The Sims 4 Get Famous Expansion Pack is releasing in just a couple of days!
All of the release dates and times that you can see down below are scheduled for a midnight release (some of them being close to a midnight release). We confirmed the dates with SimGuruNick as well to provide exact information on when the pack will come out.
As you can see down below, the pack has 5 different release schedules in total, with each release belonging to a different time zone / group of countries that we’ve added down below.
In case you don’t know, this pack will release worldwide on the same day but with a staggered release across different time zones. Down below you can find countdowns for multiple time zones. Make sure you bookmark this article and also stay tuned on our YouTube Channel as we’ll be throwing a Launch Party for The Sims 4 Get Famous – counting down to the release of Get Famous in Europe and America.
Also, make sure you join us as we livestream The Sims 4 Get Famous LIVE and countdown together to the European and American release of the game!
Wait so it’s not a couple of days until release, but about 14 days? Got my hopes up then!
Nah the November 6th Release Date was incorrect, apparently they missed the “1” in “16”.
I’m confused. We’ve always known the release was November 16th since the reveal trailer.
The only thing related to November 6th and Get Famous is the Twitch stream on November 6th.
They might not know that “couple” means 2. That got me excited and then disappointed too 🙁
niech w koncu rewolucja sie stanie!!
New York time will be on EST then not EDT, US will be off DST tonight November 3.
Can you add BST?
In the uk it comes out at 11pm they mixed it with CET time
what one would be canada ?
North and South America
depends on what part of Canada, but for north and south America we will all have on New York time for the release of the game, so look up the time difference between your providence and New York. so then when you look at the count down just add or subtract the time differance. 🙂
North America ♥
Omg 9 days were so close ( AUSTRALIA TIME ZONE )
I’m cofused is it midnight as in 15th to the 16th or 16th to the 17th? I need to know i have to plan.
midnight(morning of the 16th)
When will it be coming out in the uae
midnight Moscow time.
damn i thought it was the 13
Dude, there isn’t a British Time here but my assumption is that it will be tomorrow at 11pm which echoes seasons.
I’m pretty sure the UK is on Europe time for the release.
Just letting you know that the AEST timer is incorrect. Although too little too late really. But because of daylight saving in Australia, Sydney is on AEDT, not AEST time and thus will have the pack released at 1:00 am in Sydney.
So in AEDT time, the pack will be released at 1:00 am on 16th November (Sydney (NSW) Melbourne (VIC) Canberra (ACT) Hobart (Tasmania))
And in AEST time, the pack will be released at 12:00 am on 16th November (Brisbane (QLD))
So either the name of the Australian/New Zealand timer should be changed, or the countdown should be rectified to account for AEDT not AEST.
Wait, I thought packs always were released at the same time globally. I’m in NZ and remember having to wait til 5am next day to download packs…unless they’ve changed that.
when I got Cats and Dogs im pretty sure it was released globally, because at midnight when it came out it was not an option to download. but just try looking to download it at midnight and I think that should work now. 🙂
Whats bad is in Origin in Australia mine says unlocked and release 15/11/2018
Its the 15th here but no download available but this site says 16th, make sure you ignore Origin as its wrong people 🙂
Im in australia and my origin says the 16th?
Thank you. I was getting upset.
Same here, so frustrated, if its releasing midnight then it should be listed as 16th as unless you download it the millisecond it makes it the 16th. I hate stupid things like this.
So Origin and everywhere else I’ve looked says 15th… but it’s 16th on here… was planning on spending my last day off of work playing this but looks like it’s gonna have to wait.
just depends on what time zone you’re in
Is there a reason Origin says the release date is the 15th? I was under the impression it would be released tomorrow morning Pacific time like in previous expansions
I’m in Australia and it says 15th on Origin and today’s the 15th, but I can’t download. Huh?
Yeah, cause it’ll be ready to download at like midnight but possibly a bit before. 8 hours though. Soooo freaking excited! I thought it was still a day away for us. Definitely pulling an all nighter :p
Same here! I launched the game just to see and the add displayed on the main screen says it releases on the 16th? Yet on origin it says 15th
I’m confused my preorder says it’s supposwd to be released on November 15th?????
