Reddit User Nikolai2960 discovered you can use the new Glass Roof update to live inside a dome!
Heres how to do it!
Step 1
Build a house! I chose to make a small hut because the lot is quite snug, however, this can work on larger builds too as long as the lot is also big.
Step 2
Choose a Round or Octagonal Roof and place it in the center of your house! Don’t worry if the house clips through, the next step will fix that. You should have something like this:
Step 3
Next, you want to drag the white dots upwards so the roof is a dome, the roof will look like the 2nd picture when you have it correct:
Step 4
Now you have your dome shape it’s time to choose some glass! Head over to the roof section and choose a glass design, I chose the clear design so it looks like a snowglobe!
Step 5
The final step is so your Sim can access their home! You need to use the basement tool to make an underground corridor. I hid the entrances to the domes with Hedge Fences. Like this:
And you’re done!
The dome is fully functional! Your Sim should have no issues going about their daily lives inside the dome. The dome cannot be walked through so if you feel like adding a little flair to your Sims life take away that basement access! You can see below a picture of my Sim happily gardening in her dome:
If you want a little extra…
Here’s a guide on how to connect Domes! You can also use this to have a ground level entrance to the dome if you don’t want a basement entrance!
First, you want to build a section between the two domes like below:
Step 2
Choose a roof shape to fit on top, I chose gabled roof but you can do others. Then you want to place it on top of the built section. Once you’ve done that use the smaller arrows to pull the edge of the roof up to get rid of the overhang.
Step 3
Next, I added windows to the room and doors to each of the domes and corridor. I then got rid of the floor so the whole thing is grass. You also then change all the roofs to glass and boom! You’ve got connected Domes!
Thanks for the guide!
I really want to try and make Sandy’s House now… (from Spongebob)
Glass dome challenge??? Your sim/sim family has to not just survive but thrive in the glass dome only. Living off the land
Is it on the gallery?
do you need any stuff or expansion packs to do this?
Absolutely genius!!
Been trying to dome already pre made buildings just so my vampire can go to the garden but no roof seems big enough to cover the square and be high enough to go over the big buildings ..
Glass dome challenge??? Your sim/sim family has to not just survive but thrive in the glass dome only. Living off the land
Thanks for the guide!
Is it on the gallery?
Absolutely genius!!
I really want to try and make Sandy’s House now… (from Spongebob)
do you need any stuff or expansion packs to do this?
Been trying to dome already pre made buildings just so my vampire can go to the garden but no roof seems big enough to cover the square and be high enough to go over the big buildings ..