has published a brand new blog for The Sims 4 Get Famous Expansion Pack talking more about Vanessa – a story about a Sim who is just starting out her career in Del Sol Valley!
Simmers, in honor of the upcoming release of The Sims™ 4 Get Famous*, we’d like to introduce you to Venessa. She’s a Sim who’s new to Del Sol Valley, and has big plans for her future. This will be a two-part story. We hope you enjoy!
Meet Venessa
Part 1: Big Dreams, Small Parts
She was all unpacked, but there were papers strewn everywhere.
“I know it’s here somewhere,” Venessa said to no one.
She continued rustling through the last of the boxes. Where was it? Just then, Venessa noticed a small box in the corner of her bedroom. She must have missed that one. After ripping open the packing tape, she spotted the list on top of a stack of her favorite books.
It was her lifelong dream to come to Del Sol Valley, and Venessa was ready to take on the challenge of becoming a world-famous actress. But there were a few hurdles she’d need to jump over to get there. And to keep her on track, she put them into a list.
First on the list was study up, which she had already been doing. She knew if she wanted to get a leg up on the competition, she would need to flex her acting chops. So, she had picked up her favorite book of plays and immediately started to practice. And practice. And practice. It had helped her feel excited about her future, but not as much as the day Tasha called. Venessa can still remember the conversation:
“Hello?” Venessa had answered.
“Venessa? It’s Tasha!”
Venessa was so relieved to hear a friendly voice. She had moved here on her own, barely knowing anyone, and Tasha – a friend of Venessa’s high-school pal Luke – showed up at the perfect time.
They immediately hit it off, hung out, and began practicing Venessa’s scenes together. It was even Tasha’s idea to perform in public for tips.
“I’m not so sure this is a good idea,” Venessa had said, slowly beginning to blush.
“Oh, come on,” Tasha replied. “One day you’ll thank me for this.”
Well, what did she have to lose? The first few times they performed in public, people gave them confused looks. But after a few more times, the same people started taking notice. They even drew a small crowd on a Saturday. Performing helped pay the rent, though Venessa wasn’t getting called for any auditions. But they kept at it, and Venessa began performing on her own.
And one day – finally – the phone rang.
“Ms. Jeong, we’ve heard good things, and we’d like to represent you,” said the voice on the other end.
Venessa was all but squealing with excitement when she accepted the offer from one of the most prestigious agencies in Del Sol Valley. She crossed “GET TALENT AGENCY” off her master list. This. Was. It. The big time.
Well, sort of.
After that call, the agency gave her a couple of low-paying auditions. Yep, she’d have to pay her dues. But she didn’t care. She was on set, in hair and makeup, chatting up the director, and slowly living out her dream.
After a few weeks of not-so-glamorous gigs, a guitar was delivered to Venessa’s house. The note read: “Learn a few good songs, and more auditions will come along.”
She knew she had to step her game up for the next audition. The agency was counting on her.
Brrrring! Brrrring!
“Venessa, it’s me,” Tasha said. “I heard there’s an amazing party happening tonight. A group of us are going. You have to come!”
“I don’t know,” Venessa replied. “I just got this guitar and I have to practice and—”
“Come on! You never just let loose. All you do is practice. Give yourself a night off for once.”
Tasha was right. Venessa couldn’t remember the last time she went to an actual party.
“I’m on my way,” she said, dropping the list for now.
Venessa glanced down at her phone. Three missed calls and nine text messages. None were from the agency. It had been two days, and no word on how the Making Moosic audition went.
Hours went by. Still nothing.
When she finally got the call, Venessa already knew she didn’t get it. The words “LAND BIG AUDITION” seemed larger than ever on her list.
Ugh, the doorbell. All Venessa wanted to do was stay in her pajamas and curl into a ball.
“Come on, Venessa, open up! We know you’re in there!”
Of course. Tasha.
Venessa swung open the door to reveal a whole group of her newfound friends, all in their pajamas.
“We came here to cheer you up, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
They all stomped in, popcorn, candy, and blankets in tow, and headed straight for the TV.
Venessa couldn’t help but smile. She might not have found fame just yet, but she knew she had found home.