With The Sims 4 Island Living Expansion Pack coming in just a few days The Sims Team has released a brand new update for the base game to help prepare for the new pack.
One thing that hasn’t been mentioned in the patch notes is the fact that you can now go into some of the world waters in The Sims 4! That’s right – specific worlds now let you go right into the water!
There are certain worlds that allow you to get knee-deep into the water, such as the Magnolia Blossom Neighborhood shown above.
The neighborhood Magnolia Promenade from The Sims 4 Get to Work allows you to go all the way in into this specific area:
…while some areas only let you soak your feet in:
Considering that the latest update had to update all of the World files to help prepare for The Sims 4 Island Living could we expect ocean / lake swimming in other worlds as well sometime in the future? Time will tell!