UPDATE: EA Poland tried to explain the Instagram Story (that they deleted that you can see below) and what they “really meant”. They explained in a series of stories below that the new Expansion Pack that they meant was Cats & Dogs for Consoles.
However, they still didn’t elaborate why did they answer “YES” to Game Packs as well and why they deleted the Instagram Story. It looks like they’re trying to cover up the fact that there’s actually going to be one more Expansion and Game Pack for The Sims 4 this year!
- You asked us yesterday, if a new Expansion is coming…
- We answered…YES
- This July…
- Cats & Dogs for Xbox One and PS4
EA Poland shared an interesting piece of information about what’s to come for The Sims 4 in 2018. The Sims Poland’s Instagram account revealed that we should be expecting another Expansion / Game Pack for this year!
Here’s what they said in an instagram story post that’s been quickly deleted afterwards:
Instagram Question: Will there be another game pack or an expansion in 2018?
The Sims Poland: YES.
This means that 2018 will be a second year where The Sims 4 might get two Expansion Packs. The last time we got two Expansion Packs was back in 2015 with Get to Work in Spring and Get Together in Fall. Considering that The Sims 4 Seasons Expansion Pack has been released in Spring that leaves plenty of space left for another Expansion Pack this year, as well as a Game Pack.
As there won’t be any more quarterly teasers for The Sims 4 you should stay tuned to our website as we’ll keep you updated about the latest leaks, speculation and official information about the upcoming content for the game!
What do you think that the next Expansion Pack and Game Pack are? Let us know in the comments!
Tip: @PurplCheshire
Hopefully it’s university!
Considering the lack of ‘ambitions’ and professional content, I highly doubt that we’ll ever see a university.
Oh, so you haven’t bought Seasons yet? ha
Spodivaüsä, ce buduť Viďmy!*.*
You will be disappointed but they mean cats and dogs console edition, they explained this today :/
Hopefully it could University Life or Island Paradise
I’d be glad with anything really! Showtime, University, Supernatural… I’m hoping for something like Island Paradise. My dream it would be a vacay destination inspired in Greek Islands… I also think it would be superb if they brought celebrities back to the game, like in Sims 3 Late Night!
Most likely with all the changes in releasing teasers and gurus moving departments and etc I have to agree it probably will NOT be for pc. If were to interpret everything I’ve read I would have to say we will not see another e.p. for pc til 2019. Game/stuff pack maybe.
The seasons expansion pack and witches game pack for the Sims 4 Xbox one / PlayStation 4
I think you should change the title to “speculation” because boy did I get super excited when I clicked and extremely disappointed when I read.
Considering how we still have 5 and a half months left of this year, how could they NOT release any new PC expansions in that timeframe?
I think they are talking about get together for Console since this was kinda leaked at EA Play. I am looking dir it ans hope we will get it
It doesn’t look like a cover up at all, actually.
Hope its university please
Please let it be university
well hopefully it will be totally something new (univeristy is already being said that was not returning in sims 4,same goes for paradise) so hopefully they would pick a cool era like the 60`s of go mobbing in the 1930`s playing as a mobster.
Ugh fuck consoles
University! Definitely University!!!!
pretty please release Seasons expansion pack for consoles! ps4 & xbox, i was really looking forward to the seasons
I would love a University, Island Paradise or a Witches pack ♀️
Hi! I love playing Sims 4! Next expansion or game pack can you pls include cars and garage doors too? So that way we can build a more realistic house complete with cars and accessories. I am excited to see and buy the new expansion!