The Sims 4 Get Famous The Community

People have already started comparing the next Expansion Pack with Road To Fame Mod Pack


We still have approximately 20 hours to go until The Sims Team fully announced The Sims 4’s sixth Expansion Pack and the community has already turned on their speculation mode.

The teaser that The Sims Team has posted shows a Sim posing for the paparazzis behind her. They also included some emojis with their tweet suggesting that the pack is all about that celebrity, fame life.

However, it seems that not everyone is a fan of what’s about to come for The Sims 4. While some players got deeply disappointed that the next pack isn’t University (and we have no idea where did they find a single clue that it’s gonna be the next EP) – some started comparing the yet-to-be-fully-announced Expansion Pack to Road To Fame 3rd party Mod Pack developed by Sacrifical.

People have already started comparing the next Expansion Pack with Road To Fame Mod Pack

This Mod Pack allows you to become a celebrity by performing various interactions and events, earn money through numerous opportunities and get stalked by crazy fans and paparazzis. It gets regular updates and is definitely one of the biggest mods in the community.

The upcoming Expansion Pack’s short .gif teaser shows a glimpse of what the pack is all about, however nothing is fully known until the full announcement tomorrow.

People have already started comparing the next Expansion Pack with Road To Fame Mod Pack

Still, that didn’t stop the community from comparing the upcoming pack to the Mod Pack, with comments such as:

People have already started comparing the next Expansion Pack with Road To Fame Mod PackPeople have already started comparing the next Expansion Pack with Road To Fame Mod PackPeople have already started comparing the next Expansion Pack with Road To Fame Mod PackPeople have already started comparing the next Expansion Pack with Road To Fame Mod Pack

Sacrifical wanted to clear the air with a few tweets on his profile, saying that he himself got inspiration for his Mod from The Sims 1 Superstar and The Urbz: Sims in The City games. He also wanted to clarify that this could only give more opportunities for his Mod Pack to grow:

Seriously guys – let’s wait until the pack gets fully announced first before making any assumptions.

About the author


Reticulating splines as a webmaster for Sims Community over the last 11 years. You can find me here writing articles and doing reports on your favorite life sim games, among other things!

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6 years ago

It wouldn’t be the sims community without some people throwing shade at the gurus (or worse) or thinking they know everything from a release based on a picture or gif. Also this isn’t the first time some simmers accused the team of “stealing” or “copying” because they did that about a cc shirt (not logos or anything just the mesh) and like the above the creator had to speak up to clairify that the team hadn’t.

simming away the pain
simming away the pain
6 years ago
Reply to  Rene

IKR. Celebrity themed packs were already part of the series since the beginning and it’s not surprising that there would be a celebrity-themed pack in The Sims 4. The community is basically saying that The Sims team are copying from a mod which was inspired by a pack that The Sims team developed in the past. What if, after this, there’s a University themed mod created and there’s also a University themed pack released after that. Will the community call it again an act of stealing?

6 years ago

Ok ses ben beau ca mes les saison dans tout ca il von tu sortir se mois ci ou le 6 novembre sa serai le fun de au moin nan savoir un peux jai hate sourtout le logo est la sur ma xbox one

6 years ago

people are so stupid and ungreatful I cannot express it, don’t wanna upcoming content, DON’T buy it, simple! I absolutely LOVE what I saw

6 years ago
Reply to  ania

I agree with Ania. I’m happy with they will add Fame into the TS4.
I wouldn’t call those people “the fan” I rather called them “haters”. since they show their negative/ toxic behavior around the Sims 4 since the game release and they DID mention that the Sims 3 is better which is funny since one of the producers of TS3 in the Sims community mention that TS3’s graphics look worse and outdated. And the creator of the TS4 Road to Fame is happy with the Sim team on their fame pack in his own Twitter account and clarify the compare of this fame. I hope this fame pack is better than the My first pet pack.

6 years ago
Reply to  ania

They have to buy it, don’t you get it? Their lives depend on bitching about the sims. It’s of the utmost importance to buy the games. It’s like taxes and death, no way to escape it.

6 years ago

I think this pack could be a game pack cause Its abit too soon for a new expansion pack. But well see what the will announce. But if it will be a new expansion pack it will be cool.

6 years ago

Also I know there is a free mod but I don’t usually fancy putting mods in my game for a reason though I rather trust a pack. that’s my opinion though

6 years ago

There are a lot of sims player who can’t download road to fame. I can’t download it. But if people start ‘OH they stole it! No they shouldn’t do that!’ think before you say anything. I’m super happy this pack will come out!

Just.. why?
Just.. why?
6 years ago

This community can seriously be so gross. I personally don’t use mods and I’m looking forward to this pack. Just because there’s people who play mods doesn’t mean the entire community uses mods. The comments were so gross and entitled. I wish this community wasn’t so into themselves and see good things from this, instead of “ughhhh, they’re really copying???” This community can never be satisfied, no matter what.

How can you copy a mod? Let the gurus do their thing, come on. Seriously, this community has got to stop this constant hatred.

They’ve been listening to us. People wanted cats and dogs, we got them. People wanted seasons, we got them. People wanted terrain tools, we’re getting them.
So, when one mod has something, they’re not allowed to make that pack? What about the rest to the community? So what if a mod has something, not all of us play mods.

The petty ungratefulness is so nasty and vile. I’ve never seen such ungrateful nastiness within any other community. This community really needs to learn respect.

I’m looking forward to this as someone who plays vanilla and I’m sorry the community has to always be angry and never see good things, but this pack is exciting and I’m really looking forward to it.

6 years ago

This community is literally full of hate. As a person who plays Sims to relaxe (and kinda “escape” from real world struggles) it has come to a point where even I find it just annoying what happens in this corner. There is a bunch of older Packs from Sims 2/Sims 3 I miss but I think they’ll create them step by step for Sims 4.

Even though I have the Road to Fame Mod (which I really enjoy) I’m glad that they’ll come up with this pack since there are many people who can’t play this mod for some reason and also it´s one of these “essential” packs you’ve always had before. Since it was always part of Sims in some way I don’t get why people are talking about “stealing” or “copying”.

To be honest I would’ve appreciate having an University EP first but probably it wouldn’t be as nice as it could be because I can imagine they are kinda under pressure (even with this new expansion) since the Seasons EP came out lately in June. A huge EP like University/College takes time to fulfill the standards we have due the great college based expansions in the past.

University and a pack like Superstars were desired and now you’ll get one of them first but that doesn’t mean that they will throw university away. Honestly I think University is at the top of the list of things we`ll get in future so I won’t worry about it. Hope this wave of hate will be gone in a few weeks.

6 years ago

Sorry, but most of mods with gameplay for the TS4 looks like s**t 😀 So, i don’t care that already exist mod with celebrities, I want a professional gameplay from developers.