
The Sims 4 Seasons: SimGuruGrant Confirms Snow has No Depth

The Sims 4 Seasons Official Reveal Trailer 062

SimGuruGrant, the lead producer on The Sims 4 Seasons Expansion Pack has finally addressed the talk about snow depth in this pack, confirming our suspicion that there is no actual depth for snow.

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Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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6 years ago

I agree, flat snow is much better than badly fabricated deep snow.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer

Pretty much guaranteed that a modder will come out with one.

Meik Schartner
Meik Schartner
6 years ago
Reply to  leona

yea i hope a modder comes by and fixes the mess that they create. ugh such a dissapointment.. as always.. They did snow depth in TS3 why not in TS4?!?!? Stupid creators they are lazy as fuck sigh

6 years ago
Reply to  Meik Schartner

You should try to make a game. Then, you may said if they’re stupid or not 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  David

For real. Half of the sims fan base is so spoiled from past games that they don’t know how to act when a new one isn’t what they want. It’s SNOW. DEPTH. And they’re making up for this with LOTS OF OTHER THINGS TO MAKE IT GREAT!

And as he said. Try to make a game, NOT MOD a game because you have the coding know-how, or even maybe that + connections with someone with models or etc, A WHOLE GAME. Try that then.

The Sims 4 is Trash
The Sims 4 is Trash
6 years ago

Why is it always “we rather focus on something else”???
Can we have an expansion pack that actually expands this game for once? Sims 2/3 had snow depth AND details/good gameplay. Why do they have to pick only one for TS4?

6 years ago

They aren’t expanding EP concepts? Vets were pretty new to a pets EP, Thermostats have deeper uses, Pets have more unique qualities, and Clubs are fun and a new concept too.

The problem with deep snow is that it always looks funky in action. Snow in the games always grows directly vertical rather than in piles as it should.

6 years ago


Tradeoff another feature
Tradeoff another feature
6 years ago

I’m done with The Sims 4. This is disgusting. They use that sh*t for everything. I hope those lazy devs will work one day and not slack off.

6 years ago


6 years ago

Ask them about fog! PLEASE!!!

6 years ago

I honestly couldn’t care less. It’s such a small part of the game and it honestly doesn’t matter over the scheme of things. It’s just snow. There’s so much to this pack and I’m honestly so happy with the release of seasons that this really is hardly something to bother me at all.

This community always finds something to complain and whine about. Snow is what’s ruining a pack for people? Really? Snow? This community has a lot of entitlement and one little thing ruins an amazing pack for them.

This game doesn’t have to be a carbon copy of the Sims 3 (which honestly, I personally liked Sims 2 way better).

It reminds me of toddlers, I still saw people complain and find stupid little things to whine about with them too. Like giving toddlers a tablet? I saw someone complain about that too, even after people told them that toddlers actually are very much given tablets by their parents these days. So, they responded with “What lazy parents would ever do that? That’s bad parenting!”, as where people responded that some parents are worn out and giving their toddlers a tablet gives the parents a bit of peace for a even just a little bit.
This community can be very nasty and always has to find something, anything, to ruin a good thing for themselves.

The community ruins things for themselves, instead of looking at the big picture.
You’re getting seasons. It’s something amazing and so exciting.

6 years ago
Reply to  Sigh.

thank you sigh…♥

Casual Simmer
Casual Simmer
6 years ago
Reply to  Sigh.

These expansions cost US$200 where I live. The full game total price it’s just absurd. Given that it’s an expansion they should be “focusing” on everything, not just this or that. I’ve been trying to enjoy the game for what it is since it came out, but I just gave up defending it after My First Pet Stuff. I’m sure it will be the best EP so far (duh, it’s Seasons) but yeah. If you enjoy the game, good for you, but try to see where they’re coming from.

6 years ago
Reply to  Sigh.

Thank you very much for these words, I needed to read that. We must remember that people not reacting actually like the game. Please count how many people play the game and you’ll feel way better. And remember that there will always be people disliking anything and so the worlds must go round with them. Peace, love!

6 years ago
Reply to  LewisMcBeth

I loved this post, and this is all I wanted everyone who’s acting out like that SO many times, pack after pack. If I get could get everyone of them to read your post, and they still continued, then they as a whole shouldn’t even play The Sims 4, or any sims game.

6 years ago

No depth, just like this garbage game.

6 years ago
Reply to  Erin

If this a garbage, then why you used The Sims 4 as a profile picture???? You wanna be like a garbage too?

6 years ago
Reply to  David

Perfect answer! So easy to be mean, so hard to show love. That is the world we live in. Erin please remember nobody is forcing you buying this “no depth game”, go put some depth in your life instead! Peace, love, always.

6 years ago

I couldn’t care less about something so minor as “snow depth.” I was, and still am, very much excited for this expansion, and I will still buy it day 1.

6 years ago

I’m a little disappointed, but only because I was looking forward to dogs, cats and toddlers accidentally burying themselves in snow. I think this minor, a yellow flag if anything, because in past packs when they’ve said “we wanted to focus on X instead”, it’s usually been on something no one cares about, so there’s a bit of worry that they may be cutting corners again, but Seasons really looks like it’s going to be amazing, so for once, I’m going to put a little faith in the Gurus.

Erica Wright
Erica Wright
6 years ago
Reply to  Coco

Hoping that something will be done about those blurry leaf piles, I know some kind modder will help because all those blurry images make my eyes hurt, I wear glasses, but it is very blurry. That is the thing I miss with Sims 3, many of the drawn details look more sharp, less muted. I was kind of sad about the snow depth because it takes away from the realism of that snow angel and makes it look strange, that was one of the reasons I noticed it. Maybe next time we can have both. Also hoping that the mud puddles look better than the drawing…remember the Ball Pitt!

Erica Wright
Erica Wright
6 years ago
Reply to  Erica Wright

And before anyone attempts to come for me, I run on ULTRA settings with a more that sufficient graphics card GTX 1070 and i7, so it is not me. I also had to ditch that blur in the distance junk too, so annoying lol

6 years ago

Shouldn’t the new game be better or more developed than the previous ones? Instead of making it more realistic like the different amount/depth of snow on each day. They eliminate it almost completely. It was like this since the beginning of S4. All excuses, why don’t just admit you’re a bunch of lazy f***s