Presented by EA Game Changers
The Sims 4 StrangerVille Game Pack comes with a brand new world. Yup, you guessed it – it’s named StrangerVille.
This world comes packed with both empty and filled lots, lots that are occupied and unoccupied as well as 2 venues and one special lot that you’ll get to see down below.
First of all we have a map overview containing all the general information for each lot including lot size, lot type and worth! Hover over each pin for more information about your desired lot.
Even more down below you’ll see a general overview of each neighborhood where you’ll be able to see images for each lot! Once again hover over a location of your choice to see the image. If you’re viewing this post from a mobile device it’s best advised to switch to landscape mode for best experience.

Shady Acres

StrangerVille Plaza

Is it just me or is the pink house in the Strangerville Plaza the exact same as one of the houses in Willow Creek?
No space for very poor sims or western sims… Pity.
did you not see the trailer park?
one lot on trailer park you thinks? ONE! Why is the flowerpots before lots on Shady Acres….
There’s a trailer park and a ton of empty lots …
So excited for this world! Considering that this is just a game pack and not a full expansion, it looks like they’re giving us a decent amount of lots.
Annoyed there is only 1 64×64 lot, I was going to start a legacy here but I don’t want to get rid of the secret lab. Looks like I might have to move into a 50×40 lot instead 🙁
Is ithere going to be on console to?
Annoyed there is only 1 64×64 lot, I was going to start a legacy here but I don’t want to get rid of the secret lab. Looks like I might have to move into a 50×40 lot instead 🙁
Is it just me or is the pink house in the Strangerville Plaza the exact same as one of the houses in Willow Creek?
So excited for this world! Considering that this is just a game pack and not a full expansion, it looks like they’re giving us a decent amount of lots.
No space for very poor sims or western sims… Pity.
There’s a trailer park and a ton of empty lots …
did you not see the trailer park?
one lot on trailer park you thinks? ONE! Why is the flowerpots before lots on Shady Acres….
Is ithere going to be on console to?