I’m actually pretty mad because mine isn’t in yet, I pre-ordered too! It was supposed to be available at 0:00 the midnight of the 15th. I bought this in the pre-order to get it one day in advance! 🙁
exacrly me too we were tricked smh refund! stayed up to load it at midnight and failed what was the purpose of pre ordering
It’s 2:35pm Central time (Midwest here) and still nothing! :/ Not cool! 🙁
On my end both the Sims website and my Origin pre-order say it will be released on the 15th. If that’s not accurate then something went wrong in updates.
With 22 hours to go for me in the States, I wish I lived in Australia right now, who only have 7 hours to go! 🙂 LOL!
Ya girl is ready to use a VPN in 6 hours WOO!
On origin it says the 15th, for me. Gotta wait till midnight though, which sucks!
So happy to live in NZ right now 😀 😀 😀 Probably the most anticipated dynamic EP besides seasons!
This is so confusing yesterday i checked the site and it said it was coming out on the 15th and i don’t even know which timezone it should be for the UK
it’s where it says paris but one hour before i think
I pre ordered the game a few days ago beliving that it would be ready when I got up this morning only to be told that uk have another 12 hours until ready I took a day off work 2 not happy x
im usa it said the 15th for pre orders and it still says it but they still didnt release fakse advertisement smh everyone that pre ordered should get something in addition for being lied to and time wasted and i mean something others who didnt pre order dont get
My origin says 15th because it will be available for me at 9pm today.
13 hours to go!
Wtf why does it say 15th if its MIDNIGHT got excited for nothing!
Can relate, I woke up early this morning to download for after work, only to realise it’s basically 11pm-12pm for the UK. So unless I sacrifice my sleep to play I can’t play since I have work the next morning 🙁 maybe they will hear our cries and release early, at least for preorders, because it’s a ridiculous time to release since it’s a Thursday! Still excited though.
Edit above comment, I mean 12am lol.
Hey Charli, use a vpn like tunnelbear so u get it in an hour?
Hi Anna, do you mean like change the time zone?
Hi charli, so basically what you do is you log out of origin. Download some vpn application like tunnelbear which gives you 500 mb free. Then you set it to Australia. Log back onto origin start the download and then click on ur normal WiFi. I did this for seasons 🙂 just thinking as I am in uk too
Thanks Anna, I’ll give that a try after work!
I’m in Italy & downloading now…set my region in Origin account as Australia (not sure if needed to do that), quit Origin, set VPN to Australia then signed back into Origin
how do u do that
sweet! i am going to try that. thanks for this tip!
So I’ll be working at midnight when it releases on Friday but plan on asking my sibling to download the pre-order. Do they just have to open Origin and it begins the download automatically at 12, or do they enter the game?
So why did we pre order if we just get it the same time as everyone else??????????????????????????????? im in usa and it says release nov 15th for pre order and nov 16th for regular
It said the 15th on Orgin, they should realize that and release the game today. people are planning their time around this.
Exactly but they don’t care because they already have our money just next time I know not to fall for the tricks and I’ll get it cheaper at Target
Clarify something for me, Im in the UK. Pre ordered the game and it says release date is the 15th what time will it be available to download on origin?
at midnight tomorrow morning
I wonder why they thought to display it a day early on origin. I don’t know if it’s origin translating times/dates automatically has caused the misconception or if it’s changed to a day later, either way it’s a shame no gurus have acknowledged it
For everyone curious, the comment a bit earlier from Anna with the recommendation for tunnel bear worked without any problems! So I have get famous earlier than 12am…
When will it come out in Africa, we have simmers here too
hey its me clare!
Why does my preorder say it’s available today but won’t download?? The banner says the 16th but when I click for info it’s says the 16th
It’s says 15th when I click for information
If you want your game early close/shut off Origin.
Go to and download the VPN, install, set it to Singapore and start it up.
Start Origin and start downloading the EP.
Yay, this is working thank you for actually using a link for VPN that’s free.
It didn’t work, the free version doesn’t have enough to download I’ve now just wasted more money so it’ll continue to work, do not do this. save yourself the time and money.
its time now in the UK- one hour before paris time- and it’s still not available- do we have to wait for the rest of europe?
Oh Great I Can Download it now. Only 6 More Hours To Wait while it Downloads!