SimGuruGrant, a senior producer currently working on The Sims 4 has asked folks to ask away any questions they might have about The Sims 4. We’ve compiled all of the tweets which have been answered over the last week.
Please note that you should expect plenty of vague answers considering that SimGurus are unable to answer questions about upcoming content that hasn’t been announced yet. Still, there’s plenty of useful information about the development process as well as feedback.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
Not planned currently, but maybe some day?
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
I guess I’ll just say there are many others we think will be more fun.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
TS2 Seasons
TS3 Generations
TS4 City Living or Get Together— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
TS2 Open for Business
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
I think we’ll be doing different things to ultimately improve the experience in this regard. It probably won’t be “story progression” as many people believe it to be.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
They’re possible.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
Oh? Folks want bunk beds? *grins* *sarcasm*
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
The number of things that are possible versus not possible in TS4 is a pretty wide margin. So, saying something is possible isn’t saying much, sillies.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
I want us to do so. No idea when.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
Maybe. We’re not sure.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
It’s more thinking about all the things we can do and deciding which ones to focus on, and when.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
Arcades are in Get Together.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
*shrug* Not sure. It’s difficult to spend time on a feature that’s not “really” new.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
I don’t have an answer for those.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
Purses, bags, backpacks are *incredibly* difficult.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
Animations, our existing skeletons, a lot of factors. It’s the type of feature that may not pay off what it costs us to make.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
I like this idea.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
Qualitative surveys, fan feedback (forums, twitter, etc), game changers input, past Sims sales data, things the team wants to make, cultural trends.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
We basically split clothing by Tops, bottoms, and fully body, so probably not right now.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
As I said, it’s possible. But, most things are.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
Yes. We are actively pondering this right now.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
Retroactively? Not super possible. Moving forward? We don’t like to do this for this exact reason. Live and learn.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
Data, team desire, technology needs, seasonality. It’s a lot of factors.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
With the August Caribbean update we released new lipsticks and eye makeup designed for darker skin tones. We’re still struggling with good blush. It’s important to us, we hear you, and we’re trying to improve this.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
Environment team.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
I need more than 280 characters. We’re constantly learning.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
As a senior producer I’m more involved with high level theme decisions, early pillars, and marketing work. Folks like Dave and Jill and Steph drive the packs as leads. And the FPs/Designers oversee individual features.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
Now now. It’s key to know what’s important to our audience, bringing in new players, being relevant. It’s pretty interesting and fun stuff, honestly. It’s spawned some good ideas.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
I don’t see us ever being a Rated-R or M for Mature Game. But, otherwise, I don’t want to say never to anything within our rating.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
We evaluate bugs based on community input (we have ratings based on community sentiment and daily stand ups to evaluate). We evaluate based on our own experience. And we look at where things fit and fix as many as we can as fast as we can.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
Folks can make what they want.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
Really difficult to explain out of context and in so few characters.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 5, 2018
Because if I tell you what I *want* to add I’m effectively announcing what we *will* add.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 6, 2018
This one is tough. The Sims isn’t built for combat and fighting and massive world changes. I think we can do a killer super hero lair, team dynamics, costume design, training. We can do the Hover carrier scene from Avengers, but not the NYC battle.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 6, 2018
I think it’s foolish to assume what I want. 😉
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 6, 2018
That is a lot easier said than done 🙂
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 6, 2018
We were very pleased with how that pack went.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 6, 2018
We really try to work for this more and more. We’re trying to feature more women of color in particular on our pack art. It’s a long road to really be great at this, so thank you for bearing with us.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 6, 2018
Mostly because that’s what happens in comic books. We have to figure out how to align The Sims with expectations for comics.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 6, 2018
Traits are great. We like to add them when we have good ones to toss in.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 6, 2018
We tend to add aspirations for every game pack and expansion, give or take. We also add lots of perks and rewards, which act like traits. They just aren’t always called traits.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 6, 2018
It was actually my doing in that case 🙂
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 6, 2018
Unfortunately based on a joke from a TV show that hasn’t been relevant for over a decade. It’s a tough one to justify.
— Grant Rodiek (@SimGuruGrant) September 6, 2018
Can we get mysteryology for the pets can you make it so we can play/take the pets to work can we get a vet job in go to work && jobs for the pets as well
I would like to see the Daycare Career added! Since im more into family style playing, also this was mentioned about improving interaction with newborns… something im dying to see!!!!!
When are different types of stairs coming? I would love to build some awesome foyers with different types of stairs.