Get Famous The Sims 4 Guides

The Sims 4 Get Famous: Guide to Reputation Interactions


One thing that can always seem like a battle with The Sims 4 Get Famous is how you go about earning reputation. There are many interactions that can positively or negatively have an impact on your Sims reputation as a whole. Your Sim may be aiming to be a Global Superstar but there may well be some Sims who want to go down the road of obtaining an atrocious reputation instead. Whichever direction that you Sims may be heading in below you will find some helpful information of which interactions will help you gain the reputation title that you need.

Positive Reputation Interactions

InteractionObject RequiredTypeRequirementPackAdditional Information
React Positively to PaparazziPaparazziCelebrity Get Famous
Pose for PaparazziPaparazziCelebrityGet FamousThere is a chance your Sim can gain reputation when
Clean Walk of Fame StarWalk of Fame StarGet Famous
Throw a successful Charity Benefit PartyReputationPristineGet Famous
Shovel SnowSnow PileSeasons
Rake LeavesLeavesSeasons
Give GiftNPC SimSeasons
Complete "Civic Responsibility" Scouting BadgeScouting Badge boardAfter School ActivityScoutingSeasons
Complete "Giving Back" Scouting BadgeScouting Badge boardAfter School ActivityScoutingSeasons
Complete "Good Deeds" Scouting BadgeScouting Badge boardAfter School ActivityScoutingSeasons
Complete "Sociability" Scouting BadgeScouting Badge boardAfter School ActivityScoutingSeasons
Soothe PetSick AnimalSkillVeterinarianCats & Dogs
Adopt a PetStray AnimalCats & DogsOnly applies when adopting stray pets
Throw Away Pet PoopPet PoopCats & Dogs
Order Drinks for GroupBarObjectBar Venue with a Group in AttendanceCity Living
Start a ProtestCareerPoliticianCity LivingLevel 1 of the Politics Career
Charity StreamComputerCareerSocial Media City Living Level 9 & part of the Internet Personality career branch
Restore MuralDefaced MuralCity Living
Give Donation to ProtesterCity Living
Join ProtestCity Living
Tip NPCPerformance SpaceCity LivingWorks Regardless of Amount that is Tipped
Happy Town Neighbourhood HivemindSatelliteGet to Work
Promote EmployeeEmployeeRetail/Vet/RestaurantGet to Work, Cats & Dogs, Dine Out
Praise EmployeeEmployeeRetail/Vet/RestaurantGet to Work, Cats & Dogs, Dine Out
Clean Up MessMess on GroundParenthood
Volunteer ActivityParenthood
Ask to Deliver Compliment to ChefWaiterRestaurant Dine Out
Donate to CharityComputerSkillCharismaMust have level 3 Charisma
Repair Broken ObjectsBroken Objects
Become Friends with a SimNPC Sim
Become Good Friends with a SimNPC Sim
Cheer Up a SimNPC Sim
Calm Down a SimNPC Sim
Console About DeathNPC Sim
Mop Up PuddlePuddle
Clean an ObjectDirty Object
Throw Away TrashTrash/Trash Can
Brighten Day
Give Pep Talk
Heartfelt Compliment
Teach Valuable Lesson
Mentor other Sims

Negative Reputation Interactions

InteractionObject RequiredTypeRequirementPackAdditional Information
Throw a successful Lampoon PartyReputationAtrociousGet Famous
Have an Emotional BreakdownFame QuirkEmotion BombGet Famous
Deface Walk of Fame StarWalk of Fame StarObject
Get Famous
Give Mean GiftSocialSeasons
Mean Introduction to a PetCat or DogCats & Dogs
Have a Pet Taken Away due to NeglectCat or DogCats & Dogs
Provoke a PetCat or DogCats & Dogs
Yell At a PetCat or DogCats & Dogs
Ask for Small BribeCareerPoliticianCity LivingMust be level 5 or higher in the Politician career & requires a high charisma skill for the interaction to appear.
Ask for Large BribeCareerPoliticianCity LivingMust be level 5 or higher in the Politician career & requires a high charisma skill for the interaction to appear.
Make Empty PromisesCarrerPoliticianCity LivingMust be level 5 or higher in the Politician career
Overthrow LeaderSocialClubGet Together
Deface MuralMuralClean MuralCity Living
Heckle Foosball PlayerFoosball TableObjectGet TogetherMust be watching a game of foosball; heckle is then listed under Mean social interactions
Heckle Dart PlayerDartboardObjectGet Together
Scare with ProbeAlienGet to Work
Freeze a Sim with the SimRaySimRayGet to Work
Panic a Sim with the SimRaySimRayGet to Work
Angry Town Neighbourhood HivemindSatelliteGet to Work
Bladder Epidemic Neighbourhood HivemindSatelliteGet to Work
Knockout Neighbourhood HivemindSatellieGet to Work
Skeleton ScareSkeleton SimJungle Adventure
Laugh at EmbarrassmentSocialParenthood
Mock SadnessSocialParenthood
Belittle AngerSocialParenthood
Downplay StressSocialParenthood
Scoff at DiscomfortSocialParenthood
Argue NPC SimParenthood
Shout Forbidden WordsNPC SimParenthood
Have an Emotional MeltdownParenthood
Drink Blood without PermissionNPC SimVampireVampires
Compel for a Small DrinkVampireVampires
Compel for a Large DrinkVampireVampires
Drain Life SpirtVampireManipulate Life Spirit PowerVampires
Insult ChefRestaurant VenueDine Out
Smash PumpkinPumpkinObjectSpooky Stuff
Chilling TouchIce Cream MachineSkillCookingCool KitchenMust have level 10 cooking skill. The Mischief interaction appears after eating Chilling Mocha Ice Cream.
Add Something ExtrraFood/Drink FountainSkillMischiefLuxury Party Stuff
Ghost ScareSocialGhost SimOnly provides negative rep on negative outcome.
Enthuse About Thrill of the StealTraitKleptomaniac
Get Caught CheatingTraitKleptomaniac
Tell a Vicious RumourTraitMastermind
Subtly Debase TraitMastermind
Plant Seeds of DoubtTraitMastermind
Make VirusSkillProgrammingMust have level 4 programming skill
Threaten SomeoneCareer Criminal
Pickpocket FailureCareer CriminalMust get the failure outcome.
BlackmailWishingwellObjectNeutral Simoleon Outcome
Heckle ComedianMicrophoneObjectWhen selecting "heckle", your Sim will keep doing it. Repeated selection of the interaction
Smash DollhouseDollhouseObject
Kick Over Trash CanOutdoor Trash CanObject
Sabotage an Object to BreakBreakable ObjectObject
Have a Child Taken Away due to NeglectBaby, Toddler, or Child
Become Dispised by a SimNPC Sim
Become Disliked by a SimNPC Sim
Yell At

Of course, if you want to make your Sim an instant Global Superstar or the most atrocious of them all here are a couple of cheats that will help you!

Fame CheatCheat CommandValueResult
Add Reputation (By Value) stats.add_to_commodity rankedStatistic_Reputation Hold ctrl and click on the Sim to get the Sim ID Increases or decreases the Sim's fame by X amount.
Adjust Reputation (By Level)After turning on testingcheats, shift click on a Sim, select Public Image, select Set Reputation, select desired Reputation level.
Sets the Sim's reputation to the start of the selected level.

If you want to know more about how the reputation system works in The Sims 4 Get Famous check out this post here and be sure to take a look at our Get Famous section of the site for even more information about the expansion pack.

About the author


Hey, I'm Krista! Long time Simmer and Sims Community Staff.

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