6 years ago

and how about the female and male t-shirt are being just a recolor from base game t-shirt.

6 years ago
Reply to  Victor

the t-shirts are always the same literally every t-shirt ever is on the same like 3 meshes

6 years ago


6 years ago
Reply to  SImsfan9911

No it’s not sadly

6 years ago

It’s sugar coating it saying that “They’re literally of the same style and have the same swatches.”
The meshes are identical save for some sizing differences.
It’s rather appalling.

6 years ago

Not the first time tbh, and certainly not the last either

6 years ago


6 years ago

it’s my dream to make such game… and to think those people can and do that and such are effects…. 🙁 no more packs for me, unless some interesting game pack or expansion

6 years ago

I posted this on another site, but I think I’ll add it here for future discussion

What happened is likely along the lines of EA realising that they overworked the developers and underpaid them (something EA is NOTORIOUS for in most other departments besides Maxis). So they took a little of the content slapped it in pack to write off or something and called it so. There’s examples I’ve noticed where certain houses in Brindleton Bay have the lowest quality Pet Items despite being a nice house… what you’re seeing is an object that was removed from the game after the lot was built and the game replacing that object with the baseline version (the same thing happened in Get Together with a *fourth* Closet that was used in the Behr home… leading to a dresser stuck in the wall).

6 years ago

I’m not going to buy a game of the Sims anymore until this situation chage. It’s a shame. I’m very angry. I have the feeling that all The Sims workers are laughing at us. They only have an interest in money and don’t think about the buyers that make them rich. (Sorry for mi English).

6 years ago
Reply to  Angelously

You mean EA. The Sims publishers (not the developer) are laughing at us.

6 years ago

We don’t know if these furnitures was made before or after the cats and dogs expansions. Either way, if I remember correctly they’ve said before that they have a max limit of stuff they can put in a expansion/gamepack/stuffpack. This would mean that many things don’t make it to the final cut, kinda like things work in a movie. Some scenes get cut out to include more important scenes.

I’m not defending EA and I understand why people are unhappy. I just wanna share with People and fellow gamers how I see on the situation. Just don’t buy this pack if you don’t like the content!

Sorry for my wonky english….

6 years ago

Look i know the stuff is similar but look at all the other sims pack, they add clothes to the sims and this pack just adds clothes and furniture to the animals. Also we are lucky they didn’t do what they do with the sims 3 and make a separate game for pets. If you had the sims 3 then wanted pets you had to pay around £60 each way so if you wanted pets it would have been £120 rather than £40.

6 years ago
Reply to  Leah

What? Sims 3 Pets included a lot of items and a lot of different pets.

6 years ago
Reply to  Leah

Whaaat? You’re not making any sense. You have to buy the base game in both cases to install the Pets expansion, so the cost is the same ($100 if you buy them full price). The difference is that TS3: Pets included waaaay more gameplay features than TS4 C&D. With TS3 Pets besides cats and dogs you got a horse, a larger town, tons of small pets and unicorns. With TS4 you just get cats and dogs and the vet career, which is recycled from the doctor career and the restaurant gameplay. So only a fanatic would deny how lacking C&D was compared to previous games.

6 years ago
Reply to  Leah

not sure what you are trying to say here, but I have the pets expansion for sims 3 and it is NOT a separate game! The price of pets was the same as all other expansion packs unless you bought a bundle pack.

6 years ago

This pack is not worth my euros. I’ll wait for something that we deserve: high quality content!

6 years ago

Not only that, but it has obvious recolors in CAS, too.

6 years ago
Reply to  Cylamcevers

exactly! a custom content creator could’ve done a better job at a recolor than them. like, what are you doing EA???

6 years ago

Hope they dont ever do something like this again

6 years ago
Reply to  Bean

If you look at the popcorn maker and ice cream maker both look like they could have been added together instead of it its own pack.

6 years ago

I like the idea of hamsters and the items are very cute, but the reason I spent my money on cats and dogs was that I liked the idea of dogs and cats and the items were very cute. if this were a FREE expansion to cats and dogs, it’d be great! but of course, money.

6 years ago

The graphics looks 10 times worse than some of the CC creators. Don’t the Simgurus follow the CC sites at all? An idea, one of the best CAS creator in the community PralineSim – Featured artist like a lot of other brilliant Sims artists. Why don’t cheap EA who don’t seem to have any time to build anything or release more EP’s with more content pay her 10K to use her eye replacements, some of the most fantastic facial details, hairs looking so good everyone’s using it. EA: Send your Simsgurus to visit some of the most fantastic creators for Sims 4 and pay them to create Sims 5.

5 years ago

I grew up with hamsters and rabbits and was so excited for this pack… and it’s totally a waste of money 🙁 they’re just treated like objects, I honestly could’ve found a mod to do the same thing

4 years ago

I thought when the twitch showcase came out,Graham kinda said it was a companion to Sims 4 Cats and Dogs? I thought that was what it would be, finishing up the game pack because they couldn’t put all that stuff in a game pack. Still a lousy thing to do, but i think they sort of halfheartedly admitted it.

