With The Sims 4 Seasons Expansion Pack giving you the ability to create any type of holiday with numerous traditions, we’ve asked simmers on Twitter about which types of holidays do they plan to create or have already created in the game.
Here are their responses:
I created Spooky Day! And a few “holidays” leading up to it so that the neighborhood could decorate well in advance of the actual holiday, like in real life. pic.twitter.com/QHZCyigztm
— Nick Folsom (@adventfear) June 22, 2018
Bad Decision Day. A day for fire, drinking, nudity, and screaming at each other. Just to get everyone to let loose, and possibly die!
— Chris Ignition (@Twevara) June 22, 2018
Nightmare Before Christmas and Fourth of July.
— Havana Sims (@princesshavana) June 22, 2018
Ramadan! I’m so happy there’s a fasting tradition in game ^_^
— Tazreen Tasnim (@tazreentasnim) June 22, 2018
Spring Cleaning
Family Summer Meal
Summer Water Fun
Polar Bear Plunge— Αλεξάνδρα ✨ (@alejandrawhitee) June 22, 2018
“Friendsfest” it’s in mid spring. You invite all your friends over for a party, have a grand meal, exchange gifts, drink and dance. Basically a free day off work to appreciate your friends 😄
— 🐾 Aria 🐾 (@ariakayla_) June 22, 2018
First of all: Foosball World Cup w/ inviting friends, bbq, watching sports, drinks to celebrate the current football (soccer) WorldCup. Then X-mas + NYE in Summer followed by Waterslide Wednesday. Then, Spooky Saturday in Fall and finally a Nectarfest in Winter.
— Cris Quadros (@coceanstweets) June 22, 2018
I plan on #Pride
— Derek Johnson (@DerekJohnsonTS) June 22, 2018
Priiiide, Kwanzaa and Ramadan are the next ones on my list!
— The English Simmer ⋄ (@EnglishSimmer) June 23, 2018
April fools for sure
— Crystal (@AKFinWonderland) June 23, 2018
I plan to make a day called ‘Creator’s Day’ where you eat food, decorate, and praise gnomes… what is it for you may ask? Well, my birthday is in fall. 😉 Thought it would be fun having my own sims celebrate their creator: Me!
— Ali–Kat (@Ali__Kat9) June 22, 2018
That hotdog costume sim icon was begging for me to create Hotdog Day
— clarissa (@champalo) June 22, 2018
Which holidays do you plan to create? Let us know in the comments!
first i playing 28 days seasons I made good friday Passover, Kwanza, Xmas, Easter, Hanukkah,hollowedeve, foolsday all the solstice which I do the gnomes and start gardening for that season ending in stories around the fires. solstices and holiday start on the days they started in real life this year super bowl, Fifi cups, boxing world cup, etc which is watching sports and being mean starting fights and drinking after church on Sundays lol
Surprised to see no one mentioned Saint Patricks Day
Surprised to see no one mentioned Saint Patricks Day
first i playing 28 days seasons I made good friday Passover, Kwanza, Xmas, Easter, Hanukkah,hollowedeve, foolsday all the solstice which I do the gnomes and start gardening for that season ending in stories around the fires. solstices and holiday start on the days they started in real life this year super bowl, Fifi cups, boxing world cup, etc which is watching sports and being mean starting fights and drinking after church on Sundays lol