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The Sims 4: New Content & Features (June 19th Update Overview)


In preparation for Season’s worldwide launch on June 22nd, the Sims Team has released a brand new  1.25 GB patch for The Sims 4 today!

Here’s what’s new:

New Clothing Categories in Create-A-Sim

The Sims 4: New Content & Features (June 19th Update Overview)

You can now specify hot and cold weather outfits for sims of all ages, as well as have your toddlers enjoy in the new swimwear category! This will not impact gameplay without The Sims 4 Seasons installed.

Glass Roofing Is Now Available!

The Sims 4: New Content & Features (June 19th Update Overview)

The Sims 4: New Content & Features (June 19th Update Overview)

Found with the other roofing choices, glass roofs are now available for everyone to use! As seen above, they come in 6 new options:

  • Hexagon Glass Roof
  • Solid-Sheet Glass Roof
  • Ornamental-Scrollwork Glass Roof
  • Diamond-Paneled Glass Roof
  • Square-Paneled Glass Roof
  • Rectangular Paneled Glass Roof

The Sims 4: New Content & Features (June 19th Update Overview)

Similar to windows, the new glass roofs will cast shadows on the interior of your sim’s homes! Shown above is the hexagon roof.

The Gardening Update

Perhaps the most anticipated feature of today’s update, the Sims Team has overhauled the existing gardening system!

The Sims 4: New Content & Features (June 19th Update Overview)

The following seed packets are now purchasable in buy mode:

  • Catnip Herb Packet – §25 (requires Cats & Dogs)
  • Starter Flowers, Fruits, Herbs, and Vegetables – §35
  • Farmer Flowers and Fruit – §100 (requires level 7 of the gardening skill)
  • Farmer Veggies and Herbs – §100 (requires level 7 of the gardening skill)
  • Uncommon Plants – §250 (requires level 7 of the gardening skill)
  • Rare Plants – §1,000 (requires level 10 of the gardening skill)

The Sims 4: New Content & Features (June 19th Update Overview)* avocado tree requires The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure

Plants now have a brand new UI! Replacing the existing ten category system is a new quality bar with five different stages of evolution.

The Sims 4: New Content & Features (June 19th Update Overview)

The Sims 4: New Content & Features (June 19th Update Overview)

Along with the UI improvements, plants now have new interactions! Sims are now able to research their plants by taking a few picture and jotting down some notes! Once the interaction is complete, the plant’s details will appear in the sim’s personal notebook.

Also included with the update is improved selling options! Sims can now specify what they’re selling from the interaction menu. In order to use the new Super Sell feature, your sim must first reach level 8 in the gardening skill!

The Sims 4: New Content & Features (June 19th Update Overview)

Re-Traiting Potion

The Re-Traiting Potion allows your Sim to change their personality traits for 5,000 Satisfaction Points!

s The Sims 4: New Content & Features (June 19th Update Overview) The Sims 4: New Content & Features (June 19th Update Overview)

Some Small Tweaks to the Existing UI

And finally, eagled-eyed fans may notice a few visual changes to the UI!

The Sims 4: New Content & Features (June 19th Update Overview)

About the author


Hey, all! I’m Molly - a lifelong simmer and passionate member of the simblr community. You can find me most frequently on Tumblr posting gameplay, early access content, and sometimes sharing CC!

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6 years ago

why include hot and cold outfits if you need seasons for it to be hot and cold

6 years ago
Reply to  simmer

for gameplay? it’s always nice get more clothing options in cas

6 years ago
Reply to  simmer

It’s probably so that people without Seasons are able to dress Sims in all categories without Seasons.

6 years ago

The update has made it to we’re my game will not allow me to play and go into households. I can click on the from the main menu but when I go to click the play button to go into the household I get sent back to the page to pick what world to go into. What do I do?? I really need help??

6 years ago

are some of these for console?

6 years ago
Reply to  anon

no, not yet

6 years ago

I heard some rumors that every lot could become a vacation spot. Is this true and if it’s: will this come with seasons or in any uptade?

6 years ago

Is anyone have a ui problem? Like my select worlds is enlarged and cut off and my speed buttons are small and the all this is because of the update like I check my mods and I only have Mc Command Center which as been fixed and I took that out and it’s still don’t that. I have MC Command and cas cc that I have removed and it’s still happening.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kat

If you have a UI mod then take it out till it’s updated.

6 years ago

this update has made it so i’m not able to use any cheats. is anyone else having this problem?

6 years ago
Reply to  lemonlimenyc8

You’re not alone, I’m hoping that someone is going to come up with a solution to that soon!

6 years ago
Reply to  lemonlimenyc8

Yes I am having this problem too like skill cheats….

6 years ago

In this update i can’t put anything in my sims inventory