4 years ago

its such a shame for ea to do something like that…..

4 years ago

The graphics looks 10 times worse than some of the CC creators. Don’t the Simgurus follow the CC sites at all? An idea, one of the best CAS creator in the community PralineSim – Featured artist like a lot of other brilliant Sims artists. Why don’t cheap EA who don’t seem to have any time to build anything or release more EP’s with more content pay her 10K to use her eye replacements, some of the most fantastic facial details, hairs looking so good everyone’s using it. EA: Send your Simsgurus to visit some of the most fantastic creators for Sims 4 and pay them to create Sims 5.

4 years ago

I like the idea of hamsters and the items are very cute, but the reason I spent my money on cats and dogs was that I liked the idea of dogs and cats and the items were very cute. if this were a FREE expansion to cats and dogs, it’d be great! but of course, money.

4 years ago

I grew up with hamsters and rabbits and was so excited for this pack… and it’s totally a waste of money 🙁 they’re just treated like objects, I honestly could’ve found a mod to do the same thing

4 years ago

Not only that, but it has obvious recolors in CAS, too.

4 years ago
Reply to  Cylamcevers

exactly! a custom content creator could’ve done a better job at a recolor than them. like, what are you doing EA???

4 years ago

Look i know the stuff is similar but look at all the other sims pack, they add clothes to the sims and this pack just adds clothes and furniture to the animals. Also we are lucky they didn’t do what they do with the sims 3 and make a separate game for pets. If you had the sims 3 then wanted pets you had to pay around £60 each way so if you wanted pets it would have been £120 rather than £40.

4 years ago
Reply to  Leah

not sure what you are trying to say here, but I have the pets expansion for sims 3 and it is NOT a separate game! The price of pets was the same as all other expansion packs unless you bought a bundle pack.

4 years ago
Reply to  Leah

Whaaat? You’re not making any sense. You have to buy the base game in both cases to install the Pets expansion, so the cost is the same ($100 if you buy them full price). The difference is that TS3: Pets included waaaay more gameplay features than TS4 C&D. With TS3 Pets besides cats and dogs you got a horse, a larger town, tons of small pets and unicorns. With TS4 you just get cats and dogs and the vet career, which is recycled from the doctor career and the restaurant gameplay. So only a fanatic would deny how lacking C&D was compared to previous games.

4 years ago
Reply to  Leah

What? Sims 3 Pets included a lot of items and a lot of different pets.

4 years ago

Not the first time tbh, and certainly not the last either

4 years ago

it’s my dream to make such game… and to think those people can and do that and such are effects…. 🙁 no more packs for me, unless some interesting game pack or expansion

4 years ago

I posted this on another site, but I think I’ll add it here for future discussion

What happened is likely along the lines of EA realising that they overworked the developers and underpaid them (something EA is NOTORIOUS for in most other departments besides Maxis). So they took a little of the content slapped it in pack to write off or something and called it so. There’s examples I’ve noticed where certain houses in Brindleton Bay have the lowest quality Pet Items despite being a nice house… what you’re seeing is an object that was removed from the game after the lot was built and the game replacing that object with the baseline version (the same thing happened in Get Together with a *fourth* Closet that was used in the Behr home… leading to a dresser stuck in the wall).

4 years ago


4 years ago

We don’t know if these furnitures was made before or after the cats and dogs expansions. Either way, if I remember correctly they’ve said before that they have a max limit of stuff they can put in a expansion/gamepack/stuffpack. This would mean that many things don’t make it to the final cut, kinda like things work in a movie. Some scenes get cut out to include more important scenes.

I’m not defending EA and I understand why people are unhappy. I just wanna share with People and fellow gamers how I see on the situation. Just don’t buy this pack if you don’t like the content!

Sorry for my wonky english….

4 years ago

This pack is not worth my euros. I’ll wait for something that we deserve: high quality content!

4 years ago

I’m not going to buy a game of the Sims anymore until this situation chage. It’s a shame. I’m very angry. I have the feeling that all The Sims workers are laughing at us. They only have an interest in money and don’t think about the buyers that make them rich. (Sorry for mi English).

4 years ago
Reply to  Angelously

You mean EA. The Sims publishers (not the developer) are laughing at us.

4 years ago

Hope they dont ever do something like this again

4 years ago
Reply to  Bean

If you look at the popcorn maker and ice cream maker both look like they could have been added together instead of it its own pack.

4 years ago

I made conclusions about The Sims 4 … I stop buying any packs and wait for Witches and Seasons)

4 years ago

It’s sugar coating it saying that “They’re literally of the same style and have the same swatches.”
The meshes are identical save for some sizing differences.
It’s rather appalling.

4 years ago

and how about the female and male t-shirt are being just a recolor from base game t-shirt.

4 years ago
Reply to  Victor

the t-shirts are always the same literally every t-shirt ever is on the same like 3 meshes

4 years ago


4 years ago
Reply to  SImsfan9911

No it’s not sadly

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